Imaging and radiotherapy techniques
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Course Regulation
Coorte 2018
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code A000491
  • Barbara Palumbo (Codocenza)
  • 12 ore (Codocenza) - Barbara Palumbo
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze e tecniche di radiologia medica per immagini e radioterapia
Academic discipline MED/36
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)


Code A000488
Teacher Michele Scialpi
  • Michele Scialpi
  • 24 ore - Michele Scialpi
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze e tecniche di radiologia medica per immagini e radioterapia
Academic discipline MED/36
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents radiological and integrated imaging of urogenital pathology
Reference texts educational material provided during the course
Educational objectives Oral exam (occasionally written) aimed at verifying the skills in understanding and performing urogenital imaging
Prerequisites Oral exam (occasionally written) aimed at verifying the skills in understanding and performing urogenital imaging
Learning verification modality oral examination ( eventually written)
Extended program Computed tomography: principles, techniques and imaging study


Code A000492
  • Elisabetta Perrucci (Codocenza)
  • 12 ore (Codocenza) - Elisabetta Perrucci
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze e tecniche di radiologia medica per immagini e radioterapia
Academic discipline MED/36
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)


Code A000487
  • Leonardo Menichetti (Codocenza)
  • 24 ore (Codocenza) - Leonardo Menichetti
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze e tecniche di radiologia medica per immagini e radioterapia
Academic discipline MED/50
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)


Code A000490
  • Michele Del Zingaro (Codocenza)
  • 12 ore (Codocenza) - Michele Del Zingaro
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze interdisciplinari cliniche
Academic discipline MED/24
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The main topics of the urological and andrological semeiotics will be discussed.The main diagnostic and therapeutic instruments used in urological and andrological diseases will also be presented.
Reference texts Malattie del rene, delle vie urinarie e dell'apparato genitale maschile. Edizioni Piccin.Materiale audiovisivo presentato durante le lezioniUrologia di Campbell. Verduci EditoreCollegio dei Professori di Prima Fascia di Urologia in Ruolo e Fuori Ruolo: Manuale di Urologia e Andrologia - Pacini Editore Medicina Malattie del rene, delle vie urinarie e dell'apparato genitale maschile. Edizioni Piccin.Audiovisual materials showed during the lessonsUrologia di Campbell. Verduci EditoreCollegio dei Professori di Prima Fascia di Urologia in Ruolo e Fuori Ruolo: Manuale di Urologia e Andrologia - Pacini Editore Medicina
Educational objectives AIMS OF INTERACTIVE EDUCATION The interactive education will be carried out in order to transmit the students a methodological approach to the main uro-andrology diseases. Objective will be to develop the ability to recognize the signs and symptoms of various urological diseases, to identify etiopathogenesis and their clinical value in order to formulate the diagnostic hypothesis. We will provide the knowledge needed to identify more suitable diagnostic tests (laboratory and instrumental) to understand the results together with the specialist to improve the diagnostic and therapeutic strategy. A further objective of interactive education is to enable students to critically assess and correlate symptoms, physical signs, any functional alterations, instrumental examinations and hystological features of main andrological and urological diseases. Finally, the student will acquire the knowledge of the basic therapeutic treatments of uro-andrological diseases including also relevant behavior, prevention, rehabilitation and diet. ABILITIES (skills) Aims of gestural skills include: -the bimanual palpation of the kidney and pelvis-ureter points ; -specialist manovre such physical examination of male and female genital identifying their functional and morphological alterations; -digital rectal examination identifying the neurophysiological and morphological features of the pelvic. For this purpose, hand-on training will be organized for the management of urinary catheter and urostomy. RELATIONAL OBJECTIVES (interpersonal skills) Relational purpose include to transmit students the value of the relationship between physician and patient, highlighting the ethical and psychological aspects. Another aim will be to make the student able to evaluate the psychological, sociological and cultural aspects of the patient in order to adapt the language and improve the understanding of the interview. We will also provide the tools to be able to communicate to the patient the clinical diagnosis and prognosis in order to share the therapeutic strategy and to obtain informed consent. Expected outcomes At the end of the course students will have the theoretical and practical bases for suitable clinical management of main urological and andrological diseases, especially in terms of recognition of the pathological state and appropriate therapy.
Prerequisites We consider as preliminary and acquired the following abilities: • to achieve accurately medical history and symptoms, • to know the most common laboratory tests, to identify biochemical profile’s major alterations and to understand of their clinical significance • to know the main maneuvers of general physical examination (inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation of the chest and abdomen).
Teaching methods Attendance at division, (from Monday to Friday, from 8,00 a.m. to 14,00) outpatient services (on Wednesday and Friday from 8.30 am to 14.00) and operating room (on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 8.00 am to 14.00) of the S.C. di Chirurgia Urologica, Andrologica e Tecniche Mini-invasive, Terni. These activities are facultative for all students to learn the medical and surgical management of the urologic patient. - Seminar on the management of urostomy and urinary catheterSupporting tutors in: - patient history collection -physical examination of the urinary system, male and female genital -presentation and discussion of clinical cases -presentation of instrumental tests in urologic outpatient services - Presentation of surgical interventions in the operating theater For the hands-on activities, the students are divided into groups including 5 people; each group will go into the operating room at least once from 8.00 to 14.00 only on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, into the division and outpatient services from Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 14.00
Other information Attendance:Mandatory. At least 60% of lessons
Learning verification modality The practical exam is carried out on the patient during the course; it has a duration lower than 15 minutes and it is aimed to assess the "ability", ie the student's ability to apply the knowledge.
Extended program Semeiotics of Kidney and urinary tract -Semeiotics of the male genitalia -Vesical catheter: classifications, main types of urinary catheter, clinical indications, technique of positioning, complications. Urinary Tract Ultrasound: indications and methods - Scrotal Ultrasound: indications and methods -Transrectal ultrasound of prostate: indications and method -Multiparametric Prostate RM: indications and methods -Urethrocystoscopy: instrumentations, indications, methods and complications -Urinary cytology: indications, diagnostic accuracy and limits -Uroflowmetry: indications and method -Urodynamic examination: indications and method -Lithotripsy: indications and main techniques - Urologic Endoscopy: instrumentations and main surgical techniques -Urological laparoscopic surgery: instrumentations and main surgical techniques -Urological Robotic Surgery: instrumentations and main surgical techniques
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