Cultural heritage
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Antonietta Gostoli
  • Antonietta Gostoli
  • 36 ore - Antonietta Gostoli
Course Regulation
Coorte 2019
Learning activities
Civiltà antiche e medievali
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Introduction to Greek literary civilization in relation to historical, religious and cultural contexts. Times and places, occasions and forms of poetic-musical manifestations.
Reference texts
Reading the topics listed in the program is required in one of the following Greek literature history manuals:D. Del Corno, Letteratura greca, Casa Editrice Principato, Milano 1988. L.E. Rossi, Letteratura greca, Le Monnier, Firenze 1995.G. A. Privitera - R. Pretagostini, Storia e forme della letteratura greca, I - II, Einaudi, Milano 1997.G. Guidorizzi, Letteratura greca, Mondadori Università, Firenze 2002.A. Porro – W. Lapini, Letteratura greca, il Mulino, Torino 2017Or in the following Greek literature history manuals with an anthology of texts:F. Ferrari, L’alfabeto delle Muse. Storia e testi della letteratura greca, Volumi 3, Cappelli Editore, Bologna 2001.L. E. Rossi – R. Nicolai, Storia e testi della letteratura greca, Volumi 3, Le Monnier, Firenze 2002.The teacher will provide students with a collection of literary texts that will be read and commented.

It is useful to consult the following works of Mythology and Iconography:K. Kerényi, Gli dei e gli eroi della Grecia, voll. 2, Garzanti, Milano 1963.P. Grimal, Miti greci e romani, “Le Garzantine”, Garzanti, Milano 2013.A.A. V.V., Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae, Artemis Verlag, Zürig-München 1881-1999.Other bibliography will be suggested during the course.
Educational objectives
Knowledge of literary genres and of the most important authors, as well as works, of Greek literature in relation to historical, cultural and religious contexts, taking into account also the modern debate on some fundamental issues (orality and writing; myth, archaeology and history in Greek epic; pragmatic character and performance of archaic Greek poetry, ecc.).
The student will have to demonstrate the ability to critically analyze the texts included in the exam, by pointing out the links between poetry, places and occasions, and also having acquired the appropriate technical vocabulary.
Since the course is aimed at all students, even those who have not cultivated the study of Greek culture, no specific prerequisite is required.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.Exercises.Seminars.
Other information

Learning verification modality
The exam provides an oral examination that consists of a discussion-talk on the major authors and works provided in the program.

The duration of the examination varies according to its course. The test begins with a question on a topic chosen by the student. This interview is used to test the level of knowledge and ability to adequately expose what has been acquired.
Extended program
Introduction to Greek literature in relation to cultural contexts.
The social function of poetry in a world without writing.
Epic poetry
1) Structure of poems. The world of Homer between myth and history. The oral poetry theory. Reading and commentary of chosen pieces by the Odissey (VIII) and the Illiad (I) (Italian translation, as for all other texts).
2) Hesiodus: chosen pieces of the Theogony (The generation of gods and heroes).

 The archaic lyric.
1) Elegy and iambus in the Ionic symposium: Archilochus and Mimnermus.
2) The Eolic lyric: Sappho and Alcaeus.
3) Rite and choral poetry: Pindar and Bacchylides.

 The theater
1) From epos to tragedy; The cultural meaning of the tragedy; Dramatic festivals.
2) Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides: reading of selected pieces.
3) The comedy and the polis.
4) Citizen reality and the fantastic horizon in the comedies of Aristophanes: reading of selected pieces.

The Storiography: Herodotus and Thucydides.
Introduction to the Hellenistic culture: literature and philology.

Pausanias and periegetic literature.
Literature and iconography.
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