Communication sciences
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Dario Biocca
  • Dario Biocca
  • 63 ore - Dario Biocca
Course Regulation
Coorte 2018
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Italian and English
The course studies the history of journalism in the 20th Century. Particular attention is devoted to the Italian press since the establishment of the earliest national newspapers and periodicals. The last part of the course analyzes the international media system and the debate over freedom of the press.
Reference texts
There are no course books to buy. All course study material will be distributed in class or made available on the Moodle platform UniStudium
Educational objectives
The course provides the basic tools to understand the past of Italian journalism and compare it to other international media systems.
Previous knowledge of 20th century history is required
Teaching methods
The course includes lectures, class discussions and the participation of guest lecturers
Other information
About a third of the course is held in English. Students who cannot attend classes in English are invited to contact the instructor at the beginning of the semester.
Learning verification modality
The final grade is based on:
1. Class participation, intended as presence and active involvement in class discussions (20%);
2. Midertm exam, a test on information acquired in class and readings (30%)
3. Final exam, a test on information acquired in class and readings
4. Paper, 2-3 pages on a topic discussed with the instructor in advance
Extended program
The course plan is articulated upon the following topics:

1. The first Italian national newspapers
2. The modernization of journalism and the experience of World War I
3. Fascism and the press: from the march on Rome to the "Special laws" of 1926
4. The press, radio and the war propaganda
5. The return to freedom of the press
6. The establishment of Rai television
7. The fall of the monopoly system
8. The age of Silvio Berlusconi
9. War correspondents
10. What is freedom of the press? the case of Mexico
11. World media systems
12. Constructive journalism
13. Fake news: past and future
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