Agricultural and environmental sciences
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Francesco Tarantelli
  • Francesco Tarantelli
  • 81 ore - Francesco Tarantelli
Course Regulation
Coorte 2019
Learning activities
Discipline chimiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Introduction to Chemistry. Matter and energy. Atoms and molecules. Units. Chemical formulas and equations. Nomenclature. Stoichiometry.
The structure of atoms and molecules. The periodic table. Chemical bond.
States of matter. Gas, liquids and solids.
Principles of themodynamics. Chemical equilibrium. Solutions. Acids and bases. Redox reactions.
Principles of reaction kinetics.
Chemical elements and their principal types of compounds. Elements of organic chemistry.
Reference texts
Atkins, Jones, Laverman - Principi di Chimica (Zanichelli, 2018)
Educational objectives
The student will be given basic knowledge of the main aspects of general chemistry, concerning in particular:
- the nature of atoms and molecules and their electronic structure
- chemical reactions and stoichiometry. The student will be able to write chemical reaction equations and calculate quantities
- the principles of chemical equilibrium in the gas phase and in solution. Ability to make simple pH calculations and calculations on redox equilibria.
- chemical elements and their main types of compounds. Ability to make qualitative chemical predictions based on periodicity.
- the main classes of organic compounds
Elementary arithmetics. First and second order equations. Basic physical concepts: units, force, work, energy.
Teaching methods
Frontal lectures with explanations written at the moment on projected slides. Exercises and exemplifications on chemical calculations, stoichiometry and chemical equilibria.
Other information
The teacher may be contacted via email for appointments or additional information
Learning verification modality
The exam is composed of a written and an oral test. The written exam consists of multiple-choice questions and open-answer problems, each with its own point value towards a total of 30 points. In the oral exam the student will discuss two/three of the main subjects in no more than 20 minutes. To qualify for the oral part it is necessary to achieve at least 15 points in the written test. The final marks will be obtained as the mean value of the written and oral evaluations.
Extended program
Introduction to chemistry. Matter and energy. Symbols and units. Accuracy and precision. Elements and atoms. Chemical compounds. Nomenclature. Mole and molar mass. Chemical formulas and their determination. Chemical reaction equations. Stoichiometry of reactions. The atom and its electronic structure. Molecules. Ionic bond and covalent bond. The nature of gases. Gas laws. Liquid structure. Solids. Main inorganic materials. Work and heat. Internal energy. Enthalpy. Entropy. Free energy. Chemical equilibrium. Vapor pressure. Phase equilibria. Solubility. Equilibrium constant. Acids and bases. pH. Weak acids and bases. Redox reactions. Galvanic cells. Standard potentials. Electrolysis. Reaction velocity. Kinetic laws. Reaction mechanisms. Transition state. Catalysis. Elements of the principal groups and their compounds. Organic chemistry. Hydrocarbons. Functional groups. Polymers and macromolecules.
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