- Course
- Sustainable agriculture
- Study-unit Code
- A002216
- Curriculum
- Territorio e paesaggio
- Teacher
- Roberto Romani
- 12
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2022
- Offered
- 2023/24
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa integrata
Code | A002217 |
CFU | 6 |
Teacher | Daniela Gigante |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Affine/integrativa |
Area | Attività formative affini o integrative |
Academic discipline | BIO/03 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | Environmental Botany Module: Acquisition of technical-scientific and applicative knowledge on the main tree, shrub and herb plant species of landscape interest, with potential for use as ornamental species. The proposed topics will include: taxonomic, morphological-physiognomic, ecological and phenological characteristics of the main species of landscape interest. Habitat and natural context of the main species of landscape interest. The possible fields of use; aptitude for use as ornamental species. Problems relating to procurement, donor sites, germplasm banks, nurseries. The problem of invasive alien species. Role of native species in urban green and in environmental restoration, recovery and requalification interventions. Practical activities at the Botanical Garden and in Apenninic environments. |
Reference texts | Environmental Botany Module: Grossoni P., Bruschi P., Bussotti F., Selvi F., 2018. Trattato di botanica forestale. Vol. 1: Parte generale e gimnosperme. Editore CEDAM. Grossoni P., Bruschi P., Bussotti F., Pollastrini M., Selvi F., 2020. Trattato di botanica forestale. Vol. 2. Angiosperme. Editore CEDAM. San-Miguel-Alvarez J., De Rigo D., Caudillo G., Houston Durrant T., Mauri A. (Eds.), 2016. European Atlas of Forest Tree Species. Publication Office of the European Union, Luxembourg. Bretzel F., Romano D., 2013. Specie erbacee spontanee mediterranee per la riqualificazione di ambienti antropici. ISPRA, Manuali e Linee Guida 86/2013 ISBN 978-88-448-0590-6 Caddeo A. et al., 2020. Dai balconi ai parchi urbani: buone pratiche per un giardinaggio consapevole. Life ASAP. Pubblicazione realizzata nell’ambito dell’azione B4 del progetto LIFE15 GIE/IT/001039 “Alien Species Awareness Program” (ASAP). Piotto B., Falleri E., Brunori A. (Eds.), 2005. Propagazione di specie vegetali di particolare valore ecologico dell’Appennino Umbro Marchigiano. Rapporti 52/2005 APAT. |
Educational objectives | Environmental Botany Module: Through the deepening of knowledge on the main tree, shrub and herbaceous species of landscape interest and related growth needs and limiting factors, the student will acquire the knowledge useful to identify the most suitable entities for use in different contexts. The main skills provided will concern the ability to select among the various species according to the intended use and the different environmental characteristics. |
Prerequisites | Environmental Botany Module: Basic knowledge in General and Systematic Botany |
Teaching methods | Environmental Botany Module: The course is divided into lectures in the classroom on the topics reported in the program, and lessons in the field, aimed at observing the main species of landscape interest in their natural environment and in cultivated contexts. |
Other information | Environmental Botany Module: Timetable and classroom of the lessons will be available on the DSA3 website; the attendance of the lessons is strongly recommended. For further details, please contact daniela.gigante@unipg.it |
Learning verification modality | Environmental Botany Module: Intermediate oral exam (written test with open-ended questions); production of individual and/or group works. |
Extended program | Environmental Botany Module: Environmental Botany Module: Introduction to the biodiversity of plant organisms and their ecological needs; principles of phytogeography, geobotany, plant ecology. Bioclimate. Biomes. The plant landscape, the potential plant landscape, the climatophilous vegetation. The main tree, shrub and herbaceous species of landscape interest: taxonomic classification, morphological and physiognomic characterization, ecological needs, distribution, phenology. The potential and possible areas of use of native species as ornamental species. Problems relating to availability, donor sites, germplasm banks, nurseries. The problem of invasive alien species. Role of native species in urban greenery and in environmental restoration, recovery and requalification interventions. Practical activities at the Botanical Garden and in Apenninic environments |
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile | Quality education; Sustainable cities and communities; Act for the climate |
Code | A002219 |
CFU | 3 |
Teacher | Roberto Romani |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Affine/integrativa |
Area | Attività formative affini o integrative |
Academic discipline | AGR/11 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | The course aims to give knowledge on the main pests of ornamental plants and landscape vegetation. The student will acquire information dealing with control strategies, with particular emphasis towards those of low environmental impact. |
Reference texts | P. J. Gullan, P. S. Cranston - Lineamenti di Entomologia. Zanichelli. Other material will be provided by the teacher. |
Educational objectives | Knowledge 1. Features of agroecosystems characterised by ornamental plants 2. Damages caused by arthropods to ornamental plants 3. Monitoring and collecting techniques of phytophagous arthropods 4. Control methods of phytophagous arthropods 5. Morphological and bio-ethological features of the natural enemies of phytophagous arthropods 6. Outlines of the active ingredients and commercial insecticides used against phytophagous arthropods Skills 1. Distinguish the main order of insects 2. Recognize the most important arthropods harmful to ornamental plants 3. Damage evaluation 4. Evaluation of the insects associated with ornamental plants 5. Make a choice between different control methods to be applied to the ornamental plants 6. Design and application of IPM methods, and their implementation to ornamental plants Behaviours 1. To be focused on the environmental concerns and risks for people that use the green areas (parks, gardens) 2. Conscious of the role of the different ecological parts in the context of ornamental green areas |
Prerequisites | In order to attend the lectures of the course, no specific requirements are needed |
Teaching methods | The course is organised as follows: - class lectures on the different parts of the program - laboratory practical exercises on the identification of the different pest harmful to ornamental plants |
Other information | Classes will be given at the DSA3 |
Learning verification modality | The final exam consists of an oral interview lasting about 30 minutes. |
Extended program | CLASSES Insect behaviour; population dynamics; biotic and non biotic regulating factors; relationship with man and other organisms. Damage; economic thresholds; monitoring and sampling techniques. Control tools of harmful species: biological, microbiological, mechanical, agronomical, physical, chemicals. Insecticides: outlines on the active ingredients and commercially available products. Control strategies: biological and integrated pest management. List of the most important arthropod species that can affect ornamental plants (*low interest, **high interest) Defoliators Traumatocampa pytiocampa**; Taumoetopoea processionaea**; Lymantria dispar**; Tortrix viridana**; Ryacionia bouliana*; Diprion pini*; Noediprion sertifer*; Arge rosae*; Arge pagana*; Galerucella luteoa*; Monarthropalpus buxi**; Melasoma populi* Wood boring insects Cossus cossus**; Zeuzera pyrina**; Cerambyx cerdo**; Saperda carcharias*; Urocerus gigas*; Sesia apiformis*; Pissodes spp.*; Tomicus spp.*; Lucanus cervus*; Oryctes nasicornis* Sap feeding insects Cynara cupressi**; Callaphis juglandis*; Chromaphis juglandicola*; Phylloxera quercus**; Macrosiphum rosae*; Matsucoccus feytaudi*; Metcalfa pruinosa**; Corytucha ciliata**; Eucallipterus tiliae** Gall-inducing arthropods Acari eriofidi, Rincoti Psillidi (Psylla buxi*, Trioza alacris*), Afidi, Imenotteri Cinipidi. Turf grass insects Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa**; Gryllus campestris*; Agrotis segetum*; Agrotis ipsilon*; Melolontha melolontha**; Amphimallon solstitialis*; Agriotes sordidus*; Tipula oleracea* Exotic insects recently introduced in Italy Cameraria ohridella**; Cacyreus marshalli*; Anoplophora chinensis**; Acizzia jamatonica*; Illinoia liriodendri*; Leptoglossus occidentalis*; Dryocosmus kuriphilus**; Rhynchophorus ferrugineus**; Paysandisia archon* PRACTICALS Practicals will be carried out in laboratory, and will be aimed to give the students a practical knowledge of the structure and organization of the studied organisms. Samples will be dissected to evaluate the differences in the organization of the mouthparts, legs, antennae, wings and abdominal appendages. The main anatomical features of insects will also be subject of observation. Observations will be also carried out using insect pictures and dead samples collected in the field and then observed using a stereomicroscope. This will enable the classification and determination of the most interesting specis. FIELD Excursion in one of the Perugia green areas, in order to monitor and recognize pests and related symptoms. |
Code | A002218 |
CFU | 3 |
Teacher | Giovanni Beccari |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Affine/integrativa |
Area | Attività formative affini o integrative |
Academic discipline | AGR/12 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | a) Overview of the main abiotic and biotic diseases of landscaping plants; b) Laboratory exercises with the execution of the main phytopathological analyses and surveys at production and use of landscaping plants. |
Reference texts | a) Material provided by teacher on unistudium platform; b) Malattie delle piante ornamentali. Garibaldi, Gullino, Bertetti. Edagricole. c) La difesa delle piante ornamentali. Pollini. Edagricole. |
Educational objectives | The objective of this course is to provide the basis to acquire the following EXPERTISE: a) Main diseases of landscaping plants; b) Main diagnostic techniques to identify causal agents of landscaping plant diseases; c) Main techniques of management of landscaping plant diseases; Furthermore, based on the previous expertise, the objective of this course is also to provide the following SKILLS: a) Development of a diagnostic protocol to identify the main pathogens of landscaping plants; b) Development of integrated management strategies of the main lanscaping plant diseases. |
Prerequisites | The knowledge of the English language is very useful to further investigate, by reading the text of the scientific article, the various topics of this course. |
Teaching methods | This course is 27 hours long, distinct in: a) 21 hours of theoretical lessons; b) 6 hours of technical-practical exercises. The theoretical lessons will concern all the arguments exposed in the program. The exercises will introduce the students to the main laboratory analyses useful to verify the phytosanitary condition of different vegetable samples and different tissues of landscaping plants. Furthermore, will be carried out experimental visits to evaluate the phytosanitary conditions of landscaping plants. |
Other information | For the location and time of lessons please look at the website: http://www.agr.unipg.it/newpro/calendario_lezioni.htm. The lesson frequency is strongly recommended. For each type of necessity please contact the teacher by e-mail (giovanni.beccari@unipg.it) or phone (+39 075 585 64 73). |
Learning verification modality | The evaluation will be realized by a final oral exam, consisting of an open interview (about 30 minutes long). The interview will be aimed to verify the knowledge level of the course topics. |
Extended program | 1. Introduction; 2. Main abiotic diseases of landscaping plants; 3. Main landscaping plant diseases caused by virus; 4. Main landscaping plant diseases caused by phytoplasmas; 5. Main landscaping plant diseases caused by bacteria; 6. Main landscaping plant diseases caused by oomycetes; 7. Main landscaping plant diseases caused by fungi; |