Veterinary medicine
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Lakamy Sylla
Course Regulation
Coorte 2014
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code GP001176
Teacher Lakamy Sylla
  • Maurizio Monaci (Codocenza)
  • 50 ore (Codocenza) - Maurizio Monaci
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline cliniche veterinarie
Academic discipline VET/10
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Evaluation of potential fertility and diagnosis and therapy of reproductive diseases of stallion, dog and ruminant.
Laboratory methods for the analysis of seminal quality and ultrasound techniques for the andrological clinical examination of dog, horse and ruminant

Male reproductive physiology. Puberty. Testicular thermoregulation. Spermatogenesis. Additional ancillary glands and seminal fluid composition. Edema and ejaculation. (5 hours)

Andrological evaluation of the breeder (cattle, dog and horse): Direct and instrumental clinical examinations, laboratory methods for seminal analysis (5 hours).

Infertility and reproductive diseases (bovine, dog and horse): etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment: impotence coeons; Impotence generates; Hereditary and acquired pathologies of the testicle, epididymis, and accessory sexual glands (5 hours)

Diagnosis and treatment of abnormal genital abnormalities in the various species (5 hours)
Pratical activities:
Clinical activities: N.6 ore
Clinical Rotation: N.15 ore
Reference texts MCKINNON A.O., J.L. VOSS, Equine Reproduction, Ed. Lea & Febiger, 1993.
YOUNGQUIST R.S., Current Therapy in Large Animal Theriogenology, Ed. Saunders Co., 1997.
JOHNSTON S.D., ROOT KUSTRITZ M.V., P.N.S. OLSON, Canine and Feline Theriogenology, Ed. W.B. Saunders Co., 2001.
SALI F., Gestione Clinica della Riproduzione Bovina, Ed. Point Veterinaire Italie,Milano, 2013
SENGER P.L., Pathways to Pregnancy and Parturition, Ed. Current Conceptions, Pullman, 1999
Educational objectives The aim is to train veterinarians with an excellent knowledge of the pathophysiology of both livestock breeding and pet they need to develop appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities, and also competent of new reproductive technologies. Verify through practical tests and theoretical knowledge of reproductive disorders and clinical skills.
Teaching methods Lectures, clinical practice sessions, seminars and info flow from Course web page.

1) Frontal lectures
2) Stream info from the teacher's web site dedicated to the Course

Practical lessons are given for didactic objectives:

1) Laboratory Methods for Seminal Analysis:

Location: Multidisciplinary Didactic Laboratory MV

  2) Andrology Visit of the Horse: Direct Clinical Exams and Instrumental

Graduation and seminal analysis

Location: Selle Angelo di didattica

3) Direct and ultrasonographic clinical examination of the genital tract of the dog.

Intervention of orchietomy

Headquarters: Veterinary Hospital - MV
Extended program Male reproductive physiology. Puberty. Testicular thermoregulation. Spermatogenesis. Additional ancillary glands and seminal fluid composition. Edema and ejaculation. (5 hours)

Andrological evaluation of the breeder (cattle, dog and horse): Direct and instrumental clinical examinations, laboratory methods for seminal analysis (5 hours).

Infertility and reproductive diseases (bovine, dog and horse): etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment: impotence coeons; Impotence generates; Hereditary and acquired pathologies of the testicle, epididymis, and accessory sexual glands (5 hours)

Diagnosis and treatment of abnormal genital abnormalities in the various species (5 hours)
Pratical activities:
Clinical activities: N.6 ore
Clinical Rotation: N.15 ore


Code GP001175
Teacher Lakamy Sylla
  • Lakamy Sylla
  • 100 ore - Lakamy Sylla
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline cliniche veterinarie
Academic discipline VET/10
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Estrous synchronizzation. Superovulation
Artificial insemination
Embryo Transfer
In vitro fertilization and cloning
Gamete and embryo sexing
Gamete preservation
Estrous abnormalities
Abnormalities of the female genital tract
embryo mortality and abortion
Infertility and sterility
Hygiene of reproduction

Artificial inseminaiton in cattle: Definition, advantages and disadvantages, phases and technique of artificial insemination (3 hours)
Instruments of Artificial Fertilization in Bovine (1.5 hours)
Estrous detection in cattle 3 hours)
Estrous synchronization in cattle (3 hours)
Semiology of female genitalia in various domestic species (3 hours)
Ovarian diseases (1.5 hours)
Pathology of oviducts and uterus (1.5 hours)
Diseases of Cervix, vagina and vulva (3 hours)
Infertility in cattle: clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic features (1.5 hours)
Methods of neutering and spaying (1.5 hours)
Abnormalities of Sexual development abnormalities (3 hours)
Monitoring of estrous cycle in the bitch (1.5 hours)
Artificial insemination in the bitch (1.5 hours)
Semiology of female genitalia (3 hours)
Semen Collection and analysis in the bull (1.5 hours)
Preparation of semen dose for artificial insemination in the bull (1.5 hours)
Embryo Transfer in cattle (3 hours)
Reproductive Biotechnologies: in vitro oocyte maturation, in vitro fertilization, cloning, bovine embryo sessing (2 hours)
Discipline of animal breeding in various domestic species (3 hours)

Practical lessons
1 Gynecological examination of a pregnant cattle pregnancy and application of the NASCO Calving monitoring system (5 hours)
2 A gynecological examination of a mare (5 hours)
3 Assistance to parrots of a cow (5 hours)
4 Ovaryhisterectomy in the bitch or cat (8 hours)
Reference texts YOUNGQUIST R.S., Current Therapy in Large Animal Theriogenology, Ed. Saunders Co., 1997. JOHNSTON S.D., ROOT KUSTRITZ M.V., P.N.S. OLSON, Canine and Feline Theriogenology, Ed. Saunders Co., 2001.
Educational objectives Knowledge of reproductive physiology of livestock and pet animals in relation to methods for application reproductive biotechnology. Knowledge of techniques and methods for artificial insemination and also disposed of Italian and EU laws that govern the practical application. Knowledge of reproductive disorders and from infectious non-infectious causes, as well as metabolic and managerial. Knowledge of reproductive health to improve production performance.
to do:
1 breeding soundness evaluation of female domestic animals
2 Estrous detection in female domestic animals
3 Artificial inseminazion in female domestic animals
Teaching methods Theoritical lessons.
Pratical sessions
1 Artificial insemination procedures in large animals
2 Estrous detection in the bovine
3 clinical Examination of parturient cow
4 Spaying in dog and cat
to do:
1 breeding soundness evaluation of female domestic animals
2 Estrous detection in female domestic animals
3 Artificial inseminazion in female domestic animals
Extended program Artificial inseminaiton in cattle: Definition, advantages and disadvantages, phases and technique of artificial insemination (3 hours)
Instruments of Artificial Fertilization in Bovine (1.5 hours)
Estrous detection in cattle 3 hours)
Estrous synchronization in cattle (3 hours)
Semiology of female genitalia in various domestic species (3 hours)
Ovarian diseases (1.5 hours)
Pathology of oviducts and uterus (1.5 hours)
Diseases of Cervix, vagina and vulva (3 hours)
Infertility in cattle: clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic features (1.5 hours)
Methods of neutering and spaying (1.5 hours)
Abnormalities of Sexual development abnormalities (3 hours)
Monitoring of estrous cycle in the bitch (1.5 hours)
Artificial insemination in the bitch (1.5 hours)
Semiology of female genitalia (3 hours)
Semen Collection and analysis in the bull (1.5 hours)
Preparation of semen dose for artificial insemination in the bull (1.5 hours)
Embryo Transfer in cattle (3 hours)
Reproductive Biotechnologies: in vitro oocyte maturation, in vitro fertilization, cloning, bovine embryo sessing (2 hours)
Discipline of animal breeding in various domestic species (3 hours)

Practical lessons
1 Gynecological examination of a pregnant cattle pregnancy and application of the NASCO Calving monitoring system (5 hours)
2 A gynecological examination of a mare (5 hours)
3 Assistance to parrots of a cow (5 hours)
4 Ovaryhisterectomy in the bitch or cat (8 hours)


Code GP001177
Teacher Lakamy Sylla
  • Angela Polisca (Codocenza)
  • 75 ore (Codocenza) - Angela Polisca
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline cliniche veterinarie
Academic discipline VET/10
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Pubertà e ciclo estrale nelle diverse specie animali. Discesa dell'ovocellula, fertilizzazione ed impianto. Placentazione. Gravidanza. Parto e post-partum . Principi di neonatologia veterinaria
programma esteso
Lezione Teorica
(2 ore e 30 minuti) Presentazione del corso, libri consigliati, modalità d'esame. Cenni di: anatomia della pelvi, pubertà e controllo gonadotropo del ciclo estrale
(2 ore e 30 minuti) Aspetti clinici del ciclo estrale nella cavalla e nella cagna
(2 ore e 30 minuti) Monitoraggio del calore per stabilire il momento ideale per l'accoppiamento nella cagna
(2 ore e 30 minuti) Ciclo estrale nella gatta, scrofa e ruminanti
(2 ore e 30 minuti) Discesa dell'ovocellula in utero, risalita degli spermatozoi nel tratto genitale femminile capacitazione nemaspermatica, reazione acrosomiale e fertilizzazione ovocellula.
(2 ore e 30 minuti) Annidamento
(2 ore e 30 minuti) Ciclo estrale e gravidanza negli animali non convenzionali
(2 ore e 30 minuti) Visualizzazione video invogli fetali nella cavalla e circolazione fetale
(2 ore e 30 minuti) Endocrinologia della gravidanza nella cavalla, formazione e funzione delle coppe endometriali.
(2 ore e 30 minuti) Determinismo del parto. Fasi del parto nelle diverse specie animali.
(3 ore) Principi di neonatologia nel cucciolo e patologie neonatali
(3 ore) Neonatologia nel vitello e nel puledro

Lezione Pratica
(5 ore) Clinical rotation attività in OVUD
(3 ore e 30 minuti) Esecuzione tampone vaginale nella cagna, colorazione del preparato
(3 ore e 30 minuti) Lettura citologia vaginale nella cagna
(5 ore) - Clinical rotation Attività in OVUD
Reference texts Canine and Feline Theriogenology: Johnston S.D 2001

Guida pratica di riproduzione clinica del cane e del gatto. Fontbonne a et al. 2011

Pathways to pregnancy and parturition: Sengel P.L.
Educational objectives Sapere: lo studente dovrà conoscere le caratteristiche del ciclo estrale, gravidanza e parto nelle diverse specie animali con particolare riferimento agli aspetti clinici. così come le peculiarità della fisiologia neonatale.
Saper fare: identificare le fasi del ciclo estrale nelle diverse specie animali.
Teaching methods Attività teorica: verrà svolta in aula e tratterà gli argomenti del programma. seminari di esperti internazionali nel settore della riproduzione piccoli animali.

Attività pratica: presso l'ospedale Veterinario didattico (OVUD)
Extended program Lezione Teorica
(2 ore e 30 minuti) Presentazione del corso, libri consigliati, modalità d'esame. Cenni di: anatomia della pelvi, pubertà e controllo gonadotropo del ciclo estrale
(2 ore e 30 minuti) Aspetti clinici del ciclo estrale nella cavalla e nella cagna
(2 ore e 30 minuti) Monitoraggio del calore per stabilire il momento ideale per l'accoppiamento nella cagna
(2 ore e 30 minuti) Ciclo estrale nella gatta, scrofa e ruminanti
(2 ore e 30 minuti) Discesa dell'ovocellula in utero, risalita degli spermatozoi nel tratto genitale femminile capacitazione nemaspermatica, reazione acrosomiale e fertilizzazione ovocellula.
(2 ore e 30 minuti) Annidamento
(2 ore e 30 minuti) Ciclo estrale e gravidanza negli animali non convenzionali
(2 ore e 30 minuti) Visualizzazione video invogli fetali nella cavalla e circolazione fetale
(2 ore e 30 minuti) Endocrinologia della gravidanza nella cavalla, formazione e funzione delle coppe endometriali.
(2 ore e 30 minuti) Determinismo del parto. Fasi del parto nelle diverse specie animali.
(3 ore) Principi di neonatologia nel cucciolo e patologie neonatali
(3 ore) Neonatologia nel vitello e nel puledro

Lezione Pratica
(5 ore) Clinical rotation attività in OVUD
(3 ore e 30 minuti) Esecuzione tampone vaginale nella cagna, colorazione del preparato
(3 ore e 30 minuti) Lettura citologia vaginale nella cagna
(5 ore) - Clinical rotation Attività in OVUD
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