- Course
- Business administration
- Study-unit Code
- 20000509
- Location
- Curriculum
- In all curricula
- 9
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2019
- Offered
- 2020/21
- Learning activities
- Caratterizzante
- Area
- Giuridico
- Academic discipline
- IUS/04
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Code | 20000509 |
Location | PERUGIA |
CFU | 9 |
Teacher | Luigi Farenga |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Caratterizzante |
Area | Giuridico |
Academic discipline | IUS/04 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | Discipline of the enterprise, companies, debt securities and banruptcy |
Reference texts | L. FARENGA, Manuale di diritto commerciale, Giappichelli, Torino, 2020; the manual must be integrated with: G. FAUCEGLIA, Il nuovo diritto della crisi e dell'insolvenza, Giappichelli, 2019 |
Educational objectives | Knowledge of the main institutions of commercial law aimed at the possibility of inclusion in the business world to the executive level and consulting |
Prerequisites | Knowledge of the main institutions of civil law and in particular the law of obligations and contracts |
Teaching methods | Classroom teaching, group exercises, case anal |
Other information | The parts of the manual that are excluded from the program will be indicated on the Unistudium platform |
Learning verification modality | The exam is done in a single oral session For information on support services for students with disabilities and / or DSA visit the page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa |
Extended program | Week 1: 1.General profiles of commercial law. Historical profiles. 2. The enterprise: economic profiles. The legal notion of a enterprise: the enterprise as an activity. The commercial enterprise. 3. The agricultural enterprise. Week 2: 1. The business register. The accounting obligations of the entrepreneur. 2.The legal notion of a firm and the rules governing its transfer. 3. Distinctive signs and industrial property rights. Week 3: 1. Credit securities: definition and general discipline. Improper titles and legitimation documents. 2. Credit securities. The discipline of circulation. 3. The promissory note. Week 4: 1. The check. 2. The company contract. The types of companies. 3. Partnerships. The simple society. Week 5: 1. The generalpartnership. The limited partnership. 2. The joint stock company: general characteristics. 3. The constitution. The S.p.A. one person. Week 6: 1. Contributions. 2. Participatory financial actions and instruments. 3. The categories of actions and their circulation. Week 7: 1. The assembly. 2. The invalidity of shareholders' resolutions. 3. Administration and control in the S.p.A. The "traditional" system. Week 8: 1.Administration and control in the S.p.A. The "dualistic" and "monistic" systems. 2. The responsibility of the administrators. 3. The board of statutory auditors. The accounting control. Judicial control instruments. Week 9: 1. Amendments to the articles of association and withdrawal. 2. Increase and reduction of capital. 3. Dissolution and liquidation. Week 10: 1. The limited liability company. Constitution and quotas. 2. The limited liability company. The organization's discipline. The limited partnership by shares. 3. Transformation, merger and demerger of companies. Week 11: 1. The reform of insolvency proceedings: the Code of crisis and insolvency. 2. Judicial Liquidation and other insolvency proceedings. The assumptions of the declaration of Judicial Liquidation. 3. The effects of the Judicial Liquidation declaration. Week 12: 1. The verification of liabilities and the liquidation of assets. 2. The closure of the judicial liquidation and the arrangement in judicial liquidation. 3. The arrangement with creditors and other recovery procedures. |
Code | 20000509 |
Location | PERUGIA |
CFU | 9 |
Teacher | Laura Schiuma |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Caratterizzante |
Area | Giuridico |
Academic discipline | IUS/04 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | As it is known, in the Italian law system as Commercial Law is intended a larger set of issues than those in the Common law system. Thus, it is impossible a precise translation in English; anyway, it is possible to signal that the course has as object the learning of: 1. Business Law, Enterprise Law, Competition Law, Bankruptcy Law; 2. Company Law, Corporation Law, Business Organizations Law; 3. Negotiables Instruments. |
Reference texts | 1.As a text on which the lessons are based: G.F. CAMPOBASSO, Manuale di Diritto commerciale, Turin, Utet, 2017, excluding the following pages: from 68 to 88; from 383 to 412; from 427 to 498; from 519 a 544; 2.In alternative, as more updated texts: L. FARENGA, Manuale di diritto commerciale, Turin, Giappichelli, 2020, excluding del following pages: from 59 to 92; from 543 to 575; from 579 to 616; from 630 to 653 or AA.VV., Manuale di diritto commerciale, edited by M. CIAN, Turin, Giappichelli, 2019, excluding the following pages: from 98 to 155; from 675 to 730 test. 3.For those who opt for the manual of CAMPOBASSO or one of FARENGA, it is advisable to study the part relating to the Business Crisis (as it is not updated in the first and not present in the second manual) on AA.VV., Manual of law commercial, edited by M. CIAN, Turin, Giappichelli, 2019, and in particular: - from p. 283 to 306 for those using Campobasso; - from p. 193 to 306 for those using Farenga. 4.In any case, the help of an UP-TO-DATE Civil Code with related laws is ESSENTIAL to prepare for the exam and to attend the lessons. |
Educational objectives | The course aims to provide basic institutional knowledge of the subjects addressed and to favour the acquisition of expressive and debating skills and autonomous abilities for interpreting legal sources. The course also aims to educate students to identify conditions and effects of the rules of law to be applied to real cases and to train them to recognize interests at stake. |
Prerequisites | Institution of Private Law is prerequisit. |
Teaching methods | Face to face lecture. |
Learning verification modality | There will be an oral examination. |
Extended program | The following topics will be covered: Historical evolution and the sources of Commercial Law. - The entrepreise and the entrepreneur. Categories of Enterprise and related applicable rules – Entrepreneurial organization. - Enterprise and markets. - Consortia. - Companies. Concept and types of company; companies and other forms of collective administration of business activity. Partnerships: simple partnership; general partnership; limited partnership. Companies with share capital: public limited liability companies; private limited companies; limited partnership with share capital. Cooperatives and mutual insurance companies. Conversion. Mergers a General overview on negotiable instruments. |