Social policies and social work
Study-unit Code
Impresa sociale
Lorenzo Bruni
  • Lorenzo Bruni
  • 42 ore - Lorenzo Bruni
Course Regulation
Coorte 2019
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The course of Sociology of social networks aims to analyze in depth the concept of social networks. The first part of the course will focus on the sociological analysis of the concept of network,
The second part of the course will focus on the role of the emotional dimension in the processes of construction and deconstruction of social networks, with a particular focus on the social dynamics that are characterizing the collective experience of the current pandemic.
Reference texts
Required texts:

1)Stefania Vergati (2008), “Gruppi e reti sociali. Tra teoria e ricerca”, Bonanno Editore, Acireale-Roma.
For attending students: Capp. 1-2.

For non attending students: the text must be studied in its entirety.

2)Cerulo, M (2018), “Sociologia delle emozioni", Il Mulino, Bologna.

For attending and non attending students: Capp. 1-2; cap. 3, paragrafi 1 e 2; cap. 5, paragrafi 1-2-3-4; cap. 7, 1-2-3.
Educational objectives
1) Evaluate the acquisition of content: theories, concepts, rules, procedures, methods. 2) Application of knowledge and know-how to complete tasks and solve theoretical or practical problems. 3) Demonstrate ability to autonomously transfer knowledge and skills in different contexts.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons and classroom exercises
Other information
mandatory frequency
Learning verification modality
The evaluation test will consist of an oral interview and will last no longer than 30 minutes.
For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or DSA visit http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa.
Extended program
he course of Sociology of social networks aims to analyze in depth the concept of social networks. The first part of the course will focus on the sociological analysis of the concept of network, with particular attention to its historical contextualization, its theoretical declinations and its empirical implications. In particular, the concept of network will be addressed contextually to that of social group, in order to show how the two dimensions are united by a close familiarity. This recompositional operation, which can be carried out because there is no antithesis between the network and the group approach, is based not only on a technical and conceptual reorganization of network studies, but above all on the revaluation of great classics of theory and social research without which the contribution of contemporaries would not be appreciable.
The second part of the course will focus on the role of the emotional dimension in the processes of construction and deconstruction of social networks, with a particular focus on the social dynamics that are characterizing the collective experience of the current pandemic. In more precise terms, we will focus on some key concepts in order to fully understand the social dynamics that govern the emotional manifestations in the creation or deconstruction of social networks. In terms of emotional construction of social networks, the concepts analyzed will be mainly those of emotional rationalization, collective effervescence, gratitude, friendship, love, emotional script, emotional work and emotional work; in terms of emotional deconstruction of social networks, the concepts analyzed will be mainly those of anomie, anguish, shame, emotional alienation, commodification of intimate life.
In addition to frontal lessons, individual and collective exercises will be carried out in the classroom on the topics of relevance to the course through the active involvement of students and students.

Main topics:

- Social networks in sociological reflection.
- Social networks. Definitions and operational tools
- The socially emotional construction of social networks.
- Sociological dimensions of the construction/deconstruction of social networks, with particular focus on social dynamics related to the recent pandemic.
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