Foreign languages and cultures
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Maria Plioukhanova
  • Maria Plioukhanova
  • Ljubov Kisseljova (Codocenza)
  • 36 ore - Maria Plioukhanova
  • 18 ore (Codocenza) - Ljubov Kisseljova
Course Regulation
Coorte 2019
Learning activities
Letterature straniere
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Italian and English
Golden Age of Russian literature: Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov; (only for 2nd year): the reflections of the Golden Age in the literature of Symbolism.
The introductory part of the course "" Russian Romanticism in the Context of European Literature of the first half of the 19th century. Mythology of the Golden Age of Russian Literature "will be held by the visiting prof. L.N. Kisseljova (University of Tartu).
Reference texts
Various chapters from the volumes:
Storia della civiltà letteraria russa. UTET, vol I. 1997.

N.Riasanovsky, "History of Russia. From its origins to the present day ", Milan, Bompiani Paperback, 1997 and other editions.
The text read:
Reading texts:
A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" "Lady of Spades", "Tales of Belkin"; some poems, some poems.

N. V. Gogol. "L and Veglie on the farm near Dikan'ka" "Stories from Petersburg" "Dead souls"; "Via" "Roma" "Engaged couples or marriage"
"The auditor"
Lermontov "The hero of our time", some poems and poems.
for the second year:
The works of Chekhov, Belyj and Blok will be indicated at the beginning of the course
Educational objectives
The course aims to provide the knowledge base for understanding the literary and cultural history of Russia in the 19th century.
In order to able to understand and to know to tackle the course, the student must have the general notions concerning the historical context of European nineteenth-century culture.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons will deal with the key issues and problems related to the russian literature of the second half of 19th cent. and the relationschip literature/ story and the evolution of literary poetics.

The reading of the pieces of the works with historical and cultural comments and the analysis of poetry.
Other information
Frequency is highly recommended. Non-attending students will have to present at the beginning of the course at the reception hours to agree with the teacher the special program.
Learning verification modality
the esam included only the final oral test consisting of a discussion-intervew on the topics discussed during the course and examined indepth through the recommended texts.

The main focus of the exam is the discussion of the texts chosen by the student from the list proposed in the in-depth reading program.
Extended program
Golden Age of Russian literature: Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov; (only for 2nd year): the reflections of the Golden Age in the literature of Symbolism.
The introductory part of the course "" Russian Romanticism in the Context of European Literature of the first half of the 19th century. Mythology of the Golden Age of Russian Literature "will be held by the visiting prof. L.N. Kisseljova (University of Tartu). Main topics:The era of Karamzin. Russian Politics and Literature (from Napoleonic Wars to Nickolas I Official Ideology). Main Genres of Russian Poetry.
Peculiarities of the Development of Russian Prose. Pushkin as the “beginner” of Russian Literature.
Pushkin Myth in Russian Culture. Gogol and so called “Gogol school”.
Third module foresees the study of the reflections of the Golden Age literature in the works of Chekhov, Andrej Belyj, Al. Blok

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