Animal science
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Piero Borghi
Course Regulation
Coorte 2017
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code 85113903
Teacher Pier Riccardo Porceddu
  • Pier Riccardo Porceddu
  • 27 ore - Pier Riccardo Porceddu
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline AGR/09
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The agricultural tractor.
Fertilization machines. Harvesting machines and storage of products.
The milking system. Feeding systems
Reference texts Texts distribuited during the lessons
Educational objectives The student must have knowledge about the structure of agricultural machinery and the main work organs and how these interact with the soil and crops. He must also know the individual components of the company plants (feeding and milking plants), their location in the plant, their purpose and the problems relating to their malfunction. In this way he must be able to recognize where to intervene in the system if it does not function properly. The student must know the operating machines in the field used for the production of animal feeds and know how to indicate their purposes, therefore knowing how to choose the most suitable machines for certain operations.
Prerequisites There are no preparatory exams, however the knowledge of basic concepts of subjects such as mathematics and physics is recommended, in order to facilitate the understanding and learning of the course contents
Teaching methods The teaching method used will consist of classroom lectures, in which the topics covered will be illustrated. In this regard, lecture notes will be distributed by the teacher to facilitate learning. Lectures will be interspersed with exercises, in which the illustrated subjects will be resumed, which will be explained with reference to practical cases, which will also be solved with the use of numerical examples, in order to convey to the student a greater mastery of the topics.
Other information Other informations at teacher e_mail
Learning verification modality The learning assessment will be conducted with an oral exam lasting about 40 minutes, aimed to establish the level of knowledge of the subject
Extended program The agricultural tractor: classification and characteristics. Power, grip and traction of the tractor.
Fertilization machines. Harvesting machines and storage of products.
Types of milking parlors. The milking system: features and components. The milk cooling: tools and techniques. The milking robot. Feeding systems of cattle, pigs and sheep


Code 85103903
Teacher Piero Borghi
  • Piero Borghi
  • 27 ore - Piero Borghi
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline AGR/10
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Language of instruction Italian.
Contents Factors composing manufacturing activity. Building systems, construction, building unit production and service. Main characteristics of the technical components of the unit building units. Animal production farms (farm and livestock, cattle farm) and their relations with the territory and the landscape. Intensive, extensive and organic system breeding. Need for building in the activity of livestock farms. Evolution of the building sector. Definition of the system of internal typology of main building units with identification of functional design solutions in terms of ambits, area and sector for the breeding of cattle, pigs, sheep, goats and poultry. Features of the technological system of building units in terms of plants and equipment. The storage of the waste. Business center and related infrastructure. Building units for extensive farming systems. Recovery and/or processing of existing building units for production and service.
Reference texts The teacher will provide information on library materials for reference and/or study at the beginning of the course.
Educational objectives The course is the only course of Agricultural Engineering, Forestry and Biosystems taught in the undergraduate program. The main objective of the module is to provide students of the degree course in PA with a level of technical knowledge which would be useful for the definition of functional buildings, plant and equipment, which make up the building systems (production and service) that can be built in farms for livestock production. The main knowledge are also related to the potential users to the territory and sustainability. The main skills arising from the application of knowledge described above will be spent in the design and management of livestock farms.
Prerequisites For this course exams before are not provided. Knowledge of basic concepts of mathematics and physics facilitate the path of study and learning of the student who wants to follow it with greater reward.
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows:
- lectures on all subjects of the course; practical lessons of the main subjects of the course and/or technical visits in the territory.
Other information For any other additional information about the teaching consult the board an/or contact the professor c/o Department c/o Abbey of San Pietro in Perugia.
Learning verification modality The teaching of Livestock Buildings, Facilities and Equipment envisages as an oral final exam that consists of an interview witch takes about 40 minutes (form Buildings for Livestock and form Facilities and Equipment). The interview is designed to assess the level of knowledge, the ability to understand and how to expose the topics explained in the lectures and practices implemented and/or planned in the program.
Extended program BUILDINGS for LIVESTOCK (3 credits). General information on the course. Factors composing manufacturing activity. Building systems, construction, building unit production and service. Main characteristics of the technical components of the unit building units. Animal production farms (farm and livestock, cattle farm) and their relations with the territory and the landscape. Intensive, extensive and organic system breeding. Need for building in the activity of livestock farms. Evolution of the building sector.Definition of the system of internal typology of main building units with identification of functional design solutions in terms of ambits, area and sector for the breeding of cattle, pigs, sheep, goats and poultry based on the needs and activities of users. Features of the technological system of building units in terms of plants and equipment to achieve operational solutions organized. The storage of the waste. Business center and housing units, business center and related infrastructure. Building units for extensive farming systems. Recovery and/or processing of existing building units for production and service.
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