Communication sciences
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Piero Dominici
  • Piero Dominici
  • 42 ore - Piero Dominici
Course Regulation
Coorte 2017
Learning activities
Metodologie, analisi e tecniche della comunicazione
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Main themes:
- Introduction to complexity, system theory and systemic thinking in the analysis and governance of organizations


-Complex organizations in the Knowledge Society: open social systems

- Public Communication: concepts and operational definitions

- Types of Public Communication

- The concept of "publicity"

- The founding value: the General Interest

- Communication as: simplification, transparency, access, service

- The regulatory framework

- internal and external communication: the strategic functions

- The outside of the system: the stakeholders

- services and customer satisfaction: real quality and perceived quality

- The communication plan

- The Social Report

- The Citizen's Charter

- The operational tools and multichannel access

-New media and Social Networks praxis

- Urp, Press Offices and the "Windows" of the Citizen

- Code of the Digital Administration

- Ethics and responsibility of the communication

- FOIA, Bill of Rights, Art34Bis

- Trajectories and scenarios of hypertechnological civilization: liberty vs. security - control vs. cooperation

- Risks and opportunities of the New Hypercomplexity: Artificial intelligence, Robotics, Big Data, Hypercommunication etc: rischi e opportunità
Reference texts
1.P.Dominici,Dentro la Società Interconnessa. La cultura della complessità per abitare i confini e le tensioni dell civiltà ipertecnologica, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2019 (being published)

2.G.Ducci, Relazionalità consapevole. La comunicazione pubblica nella società connessa, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2017

-> Students who cannot attend the course will integrate the exam program with the following book:

3a.P.Dominici, The Hypercomplex Society and the Development of a
New Global Public Sphere: Elements for a Critical
Analysis, in RAZÓN Y PALABRA, Vol. 21, No. 2_97
Abril-junio 2017
ISSN: 1605-4806

3b. Communication and Social Production of Knowledge. A new contract for the Society of Individuals, in «Comunicazioni Sociali», n°1/2015, Vita & Pensiero, Milano 2015. ISSN: 03928667 - PEER REVIEWED
Educational objectives
By the end of the course, students will have acquired:

1) the knowledge of the most topical issues covered in the lessons

2) the ability to formulate – logical and coherent - arguments on the topics and to identify the connections between the levels of analysis involved

3) the ability to interpret data and recognize the methodological implications

4) the ability to formulate assessments in a fully autonomous manner

5) communicative skills for developing arguments in support of their ideas

6) the ability, through reasoning and insight, to define possible solutions and to anticipate new problems.
Considered the issues and topics that will be covered in the lessons, it is strongly recommended to the students (attending and not) to have acquired knowledge (at least, the fundamental ones) concerning the following subjects:1) knowledge of legal framework, with particular reference to the rights of freedom and the rights of citizenship; it would be quite useful the knowledge of the main regulations regarding public communication about simplification, transparency and access; these issues will be developed and extended in the lessons; 2) knowledge of the communication field: with special reference to theories, studies and sociological research and, specifically, the Communication Research; it is strongly recommended, for this purpose, the knowledge of paradigms and models of Communication Sciences
Teaching methods
Classroom lectures (face-to-face), seminars and practical training, but also Laboratory activities aimed, with particular attention, to the planning and implementation of a Communication Plan (complex and indispensable tool for the Public Administrations)
Other information
It is recommended that you always contact before the professor to define the appointment (mail, skype, cell phone)

e-mail: piero.dominici@unipg.it

skype: pierodominici

mob: +39 -392 /1879214

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/piero-dominici-6a596545/

twitter: @dominicipi

Facebook page: Comunicazione pubblica, Prof.Piero Dominici

Blog Il Sole 24 Ore: http://pierodominici.nova100.ilsole24ore.com/
Learning verification modality
The exam is always oral (oral exam) and it has a duration of at least 25 minutes. The objectives of the exam are many:1) to verify the knowledge of the topics covered during the course;2) to evaluate the ability to analyze and make connections between the issues; 3) to evaluate the communication skills gained. It's also planned a presentation by the students of individual papers about topics covered in the course. Students may also choose to discuss the projects they developed, always concerning topics analyzed in the lessons
Extended program
The knowledge society drives the complex organizations as implying open systems that attempt to govern the uncertain through the sharing of an organizational and planning culture. The communication, understood as social process of knowledge sharing (power), has become a strategic importance in all spheres of individual and collective praxis: whereas founded the equation knowledge = power, it follows that all processes, the dynamics and tools aimed at knowledge sharing will lead to a sharing of power, or, in any case, the reconfiguration of power systems. It is in this perspective of analysis fits the reflection and critical analysis on the essential role of Public Communication - about the processes and the instruments that connote it - real "transmission belt" between power system and civil society. Public Communication is able to redefine the boundaries of citizenship and the forms of democratic living (difference between citizenship and subjection). In the complex relationship between the Citizen and the State (P.A.), the founding values of transparency and access to information are so even more crucial in an era marked by a public sphere increasingly "handmaid" of the power system, by the hypertrophization of bureaucracies and the gradual dissolution of the public space.
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