Veterinary medicine
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Maria Teresa Mandara
  • Maria Teresa Mandara
  • 50 ore - Maria Teresa Mandara
Course Regulation
Coorte 2014
Learning activities
Altre conoscenze utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The internship involves students in the practical activities of Veterinary Pathology Service of DVM.
Reference texts
1) P.S. Marcato: Patologia sistematica veterinaria. Edagricole, Milano 2015.
2) M.D. MsGavin, J.F. Zachary: Patologia veterinaria sistematica. Elsevier, Milano 2010.
We also suggest:
3) M. Grant Maxie: Jubb, Kennedy,and Palmer’s Pathology of Domestic Animals. Elsevier, London 2016.
6) MT Mandara et al. Atlante di Neuropatologia e Neuroimaging. Poletto ed., Milano, 2011 .
Educational objectives
The Pathologic Anatomy training gives the opportunity for an in-deep analysis of gross and histological diagnostic and to acquire the right method for a morphological description compared to clinical data and findings coming from previous diagnostic investigations. Therefore, its aim is to give to the students abilities to evaluate clinical cases based on gross and histopathologic findings.
The main acquired information are:
- appropriate methodology from clinical case to the anatohistopathology diagnosis
- correlations between clinical and anatomohistopathologic morphology.
The main abilities are:
- to appropriately performe necropsy, in a complete autonomy
- to appropriately performe sampling aimed to cytological, histological, parassitological and infectious investigations
- to correctly write a report on gross lesions revealed at necropsy or on biopsy material
- to understand general criteria useful to interprete cytologic and histologic diagnosis.
To attend to the Anatomic Pathology training, students must be enrolled for the IV year of the Course in Veterinary Medicine.
To learn the given subjects and to gain the learning aims of the course, students must have attended to the course of Anatomic Pathology.
Moreover, the subjects discussed in the course need basic knowledgments of General Pathology and Morphopathology. This information is due to gain the aims of the internship.
Teaching methods
The Pathological Anatomy training is arranged as to follow:
- students attend the dissection classroom of the DVM to perform necropsies
- students attend to the Labs of the Veterinary Pathology Service to write reports addressed to the gross examination performed in dissection classroom
- students attend to the Labs of the Veterinary Pathology Service for trimming
- students attend to the Labs of the Veterinary Service to examin cytological and histological slides for a final case defining
- students can also spend time for consultation of the literature and collective discussion.
The activities can be naturally different for each group of students depending on the activities occurring in the Service.
Other information
The access and work at the Anatomic room and histological labs are defined by special procedures which are available at VMD http://www.medvet.unipg.it/didattica/corsi-di-laurea/medicina-veterinaria-ciclo-unico-lm-42-d-m-270-2004/procedure-insegnamenti.
The activity schedule is available at VMD http://www.medvet.unipg.it/didattica
Learning verification modality
The Pathological Anatomy training does not provide a final test, as the current Learning Organization. Therefore, student learning is tested during the internship by a direct evaluation of practical activities.
Extended program
The internship involves students in the practical activities of Veterinary Pathology Service of DVM:
- Necropsies and morphological diagnosis
- Sample trimming and description of lesions
- Histological slides examination and histological diagnosis
- Cytological examination and cytological diagnosis
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