Veterinary medicine
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Maria Teresa Mandara
  • Maria Teresa Mandara
  • 16 ore - Maria Teresa Mandara
Course Regulation
Coorte 2013
Learning activities
A scelta dello studente
A scelta dello studente
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
General criteria of neuropathological diagnostic specifically addressed to CNS morphological and topographical analysis. During the course the students attend to interactive discussion of neurological cases, based on neuropathological patterns and localization of lesions.
Reference texts
MT Mandara et al. Atlante di Neuropatologia e Neuroimaging. Poletto ed., Milano, 2011
Educational objectives
The course attributes functional, clinical and prognostic interpretation to the neuropathology information given during the course of Anatomic Pathology.

To know. The Student must be able to elaborate neuronatomic localization of the lesions and to arrange algorithms and diagnostic approaches to the problem.

To make. The Student must be able to recognise and describe gross and basic lesions and histological patterns observed in SNC and PNS
- based on distribution pattern, neuronatomic localisation and associated anamnestic data, the Student must be able to check the differential diagnoses for the most common neurological diseases of domestic animals.
To learn the given subjects and to gain the learning aims of the course, as well as to be able to apply the main techniques and methods described during the course, the students must have successfully passed the exam of Anatomic Pathology.
Moreover, the subjects discussed in the course need basic knowledgments of Neuroanatomy and Neurophisiology. This information is due to gain the aims of the course.
Teaching methods
Five neurological cases consistent with different functional systems of Nervous System are analysed. For each of them 5 hours are dedicated as to follow:
- Analysis of clinical sheet and neuroanatomic localization of lesions (1hs)
- Neuropathological exam of brain and spinal cord and description of lesions (1h)
- Histological exam of brain and spinal cord sections (1h)
- Morphological diagnosis and eziopathogenetic evaluation in d.d. (1h)
Other information
The access and work at the Dissection room and histological labs are defined by special procedures which are available at VMD http://www.medvet.unipg.it/didattica/corsi-di-laurea/medicina-veterinaria-ciclo-unico-lm-42-d-m-270-2004/procedure-insegnamenti.
The activity schedule is available at VMD http://www.medvet.unipg.it/didattica
Learning verification modality
The course does not provide a final exam, as the current Learning Organization. Therefore, the student learning is tested during the course step by step in the neuropathologic diagnosis iter.
Extended program
Based on a critical analysis of 5 neurological cases supported by clinical data and imaging, the course illustrates the functional systems of Nervous System starting from neurological clinical cases associated with complete history and imaging findings (MRI). In the second part of training the general criteria of neuropathological diagnosis addressed to morphological and topographical analysis of Central Nervous System are applied to define the most coherent differential diagnoses.
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