Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Francesco Frondini
  • Francesco Frondini
  • 68 ore - Francesco Frondini
Course Regulation
Coorte 2018
Learning activities
Ambito mineralogico-petrografico-geochimico
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The course represents the first teaching of geochemistry and examines
the basis and the fundamental principles of the this important branch of learning in geosciences and its connections with the other sectors of
Geosciences and Planetary Sciences.
Reference texts
Ottonello, G. 1991 – Principi di Geochimica. Zanichelli.

White, W.M. – 2013 Geochemistry. Wiley-Blackwell

Lecture notes
Educational objectives
The course represent the first teaching of geochemistry and examines
the bases of the this important branch of learning in geosciences. The main aims of this teaching are the knowledge of the fundamental principles of geochemistry and their connections with other sectors of geosciences and planetary sciences.
Main knowledge acquired (knowledge and understanding) will be:
the basic knowledge of the laws of cosmochemistry and the origin of elements and isotopes;
distribution and abundance of elements in the main geochemical
reservoirs, solid Earth, oceans, atmosphere;
the knowledge of the main processes regulating elements mobility.
The main skills (the ability to apply the acquired knowlenge) will be: geochemical classification of the elements; chemical mass balance; ability to relate the acquired knowlwdge to other branches of geosciences
In order to be able to understand the contents of the course and to apply the majority of the techniques described within the course, it is strongly recomended to have passed the exams of chemistry and mineralogy.
Teaching methods
Theoretical lessons on all subjects of the course.
Laboratory practical training and field work.
Other information
Lecture notes and other material are available on line at unistudium
Learning verification modality
Progress assessments and final oral exam.
The progress assesment, will be usefull to monitor the level of understanding during the course, and to ascertain the knowlenge level and understanding capability acquired by the student on theoretical and metodological contents of the course (knowledge and understanding).
The oral test, about 30 minutes long, will test the communication skills
and the the ability to apply the acquired knowledge (applying knowledge and understanding).
Extended program
Atomic structure, elemental properties.
Origin of the elements.
Planetary differentiation.
Geochemical cycles and geochemical classification of the elements.
Chemical composition of the solid Earth.
Hydrosphere and atmosphere.
Introduction to isotope geochemistry.
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