Foreign languages and cultures
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Marco Paone
  • Marco Paone
  • 36 ore - Marco Paone
Course Regulation
Coorte 2018
Learning activities
Lingue e traduzioni
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Spanish Castilian
The course will stress an introductory study of the history of the Spanish language along contemporary times, including elements of historical grammar (historical phonetics and phonology, historical morphosyntax, lexical and semantic changes). The course is complemented by the linguistic-philological analysis of literary and non-literary texts useful to understand the evolution of the Spanish language.
Reference texts
Required readings:

- Torrens Álvarez, Mª Jesús, Evolución e historia de la lengua española, Madrid, Arco/Libros, 2007.
- Cano Aguilar, Rafael, Introducción al análisis filológico, Madrid, Editorial Castalia, 2000. (Especially for non-attending students)

Other useful dossier of texts will be posted on the UniStudium digital platform for the historical-philological analysis of the Spanish language.

Reference manuals:

- Pharies, David, Breve historia de la lengua española. Chicago: The U of Chicago P, 2015 [II.a ed.].
- Penny, Ralph, Gramática histórica del español, edición actualizada, Barcelona, Ariel, 2014.
- Cano Aguilar, Rafael, El español a través de los tiempos, Madrid, Arco/Libros, (1988) 1992.
- Cano Aguilar, Rafael (coord.), Historia de la lengua española, Madrid: Ariel, 2005 [II.a ed.].
- Moreno Fernández, Francisco, Historia social de las lenguas de España, Barcelona, Ariel, 2005.
- Historia de la lengua española, Madrid, Escelicer, 1942. 9ª edición refundida y aumentada, Madrid, Gredos, 1984.
- Tavani Giuseppe, Preistoria e protostoria delle lingue ispaniche, L'Aquial, L. U. Japadre Editore, 1968.
- Abad Nebot, Francisco, Historia general de la lengua española, Valencia, Tirant Lo Blanch, 2008.
- D’Agostino, Alfonso, Storia della lingua spagnola, Milán, Led edizioni. 2001.
- Echenique Elizondo, María Teresa y Martínez Alcalde, María José, Diacronía y gramática histórica de la lengua española, Valencia, Tirant Lo Blanch, 2005.
Educational objectives
The student will gain knowledge about the diachronic development of Castilian / Spanish and be capable to synchronously analyze literary and non-literary texts.
The course has no specific prerequisites.
Teaching methods
The course will be taught through lecture classes that will provide elements of historical grammar and history of Spanish language and will analyze textual extracts of a literary and non-literary nature.
Other information
It is recommended to attend class.
Learning verification modality
There will be a written exam and then an oral examination with a single final grade. Questions will be open-ended. The presentation of the contents will be held entirely in Spanish.

Both tests can be held after having passed the third year Spanish language test at CLA (Centro linguistico d'Ateneo).

Due to preventive measures against Covid-19, if the tests cannot be carried out in person, the exam will take place orally on the Teams platform.
Extended program
The course will stress an introductory study of the history of the Spanish language along contemporary times: Iberian languages before Romanization; Latin in Roman Hispania; formation of the Romance languages in the Iberian Peninsula; birth and development of medieval Castilian; the Spanish Golden Age; Modern Spanish and Latin American Spanish. Elements of historical grammar will be provided (historical phonetics and phonology, historical morphosyntax, lexical and semantic changes).
he course is complemented by the linguistic-philological analysis of literary and non-literary texts useful to understand the evolution of the Spanish language.
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