Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Andrea Capotorti
Course Regulation
Coorte 2018
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code 55035706
Teacher Andrea Capotorti
  • Andrea Capotorti
  • 42 ore - Andrea Capotorti
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Formazione modellistico-applicativa
Academic discipline MAT/06
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Basic notions of descriptive statistic; linear regression, parametric estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing.
Reference texts Main reference:
R. Scozzafava: Incertezza e Probabilità (Zanichelli).
Iacus S.M., Masarotto G.: Laboratorio di statistica con R. McGraw-Hill.
Erto P.: Probabilita' e Statistica per le scienze e l'ingegneria, Mc-Graw-Hill, ed. 2004
S. Ross, Introduction to probability and Statistics for Engineers and
Scientists, Academic Press, 2009.

S. Ross, Introduction to probability and Statistics for Engineers and
Scientists, Academic Press, 2009.

Suggestion for exercises:
G. Toscano, Traning autogeno in probabilità, Zanichelli.
S.Antonelli, G.Regoli: Probabilità discreta; esrcizi con richiami di teoria. (Liguori Ed.)
Educational objectives Knowledge and ability on basic probability, descriptive and inferential statistical notions.Students will be able to face and solve practical and theoretical problems about descriptive statistic, linear regression and hypothesis tests. They will be also able to consciously express the learned notions.
Prerequisites Basic calculus notions, basic notion of Algebra and combinatorics. Basic computer abilty. To fully understand the subjects are recomended the know what is teached in the courses "Analisi Matematica I & II", "Informatica I"
Teaching methods Theoretical lessons on all the subjects and practical exercises developed also with the specific statistical software R
Other information For students with Specific Learning Disorders and/or Disabilities please refer to the we page: http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Learning verification modality Practical exercises in R apt to check ability in solving practical basic statistical problems and theoretical test apt to verify the consciuosness and ability in manipulation of the studied notions.
Exercises in R will be 5 or 6 based on real or simulated data. Each exercise will have a maximum degree (usually between 3 and 10, depending on the complexity required).
To pass to the theoretical test, a degree of at least 18/30 must be taken in pratical part in R.

On request, the exam can be done in English.
Extended program Descriptive statistics: statistical unitary, frequencies or in classes distributions; graphical representations; mean values: mode, median, arithmetic mean, means “a la Chisini”; means properties; variability indices; quantiles, Boxplots; double empirical distribution: joint, marginal, conditional frequencies, chi-squared dependence index.Liner regression: min-squared estimates; previsions; R2 index.
Principal probability distributions: binomial, geometric, Poisson, uniform, exponential, normal. Distributions of sample statistics: chi-squared and t-student.
Parametric estimation: main estimators and their properties.Interval estimation: general method; specific cases for the mean and variance of normal populations.Hypothesis testing: generic parametric tests and particular cases with normal populations; non parametric tests: binomial, adaptation an independence tests.


Code 55063706
Teacher Andrea Capotorti
  • Andrea Capotorti
  • 42 ore - Andrea Capotorti
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline SECS-S/06
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Theoretical aspects of Probability and conditional probability. Independence. Random variables. Random vectors.
Statistical inference.
Reference texts Main reference:
R. Scozzafava: Incertezza e Probabilità (Zanichelli).
S. Ross, Introduction to probability and Statistics for Engineers and
Scientists, Academic Press, 2009.

Suggestion for exercises:
G. Toscano, Traning autogeno in probabilità, Zanichelli.
S.Antonelli, G.Regoli: Probabilità discreta; esrcizi con richiami di teoria. (Liguori Ed.)
Educational objectives This course is the first approach to the theory of probability.
The main aim of this teaching is to provide students able to use statistical and probabilistic models for solving problems involving uncertainty.
Prerequisites Basic calculus notions, basic notion of Algebra and combinatorics. Basic computer abilty. To fully understand the subjects are recomended the know what is teached in the courses "Analisi Matematica I & II", "Informatica I"
Teaching methods Lectures on all the topics of the program for 5 CFU (35 hours).
Proposal and resolution of problems relating to all program arguments for 1 CFU (7 hours).
Other information For students with Specific Learning Disorders and/or Disabilities please refer to the we page: http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Learning verification modality Examination divided in a preliminary written and a consequently oral examination.
- Written part, of about 2h mean duration, is composed of 3 exercises and is apt to verify problem solving skill and is about all the subjects;
- The oral examination can be done by students who will pass the written part with a mark of at least 18/30 or those who have passed intermediate similar tests ("esoneri") during the term. It is of 30 min in the average, and is apt to verify the presentation skill and the learning level.
On request, the exam can be done in English.
Extended program Theretical aspects about: Events and random variables (r.v.). Conditional and joint probability. Stochastic independence. Real random variables. Distribution function, probability function density function. expected value, variance, moments. Multivarate random variables: joint and marginal distributions, conditional distributions. Relations among random variables; transforms of random variables. Common probability distributions. Approximations.
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