Social service
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Milena Villarini
  • Milena Villarini
  • 42 ore - Milena Villarini
Course Regulation
Coorte 2017
Learning activities
Discipline mediche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Introduction to Public Health: concepts of health and disease; health as a human right; factors influencing health; health determinants; social determinants and health. Health promotion and health education.
Reference texts
Eudes Lanciotti, Igiene – Medicina sociale e di comunità, McGraw Hill, 2011
Educational objectives
To know principles and methods for disease prevention and health promotion in the context of social and health integration.
To know and apply principles of communication and health education.
To know and apply the epidemiologic methods for assessing the health states of a community.
To know the principles for health management, organization and legislation.
Teaching methods
Lectures on all subjets of the course.
Learning verification modality
Oral test (about 20 minutes long), aiming to ascertain the student's knowledge level and communication skills.
Extended program
Introduction to Public Health: concepts of health and disease; health as a human right; factors influencing health; health determinants; social determinants and health.
Introduction to Social Medicine: the role of social medicine in public health; social diseases.
Health differences: inequity in health; social differences and health; gender disparities and health; gender medicine and prevention; globalization and health.
Disease prevention and health promotion: primary, secondary and tertiary prevention; health promotion; Ottawa charter; theory and practice of health promotion.
Behaviors and health; health education as a strategy of health promotion; theories and practice for behavior change.
Models for health systems: the Bismarck model; the Beveridge model; the Italian National Health Service; the Local Health Units; health care for old people; regional and national prevention programmes.
Basic epidemiology: demography and demographic transition; methods for the assessment of health level of a community. Descriptive, analytical and experimental epidemiology; mortality and morbidity rates; incidence and prevalence; epidemiological transition and health. Epidemiology applied to Social Medicine.
Epidemiology and prevention of principal chronic diseases (cardio-vascular diseases, cancer, respiratory diseases and diabetes).
Epidemiology and prevention of accidents and intoxications: prevention of car and home accidents.
Epidemiology and prevention of legal (alcohol, tobacco, psychoactive medicines) and illegal drug abuse. The epidemiologic triad (environment, agent and person).
Epidemiology and prevention of the principal infectious diseases: basic immunology and vaccination.
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