Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Enrico Tonelli
  • Enrico Tonelli
  • Giuseppe Caforio
  • Massimo Billi
  • 90 ore - Enrico Tonelli
  • 6 ore - Giuseppe Caforio
  • 10 ore - Massimo Billi
Course Regulation
Coorte 2016
Learning activities
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Anno Accademico 2017/2018

DocenteEnrico TONELLI (Tit.)
Massimo BILLI
Giuseppe CAFORIO
Modalità d'ErogazioneConvenzionale
Lingua InsegnamentoITALIANO

Informazioni aggiuntive
Corso Percorso CFU Durata(h)
[LM01] GIURISPRUDENZA [GEN - Ord. 2014 - Reg. 2016] CORSO GENERICO 15 106
Obiettivi formativi
Questi i risultati d'apprendimento previsti:
gli studenti potranno acquisire conoscenze sui principali istituti giuridici che contraddistinguono il diritto degli affari, al fine di entrare in possesso di strumenti di studio e di ricerca in grado di attribuire loro la capacità, anche in un'ottica professionale, di applicare le conoscenze ottenute.

Oltre ai prerequisiti previsti dall'ordinamento degli studi, è consigliato il superamento degli esami del primo anno di corso.

Metodi didattici
Lezioni frontali del docente e cicli di esercitazioni tenuti dai collaboratori di cattedra. Incontri e discussioni su specifici temi concordati con gruppi di studenti durante gli orari di ricevimento. Solo per particolari situazioni e in caso di necessità saranno possibili colloqui individuali su parti specifiche di programma durante l'orario di ricevimento dei collaboratori della cattedra
Reference texts
The topics of the program summarized above may be studied in any textbook on the market, provided updated. We suggest the following books, either:
-G. F. Campobasso, Business Law, Vol I, II, III, UTET, Turin, latest edition on the market;
-G. PRESTI - M. Rescigno, Course of Business Law, Volume I,
Volume II, Zanichelli, Bologna, the most recent edition on the market.
-G. FERRI, Manual of commercial law, UTET, Torino, the most recent edition on the market.
Supplementary Texts.
The course will be agreed with stakeholders on individual readings topics that students will want to look into. Similarly, for
of teaching supplementary material will be distributed (sentences, articles of doctrine, documentation relating to the experiences of
other countries, etc..) useful for practice and for works to be held in the course of it.
Educational objectives
Students will gain knowledge on the major legal institutions of business law in order to get hold of the means of study and research that can give them the ability, also on a professional perspective, to apply the knowledge obtained.
In addition to the prerequisites fixed by the studies, it's recommended passing the exams of the first year.
Teaching methods
Lectures and courses of the teacher exercises held by the staff of the chair. Meetings and discussions on specific topics agreed with students during office hours. Only for particular situations and needs will be possible in case of individual interviews on specific parts of the program during office hours.
Other information

Staff of the chair:
Dr. Massimo Billi; Dr. Filippo Parrella; Dr. Giuseppe Caforio; Dr. Federica Marabini; Dr. Andrea Guarini; Dr. Giovanni Romano .
The e-mail and office hours are published on the website of "Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza"
Learning verification modality
The exams are essentially oral. The questions relate the matters on the program shown on sheet. The exam tend to verify the knowledge of the subject and rhe reasoning skills of the candidate, the logic of his arguments.

Are encouraged forms of active participation of students in classes, during classes or in direct talks with the teacher and his staff during office hours. However, there are recurrent verification of parts of the program, even during the progress, and practical exercises as part of the teaching supplementary, the results of these tests will be considered in judging final. The subjects to focus the mid-term preparation.

The exam duration is variable and depend on the performance of the test.
Extended program
The course will deal with the main themes of business law: the undertaking; the firm; competition; an overview of trade marks and industrial property rights; partnerships; companies, with specific attention to listed companies and to M&A transactions; further association devices for the carrying out of business activities; an overview of payment mechanisms and lettera of exchange. The law of business finance, with special focus upon the rules that firms - as well as public authorities - have to follow in order to collect financial resources; financial instruments issued by firms and public authorities; general overview of insolvency proceedings. Contracts.

To the side of the main course, there will be seminars focussed upon the partiners, companies and law of accounting for firms and companies and the rules for drafting a balance sheet, with a view also to International Accounting Standards to be soon applied by listed companies.
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