Unit Modern History

Political sciences and international relations
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Regina Lupi
  • Regina Lupi
  • 70 ore - Regina Lupi
Course Regulation
Coorte 2019
Learning activities
Discipline storico-politiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The course concerns political models and systems realized in early modern age, so it will analyze the main subjects from the end of XV century to 1848, with a special focus on political and social facets.
Reference texts
1. Recommended books during the course
2. A good handbook of early modern history such as:
or C. Capra, Storia moderna (1492-1848), Le Monnier, 2004;
or G. Gullino, G. Muto, E. Stumpo, Il mondo moderno, Monduzzi editore, 2007
Educational objectives
Students will acquire basic knowledge about:
Social and political models of modern Europe and their evolution;
Origins of "modern" states and of the international system;
Historiographical perspectives on some of the main modern phenomena.
The main skills of knowledge and understanding pursued are:
to identify the remote origins of political phenomena; Finding useful tools in the past to understand the present time; Practice a critical approach using various and appropriate interpretation criteria.
In order to approach usefully the course, the student needs a good knowledge of Italian, rudiments of history and geography.
Teaching methods
63 hours of face-to-face lessons
Learning verification modality
Attending students
The exam will consist of three tests, two written and one oral.
The written tests will be held in the middle and at the end of the course; they will ascertain the knowledge acquired in the study of the manual, they will have a maximum duration of 90 minutes.
The oral exam can be taken in the appeals dates and will verify the student's ability to communicate what has been acquired with language properties, logical order and critical method. Its duration will not exceed 20 minutes.
The three tests will give rise to a single final evaluation expressed in thirtieths.
Non-attending students
The exam will be taken orally on the appeal dates; will focus on the entire program, will ascertain the knowledge acquired by the student, the student's ability to communicate what has been acquired with language properties, logical order and critical method. Its duration will not exceed 40 minutes.
Extended program
The course concerns political models and systems realized in early modern age, so it will analyze the main subjects from the end of XV century to 1848, with a special focus on political and social facets. Lectures will focused on the following subjects: ‘modernity’, the society of ancien régime: social and political aspects; geographical discoveries and colonialism; Reformation and Counter-reformation; the age of Elisabeth I and Philip II; Thirty Years’ war; The English Revolutions; the absolutism: Luis XIV; the mercantilism, the scientific revolution; the wars of XVIII century; the slave trade; Enlightenment and reforms; the American Revolution, the French Revolution; the Napoleonic age; the Congress of Vienna; the Restoration; the industrial revolution.
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