Political sciences and international relations
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Alessandra Bellelli
  • Alessandra Bellelli
  • 63 ore - Alessandra Bellelli
Course Regulation
Coorte 2018
Learning activities
Discipline giuridiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Notions of general theory of private law, rules interpretation. Human rights. Individuals, natural and legal person, activity. The law of obligations. The contract in general: formation, requisites, interpretation, efficacy and termination of contract. The consumer’s contracts. Assets and the new properties. Family, inheritance and legacy.
Reference texts
For the preparation of the exam, students can use the following key text-book:
C.M. BIANCA, Istituzioni di diritto privato, II ed., Giuffrè, Milano, 2018. Only these chapters can be studied: First Part: chapters I-V;
Second Part: chapters VI-VIII and X-XII;
Third Part: chapters XIII-XIV, XVII, XIX-XXI;
Fourth Part: chapters XXIV-XXV;
Fifth Part: chapters XXXIV, XXXVI-XLVII, L-LII;
Sixth Part: chapters LIII-LIV, LVI-LVIII;
Eight Part: chapters LXVII-LXX, LXXII, LXXIII (§§ 1-10 and 21-23), LXXIV.
Educational objectives
The main outcome of the course is the delivery of basic training in the field of Private law. The course aims to give appropriate legal research methods and instruments, with the final objective of giving students the capacity of being able to apply the acquired knowledge in resolving legal problems, through the teachings of lawmakers, courts and legal scholars.
The knowledge of the Italian language
Teaching methods
Metodi didattici:
The course is organized in the following way:
- face to face lectures regarding single topics of the teaching program;
- practical training (4 seminars for the first part and 4 for the second part) of 2 hours each and concerning some current affairs of Private law. Students are invited to participate in the lectures bringing an updated version of the civil code, the Constitution and the most important relevant legislation. The seminars provide an active involvement of the students, who will present practical law cases regarding the addressed matter. Before each seminar the professor will indicate the study material referring to a recent and significant decision of a law-court that will be examined by the students during the seminars on the basis of legislation, judicial precedents and legal literature.
Other information
The attendance to the course is strongly suggested.
Learning verification modality
The final evaluation will be given through an oral exam of approximately 20 minutes. The students’ participation in 5 seminars and the study of the case law material necessary for the topic of each seminar will exempt students from the preparation on family law and successions.
Only for attending students, the global evaluation can be divided in two phases: in addition to the final exam, a written intermediate exam is provided. This test lasts no longer than 90 minutes and is composed by 20/25 closed questions with multiple answers and one open question, chosen as an alternative between two outlines given by the professor. This exam aims to verify the knowledge on the subjects addressed during the lectures delivered in the first part of the course and the learning and written communication skills of the single students. The negative result of this exam will not be considered for the final evaluation.
Extended program
Notions of general theory of private law: legal rule, sources of private law, rules interpretation methodology, human rights, legal subjective situations, collective and diffused interests. Individuals, natural and legal person, activity. The law of obligations. The contract in general: formation, requisites, interpretation, efficacy and termination of contract. The consumer’s contracts. The categories of “things” and the legal situations of ownership. Assets and the new properties. Family law.
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