Health professions of rehabilitation sciences
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Course Regulation
Coorte 2020
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code 50998503
Teacher Auro Caraffa
  • Auro Caraffa
  • 8 ore - Auro Caraffa
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area * scienze della podologia
Academic discipline MED/33
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Detailed study of the types of human movement and qualitative and quantitative analysis in physiological and pathological conditions
Reference texts "Il movimento umano" - V. Pirola -
Educational objectives The aim of the course is to recognize a common terminology and to acquire knowledge about the main musculoskeletal system lesions mainly on etiology and clinical findings.
Students will acquire knowledge about basic orthopedic and traumatology particularly connected with sport activities, recovery times typically after injury or pathologies
Prerequisites To be able to understand and deal with teaching the course the student should have general knowledge of anatomy, physiology and general pathology
Teaching methods Frontal lectures with audiovisual equipment

Other information website http://www.scb.unipg.it/scienze_riabilitative
Learning verification modality The examination involves the carrying out of a written and oral test on the specific topic. The test could be long from 15'-to 30'.
For info regarding services for supporting students with handicaps (or DSA), please visit URL-Page : http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program Kinesiology and human motion definition
History of the human movement throughout centuries until modern days
Types of movement: voluntary motion, automatic movement, reflexed movement
Anatomy- functional elements involved in the execution of the movement: macroscopic anatomy, ultra structural analysis – biomechanical characteristics of the musculoskeletal system structures
Functional anatomy of the joints, particularly regarding: hip, knee, ankle, foot, shoulder, elbow, wrist and spine.
Biomechanical analysis of the movement: instrumental evaluations currently used.
Methods of evaluation e quantification of the human movement either physiological or pathological.
Aims of the functional biomechanical evaluations of movement: prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.
Analysis of sports related movements: walking, running, jumping, launching, pulling.
Studies Analysis of motion in : shoulder vault, foot vault, launcher shoulder, sports tendinopathy, jumper knee, volley-player elbow, golfer elbow and spine, traumatic instability of the shoulder, multidirectional shoulder instability
Motion analysis in some pathologies: antalgic and Trendelenburg limp, steppage, patellar instability, flatfoot and cavus foot in children, hip arthritis, knee arthritis, knee ligaments injuries
Analysis of the movement in patients affected by sclerosis multiple and ALS
Analysis of the movement in patients affected by neurological conditions
Analysis of the movements in children with orthopedic problems, C.P., obstetrician palsy.


Code 50994901
Teacher Lorella Marinucci
  • Lorella Marinucci
  • 8 ore - Lorella Marinucci
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze biomediche e psicologiche
Academic discipline BIO/17
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Nervous, articular, muscular system development. Limb development and causes of the principal congenital malformations.  
Reference texts K. L. Moore.  The developing human:clinically oriented embriology EDISES Napoli
Educational objectives The main teaching objective is to give the students the basis of some embryological malformations of rehabilitative interest.The main skills that students will acquire are: Knowledge of the morphogenetic processes regulating the development of the nervous system , muscle skeletal structure and  malformation causes.The main skills that allow to apply the acquired knowledge will be:identification and evaluation of targeted rehabilitative protocols.
Prerequisites To be able to understand and deal with teaching the course the student should have general knowledge of anatomy, physiology and general pathology.
Teaching methods The course is oganized  with  face to face lessons with slide prjection concerning the main topics of the program.
Other information The attendance is compulsory. At least 50% of lessons.Polo universitario S. Andrea delle Fratte P.zza L. Severi Perugia
Learning verification modality The examination involves the carrying out of a written and oral test on the specific topic that varies in relation to the performance of the same test, the duration of 15/30 minutes.
Extended program Formation of the human trilaminar embryo. Nervous system development.  Articular and muscular system development. Limb development. Embryologic causes of functional disability due to nervous and muscular malformations. Clinically oriented embryology problems will be planned


Code A000918
Teacher Giovanni Battista Mancini
  • Giovanni Battista Mancini
  • 8 ore - Giovanni Battista Mancini
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze biologiche, mediche e chirurgiche
Academic discipline MED/34
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Valutazione del paziente fisiatrico
Esercizio terapeutico
Terapia fisica
Terapia infiltrativa
Riabilitazione delle principali patologie del rachide e degli arti
Reference texts G.N. Valobra, R. Gatti Monticone, Trattato di Medicina Fisica e Riabilitazione
N. Basaglia, Medicina Riabilitativa. Medicina Fisica e Riabilitazione. Principi e pratica.
N.E. Walsh, J.A. DeLisa, B.M. Gans, Medicina Fisica e Riabilitazione
R.L. Braddom,Medicina Fisica e Riabilitazione
Educational objectives Good knowledge of concepts about evaluation of fisiatric patient and about the various technics of manual and physical therapy. Knowledge of the role of phisical therapy and rehabilitation in orthopaedics and traumatology
Prerequisites To be able to understand and deal with teaching the course the student should have general knowledge of anatomy, physiology and general pathology
Teaching methods Face to face lessons
Other information
Learning verification modality The examination involves the carrying out of a written and oral test on the specific topic that varies in relation to the performance of the same test, the duration of 15/30 minutes
Extended program Anamnesi fisiatrica ed esame clinico
Misurazione della menomazione e determinazione della disabilità
Misure di qualità e di esito in medicina riabilitativa
Esercizio terapeutico
manipolazioni, trazioni e massaggi
Terapie con agenti fisici
Tecniche di infiltrazione articolare e dei tessuti molli
Riabilitazione dei pazienti con malattie reumatiche
Valutazione e trattamento dei disturbi del rachide
Riabilitazione delle patologie muscoloscheletriche dell'arto superiore
Riabilitazione delle patologie muscoloscheletriche dell'arto inferiore
Riabilitazione delle patologie della mano


Code 50994801
Teacher Giampietro Ricci
  • Giampietro Ricci
  • 8 ore - Giampietro Ricci
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze biologiche, mediche e chirurgiche
Academic discipline MED/31
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Semiotic elements of ear and labyrinth.

Diseases of the ear and labyrinth.

Audiometric techniques.

Newborn hearing screening. Prosthetic treatment
Reference texts Roberto Albera, Giovanni Rossi - Otorinolaringoiatria. Ed. Minerva Medica.
Maurizio Maurizi. Clinica Otorinolaringoiatrica. Ed. Piccin.
Maurizio Maurizi - Audiovestibologia clinica. Ed. Idelson - Gnocchi
Educational objectives Acquire knowledge about pathophysiology and clinical of auditory communication in children and adults with special reference to functional and instrumental semeiotics, methodology, treatment and rehabilitation in audiology and phoniatrics
Teaching methods fae to face
Learning verification modality The examination involves the carrying out of a written and oral test on the specific topic that varies in relation to the performance of the same test, the duration is of 15/30 minutes
Extended program Semiotic elements of ear and labyrinth.

Diseases of the ear and labyrinth.

Audiometric techniques.

Newborn hearing screening. Prosthetic treatment
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