Classical culture
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Antonietta Gostoli
  • Antonietta Gostoli
  • 36 ore - Antonietta Gostoli
Course Regulation
Coorte 2020
Learning activities
Lingue e letterature classiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The main topics of the history of the Greek language: from the historical point of view, the origins and the evolution of the different dialects, from the normative one, the most important phonological and morphological aspects.
Local alphabets and dialects; literary languages.
Reading and interpretation of archaic inscriptions and texts of choral lyric (Pindar and Bacchylides).
Reference texts
A. C. Cassio (a cura di), Storia delle lingue letterarie greche, Le Monnier, Firenze 2005.
Y. Duhoux, Introduzione alla dialettologia greca antica, Edizioni Levante, Bari 1986.
L.R. Palmer, The Greek Language, Bristol Classical Press, London 1995 (I ed.1980).

M. Guarducci, L’epigrafia greca dalle origini al tardo impero, Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato, Roma 1987.
B. Gentili, alii (a cura di), Pindaro, Le Olimpiche, Fondazione Lorenzo Valla, Mondadori, Milano 2013.
H. Maehler (ed.), Bacchylidis carmina cum fragmentis, Teubner, München-Leipzig 2003.

Of useful consultation:
E.J. Bakker (a cura di), A Companion to Greek Language, Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, Malden 2010.
O. Hoffmann-A. Debrunner-A. Scherer, Storia della lingua greca, Macchiaroli, Napoli 1969.
W.P. Lehmann, La linguistica indoeuropea. Storia, problemi e metodi, trad. it. il Mulino, Bologna 1999.
A. Meillet, Lineamenti di storia della lingua greca, con aggiornamento bibliografico a cura di D. Lanza, Einaudi, Torino 2003 (ed. or. 1963).
Educational objectives
Knowledge of the origins and the evolution of the Greek language. The capability of manage with the linguistic and dialectal information acquired.
A basic knowledge of the Greek language.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons. Seminars.
Learning verification modality
The exam will be oral. It will evaluate the knowledge and the capabilities acquired from the theoretical point of view (historical overview of the dialects and the literary languages), and the translation (eventually the metrical interpretation too) of an inscription and a lyric text with a discussion of the linguistic phenomena involved.
Extended program
The following topics will be addressed during the course:
hints of the most ancient history concerning the territorial expansion of the Greeks, migrations, the formation of lineages and dialects;
a brief discussion of the systems of writing and transmission of texts (from the local archaic alphabets to the Hellenistic editions);
the concept of 'literary languages' and their relationship, of closeness but also of estrangement, with respect to authentic dialects, documented by epigraphic texts;
reading of some archaic inscriptions (Nestor Cup, Dipylon Vase, etc.) as an example of local alphabets and dialects; of two odes of Pindar (Ol. 1; Pyth. 12) and two odes of Bacchylides (Ep. 5; Dith. 17) ) as an example of the language of choral lyrics.
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