Veterinary medicine
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Silvana Diverio
Course Regulation
Coorte 2014
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code GP001216
Teacher Silvana Diverio
  • Beniamino Terzo Cenci Goga (Codocenza)
  • 25 ore (Codocenza) - Beniamino Terzo Cenci Goga
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline anatomo-patologiche ed ispettive veterinarie
Academic discipline VET/04
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)


Code GP001217
Teacher Silvana Diverio
  • Andrea Verini Supplizi (Codocenza)
  • 25 ore (Codocenza) - Andrea Verini Supplizi
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline della zootecnica, allevamento e nutrizione animale
Academic discipline AGR/17
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Evaluation of animal welfare related to different environmental conditions
Reference texts All the slides used during lectures and free lecture notes are available to student on-line in the faculty web site (Teledidattica) .
The suggested books are
Etologia applicata e benessere animale - vol.II - Carenzi et al. 2009 Le point veterinaire

Comportamento e benessere degli
animali in produzione zootecnica
Napolitano, De Rosa, Grasso.
- Aracne ed 2007
Educational objectives The student must get the basic knoledge on practical welfare evaluation of livestock
Prerequisites Notions of
Veterinary physiology
and Zootechnics
Teaching methods Theoretical lessons and practical training
Field trips
Learning verification modality Written report on one of the topics covered in the course
Extended program theoretical

1. Definition of welfare (1.5 hours)
2. International and national organizations involved in the protection of welfare (1.5 hours)
3. welfare indicators in breeding (1.5 hours)
4. welfare in pig (1.5 hours)
5. welfare in cattle (1.5 hours).
6. Legislation on welfare (1.5 hours)

1. Evaluation of welfare in farm (4 hours).


Code GP001214
Teacher Silvana Diverio
  • Silvana Diverio
  • 50 ore - Silvana Diverio
Learning activities Base
Area Discipline della struttura e funzione degli organismi animali
Academic discipline VET/02
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents General ethology.
Comparative ethology. Animal welfare: short-term and long-term animal welfare indicators, stereotypes and behavioral abnormalities. Animal welfare assessment; Economic, ethical and social implications of animal welfare.
Reference texts BOOKS
Etologia e Benessere Animale. In: "Fisiologia degli animali domestici con elementi di Etologia". 2000. (G. Aguggini, V. Beghelli, L.F.Giulio Eds.) UTET - Torino.

Etologia applicata e benessere animale (vol. I e II). 2009. (C.Carenzi, M.Panzera et al.) Le
Point Vétérinaire Italie.

Lecture notes and material of the course provided by prof. Silvana Diverio

Il comportamento degli animali domestici. 2000. (K.A.Houpt). EMSI, Roma.
Educational objectives Comparative ethology knowledge applied; Ability to identify and interpret animal welfare indicators; Application of animal welfare assessment protocols.

The main objective of the module is to provide students with adequate knowledge of the ethology and well-being of domestic animals, with particular emphasis on specific behavioral repertoires, the value of the relationship between man and animal and the methods of assessing the state of welfare in breeding and In confined conditions.

The main acquired knowledge will provide:
- the bases for the understanding of the species ether;
- the basis for understanding animal welfare assessment systems.

The main skills derived from applying the above knowledge will be:

- to understand the behavior of species
- Identify the main causes of animal welfare failure
- critically evaluate the physiological, ethological and pre-pathological parameters of non-welfare in animals.
Teaching methods The course is organised as follows:

- Classroom lectures

- seminars

- Visits and exercises on the field,

- "Brainstorming" and group work, practical experience at kennels RandAgiamo
- Practical exercises in the classroom, at the Laboratory of Ethology and Animal Welfare (LEBA), at the Kennel Health Collestrada (PG) or other kennels that pertain to the project RandAgiamo; students will be divided into groups (maximum 10 students)
Other information Practical experience with kennels where the RandAgiamo project is active, application of socialization protocol RandAgiamo on at least one dog.
Study of general theology, adaptation, evolution and domestication mechanisms, instinctive processes and methods of learning in the animal. Implications on the animal behavior of the limbic system and memory, motivation, types of communication, biological rhythms. Pheromones and animal communication. (2 HOURS)

Comparative ethology: an overview of the social, nutritional, reproductive, and maternal-branch behavior of the main species of animal and animal affection. (4 HOURS)
Study of the basic mechanisms of man-animal relationship and communication, empathy and evolutionary processes in relation to animal welfare. (2 HOURS)

Animal welfare: definitions and basic concepts, stress response physiology, short-term animal welfare indicators (physiological and ethological indicators) and long-term (ethological, productive, reproductive and immune indicators). (2 HOURS)
Stereotypic and behavioral abnormalities: identification and their meaning in relation to animal welfare. State of frustration and animal suffering. (2 HOURS)
Mode of study of preferences and motivational states in animals. Understanding the basic reasons why it is important to protect and promote animal welfare: the implications of learning, the ability to feel pain and suffering, emotions and behavioral response, cognitive abilities and the study of animal intelligence, definition of state of consciousness and possible assessment In animals. (2 HOURS)

Animal welfare assessment: different approaches (natural, biological-functional, subjective, clinical) to the concept of welfare of animals of animal, wildlife, and affection and laboratory interest. Study of evaluation parameters and indicators of animal welfare to be used in the various conditions of breeding of the main species of animal interest. (2 HOURS)
Animal welfare and intensive and extensive breeding systems for species of zootechnical interest. Optimization of breeding techniques in relation to animal welfare and quality of production. Methods for the application of the methods of evaluation of animal welfare in breeding, transport and slaughter of animals of zootechnical interest. Measures and actions to improve animal welfare. Economic, ethical and social implications for the welfare of animals of zootechnical, wild and affective interest. (2 HOURS)

Observation and assessment of the behaviour of farm animals (2 hours)
Assessment of the welfare state in farmed ruminant (2 hours)
Assessment of the welfare state in farmed pigs (2 hours)
Assessment of the welfare state in farmed poultry (2 hours)


Code GP001215
Teacher Silvana Diverio
  • Maria Beatrice Conti (Codocenza)
  • 25 ore (Codocenza) - Maria Beatrice Conti
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline cliniche veterinarie
Academic discipline VET/08
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents disease status as cause and effect of stress (disease influenced). Health indicators: clinical and laboratory parameters. assessment of the state of well-being in companion and food-producing animals.
Reference texts material provided by the teacher (powerpoint, articles from national and international papers)
Educational objectives knowledge: provide the student with knowledge on the health aspects that can allow a veterinarian to express an opinion on the welfare of the companion and food-producing animals.

Applying knowledge: the student must be able to determine if clinical and laboratory parameters highlighted in an animal are compatible with well-being
Teaching methods theoretical lessons (9 hours) and practical training (clinical rotation) at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital-VTH (4 h)
Extended program The animal interaction - environment: the state of disease as cause and effect of stress (disease influenced) (1.5 h).

Health indicators: clinical findings (1.5 h)

Health indicators: laboratoristic parameters (1.5 h).

The food-producing animals:

- The interaction between veterinary surgeon and breeders; The use of check lists in assessing the impact of disease conditional (1.5 h);

- Medication and health management (1.5 h).

Companion animals:

- The figure of the holder of companion animals; Indicators of disease defect and excess of well-being (1.5 h).

- practical training: clinical rotation at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital - VTH (4 hours)
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