Mechanical engineering
Study-unit Code
Course Regulation
Coorte 2021
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata

Code A002354
Teacher Emanuela Speranzini
  • Emanuela Speranzini
  • 32 ore - Emanuela Speranzini
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline ICAR/08
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents 1. Static Recalls and Insights

2. Calculation of inflected beam displacements using Mohr teroremas. Rotations and inflections.

3. Resolution of symmetric and hemisymmetric structures.

4. The stability of the elastic balance. Concentrated elasticity structures. Structures with diffuse elasticity. The critical load.

5. Resolution of indeterminate statically structures by the method of forces, subjected to thermal variations (uniform and butterfly), elastic and inelastic compliance.

6. Elastic line equation, for statically determinate and indeterminate beams.

7. Laboratory activities for mechanical tests on structural structures and materials.
Reference texts Recommended books

Erasmo Viola - Esercitazioni di Scienza delle costruzioni - vol 1° 1993 Pitagora Editrice Bologna
Erasmo Viola - Esercitazioni di Scienza delle costruzioni - vol 2° 1985 Pitagora Editrice Bologna –

R. Camiciotti, A. Cecchi - Esercizi di Scienza delle Costruzioni vol III Edizione Morelli Firenze.

Riccardo Baldacci - Scienza delle costruzioni: Fondamenti di meccanica dei solidi - vol 1° 1970 UTET

Riccardo Baldacci - Scienza delle costruzioni: Fondamenti di meccanica delle strutture - vol 2° 1976 UTET

Michele Capurso - Lezioni di Scienza delle costruzioni - 1971 Pitagora editrice

James M. Gere, Stephen P. Timoshenko Mechanics of Materials (Inglese), 1999, o edizioni successive.

Andrew Pytel, Jaan Kiusalaas, Engineering Mechanics: Statics, 1998.

The teaching material (shown during the lessons) will be available on the UNISTUDIUM platform.
Educational objectives The main learning outcomes envisaged include the ability of the students to solve hyperstatic structures subject to any load conditions including temperature variations and vertical compliace; problems of concentrated elasticity beam stability and with diffuse elasticity. Acquisition of basic knowledge to deal with the study of simple experimental systems, in the context of the analysis of tension and deformation and problems of mechanical behavior of materials.
Prerequisites In order to be able to understand the concepts described within the Course, Students must have successfully passed the "Foundation of Structural Mechanics" exam.
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows:
- lectures on all subject of the course;
- laboratory activity on materials and structures.
Other information Disabled students and/or with DSA, can contact the teacher of this course directly because she is the contact professor for disability and DSA in Engineering Department.
Learning verification modality The oral examination requires solving one structure statically indetermine and a question on one of the other topics covered in the course.
Extended program The course integrates with the previous courses in structural mechanics. In particular, reconnecting with the concepts of statics of the inflected beam, the following topics will be developed, mainly in the application field:

1. Static Recalls and Insights

2. Calculation of inflected beam displacements using Mohr teroremas. Rotations and inflections.

3. Resolution of symmetric and hemisymmetric structures.

4. The stability of the elastic balance. Concentrated elasticity structures. Structures with diffuse elasticity. The critical load.

5. Resolution of indeterminate statically structures by the method of forces, subjected to thermal variations (uniform and butterfly), elastic and inelastic compliance.

6. Elastic line equation, for statically determinate and indeterminate beams.

7. Laboratory activities for mechanical tests on structural structures and materials.

Code A002355
Teacher Giulio Castori
  • Giulio Castori
  • 16 ore - Giulio Castori
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline ICAR/08
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
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