Study-unit Code
Stefania Zucchini
  • Stefania Zucchini
  • 72 ore - Stefania Zucchini
Course Regulation
Coorte 2017
Learning activities
Storia, filosofia, psicologia, pedagogia, antropologia e geografia
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
For the program related to 9 and 6 CFU, please contact the teacher.
The course of Medieval History shall be composed of two parts.
The first part (6 CFU) deals with the institutional History of the Middle Age (5th-15th centuries); the second part (6 CFU) concerns the Emperor Frederick II Hohenstaufen.
Reference texts
A) Andrea Zorzi, "Manuale di storia medievale", Torino, UTET, 2016; OR Giovanni Vitolo, "Medioevo. I caratteri originali di un'età di transizione", Milano, Sansoni, 2016.


B) G. Arnaldi, "Fondazione e rifondazioni dello Studio di Napoli in età sveva", in "Il pragmatismo degli intellettuali. Origini e primi sviluppi dell'istituzione universitaria. Antologia di storia medievale. I florilegi", Torino 1996, pp. 105-123.

C) F. Delle Donne, "La porta del sapere. Cultura alla corte di Federico II di Svevia".

D) Stefano Gasparri, "Voci dai secoli oscuri. Un percorso nelle fonti dell'alto medioevo", Roma, Carocci, 2017 (this book is in addition ONLY for not-attending students).
Educational objectives
Knowledge of medieval life's different aspects (politics, economy, society); knowledge of the main medieval sources and bibliography (D.D.1); ability to approach the peculiarities of the Middle Ages with a critical and scientific attitude; ability to recognize the causes and effects of specific events (D.D.2); ability to formulate questions and solve interpretive problems related Medieval Ages (D.D.3). The student will also receive some guidelines to approach to historical research (D.D.4-D.D.5).
Roman history's basic knowledge. Indeed the Middle Ages can be seen as a transformation of the classical and late antique world.
Teaching methods
Face-to-face; reading and discussion of sources in Latin or Italian translation (it will be available on-line: www.unistudium.unipg.it); presentations with PowerPoint. There will also be lectures at the State Archives of Perugia.
Other information
Students of "Degree course in Humanities" can write a short dissertation to which the teacher will assign a score of 3 credits. The work will have to be agreed with the teacher.
Learning verification modality
The students’ knowledge will be evaluated through a written exam on the institutional history of Middle Ages and through an oral test about the monographic course.
For the written test the student has a maximum time of two hours; every question receives a specific score, based on the correctness of content, syntax and vocabulary property. The oral test consists of an interview of 30 minutes maximum on the topics covered in the lectures.
The student has to pass the written test to access to the oral exam.
It's not necessary to do the oral test in the same session in which the writing was claimed. The final grade is calculated based on the average between written and oral.
Extended program
The course of Medieval History shall be composed of two parts.
The first part (6 CFU) deals with the institutional History of the Middle Age (5th-15th centuries); the second part (6 CFU) concerns the Emperor Frederick II Hohenstaufen. N.B. for the program related to 9 and 6 CFU, please contact the teacher.
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