Foreign languages and cultures
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Giada Boschi
  • Giada Boschi
  • 54 ore - Giada Boschi
Course Regulation
Coorte 2018
Learning activities
Lingue e traduzioni
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The French II language course is divided into 3 modules:
1. Lessicology, lessicography and semantics;
2. Textual and practical typologies of specialized translation;
3. The translation of cinema and theater.
Reference texts
A document prepared by the teacher will be made available to the students.
Module I and II:
H. Walter, L'aventure des mots français venus d'ailleurs;
J. Delisle, L'initaton à la traduction économique;
C. Vinti, Traduire la métaphore en économie;
Module III:
C. Vinti, La Monnaie de l'absolu (autour du cinéma de J.-L.Godard)
Educational objectives
The French Language II course focuses on the acquisition of knowledge and skills appropriate to the achievement of CECR Level B1. This goal will be achieved through the enrichment and professionalization of the language with targeted oral / written understanding / production, as well as the deepening of specialist vocabulary.
In order to successfully use the teacher's course (which will be held in French), the student must have a linguistic competence equal to B2 level of the CECR.
Teaching methods
Language reflection will be conducted through communicative and oriented approaches, with the main semiotic communication strategies
Other information
At the same time as the 1st and 2nd semester course, at the University Language Center (CLA), written and oral exercises will be held by native speakers in order to enable the student to acquire the necessary linguistic tools to support the examination.
Learning verification modality
The course provides for the following assessment of learning:
1. written test;
2. oral test.
An independent review is scheduled at the end of the CLA exercises.
Extended program
The course will focus on the lexicology and the semantics of the French language. Particular attention will be given to the relationships of homonymy, synonymy, hypernyms and faux amis. The aim is to allow the student to expand his basic vocabulary, to improve it and to sharpen it, and also to raise reflection on the lexical creative mechanisms influenced not only by historical events but also by the migratory movements of peoples, by the evolution of societies and the communicative needs of the populations. Much space will be reserved for specialized translation and its difficulties. A separate chapter will be devoted to the translation of cinema and theater.
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