Veterinary medicine
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Chiara Brachelente
  • Chiara Brachelente
  • 16 ore - Chiara Brachelente
Course Regulation
Coorte 2013
Learning activities
A scelta dello studente
A scelta dello studente
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Being a practical course, the teaching is characterized by the observation of skin lesions and the recognition of histopathological and cytological alterations. Features regarding the etiopathogenesis, dermatological condition, dermatopathology and cutaneous cytology are defined for each disease. Part of the course involves the optimization of biopsy and cytology technique, especially for inflammatory disease.
The course is organized as follows:
- First day (4 h): definition, through projected images, of the primary and secondary macroscopic skin lesions; recognition of the main dermatological patterns; formulation of the main macroscopic differential diagnoses; identification of collateral tests and of the appropriate diagnostic algorithm; practical exercise in the necrospy hall on dead animals on the various diagnostic techniques, such as biopsy and scalpel biopsy, cytological sampling techniques, as well as the use of pre-printed modules for the collection of anamnestic data.
- Second day (4h): definition, through projected images, of the main cytological pictures of skin lesions; distinction between neoplastic and non-neoplastic findings; identification of the main cytological pattenr and formulation of differential diagnoses for each reaction pattern.
- Third Day (4h): definition, through projected images, of the principal patterns of histopathological reaction of skin lesions (pattern analysis of skin diseases); identification of the main histopathological pattern and formulation of differential diagnoses for each reaction pattern.
- Fourth day (4h): discussion of complete clinical cases with the definition of the main dermatological findings and definition of the correct diagnosis based on the information derived from the cytological and histopathological examination; observation at the multiheaded microscope of cytological and histopathological samples of dermatological diseases of domestic animals.
Reference texts
Francesco Albanese: Atlante di Citologia Dermatologica del cane e del gatto, MERIAL 2010
Cowell-Tyler-Meinkoth-Denicola: Citologia ed ematologia del cane e del gatto.3° ed. italiana, Elsevier-Masson, 2009
Abramo-Albanese-Masserdotti: Malattie Dermatologiche. Guida alla diagnosi clinica, citopatologica e istopatologica-UTET, 2009
Educational objectives
The course presents a learning process that enables the students to understand a teaching model called POA "Problem-oriented approach" in which lesions observed are not only the description of dermatopathological findings but are processed through pathophysiological considerations of the disease. At the end of the course, the student will acquire:
- knowledge (know) about macroscopic lesions and morphologic cytologic and histological findings of the more common dermatological diseases of domestic animals.
- ability (know how) to formulate diagnostic algorithms and macroscopic and cytopathological differential diagnoses in dermatology; ability to choose the type of sampling and the sampling site most suitable for the dermatological investigations; ability to interprete a cytological and / or histopathological report and correlate it to the major macroscopic findings.
Although there are no compulsory propedeuticities according to regulation, it is strongly advised that the student attending the course has already sat the examinations of veterinary pathology and special pathology and veterinary medical pathology
Teaching methods
The first day images of primary and secondary macroscopic lesions of the skin are presented on a projector screen and discussed, according to the standard of the European college of veterinary dermatology (lecture at a seminar). On the second day, images of dermathopatological and cytological cutaneous patterns that define the same primary and secondary lesions are presented on a projector screen and discussed (lecture at a seminar). Also, movies are offered on cytological and biopsy techniques (projections of DVD). The third day: sampling of cytological and biopsy specimens (scalpel and punch biopsies) in the necropsy room using some teaching material and cadavers; staining of cytology specimens. The student use a pre-printed form for data collection of medical history (tutorial). On the fourth day, students will look at representative histological and cytological slides at the multi-headed microscope with the Professor who will show the most representative patterns of cytological and histological features.
Learning verification modality
Since no final exam is planned, the acquisition of the knowledge and skills of the course by the students of the CIP will be evaluated through the provision of practical cases that will have to be worked out by the students according to a process that mimics the actual diagnostic path. For each practical case, students will have to demonstrate their ability to recognize the predominant pattern of macroscopic lesions and to give the correct diagnostic algorithm and the respective differential diagnoses. They will also need to identify the most relevant cytological and histological examinations and choose which exam to use for more information. Where the test chosen is the most appropriate, they will receive the additional information that the test / examination could provide; students will have to be able to read and interprete the cytological / histological report. In this way, they will demonstrate that they are able to proceed along the diagnostic path until the final diagnosis is reached.
Extended program
The course is organized as follows:
- First day (4 h): definition, through projected images, of the primary and secondary macroscopic skin lesions; recognition of the main dermatological patterns; formulation of the main macroscopic differential diagnoses; identification of collateral tests and of the appropriate diagnostic algorithm; practical exercise in the necrospy hall on dead animals on the various diagnostic techniques, such as biopsy and scalpel biopsy, cytological sampling techniques, as well as the use of pre-printed modules for the collection of anamnestic data.
- Second day (4h): definition, through projected images, of the main cytological pictures of skin lesions; distinction between neoplastic and non-neoplastic findings; identification of the main cytological pattenr and formulation of differential diagnoses for each reaction pattern.
- Third Day (4h): definition, through projected images, of the principal patterns of histopathological reaction of skin lesions (pattern analysis of skin diseases); identification of the main histopathological pattern and formulation of differential diagnoses for each reaction pattern.
- Fourth day (4h): discussion of complete clinical cases with the definition of the main dermatological findings and definition of the correct diagnosis based on the information derived from the cytological and histopathological examination; observation at the multiheaded microscope of cytological and histopathological samples of dermatological diseases of domestic animals.
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