Foreign languages and cultures
Study-unit Code
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Mariangela Miotti
  • Mariangela Miotti
  • 54 ore - Mariangela Miotti
Course Regulation
Coorte 2019
Learning activities
Letterature straniere
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
In accordance with the periodization adopted for the French literature teachings of the various
annuity (first year: from the 18th century to the contemporary age; second year: 16th and 17th centuries;
third year: Middle Ages), this course of French literature II aims to introduce students to the in-depth and critical study of French literature of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries as well as
of the artistic and philosophical culture of this historical period. The course also aims to provide students with the theoretical and methodological tools necessary for the literary and linguistic analysis of the texts examined. The texts studied and analyzed during the lessons, held in Italian, will all be in French.
Reference texts
Modulo A:
Louise de Labé and Lyonese poetry.
Recommended edition:
Œuvres Complètes, par François Rigolot, Paris, GF.
The student can also use one of the following editions.
Critical introductions are considered integrated parts of the text:
Œuvres Complètes, édition critique par Enzo Giudici, Genève, Droz, 1981 (BUM);
Œuvres poétiques précédé de Rymes, de Pernette du Guillet et suivi de Blasons du corps féminin (choix), édition par Françoise Charpentier, Paris, Gallimard, 2006 ;

Modulo B: Montaigne, Des coches, III, 6.
Students can read chapter 6 of the third book of the Essais in any edition, provided that it is complete and in French. There are numerous translations also in Italian, for example that of Fausta Garavini published by Adelphi, but also the edition with opposite text (translation by Fautsa Garavini) with notes by André Tournon, Milan, Bompiani, 2012 (BUM).
Modulo C:
the theater of Corneille
Corneille, L’Illusion comique, any french edition, integral.

There are numerous editions of the scheduled works. The student can choose a different edition from those indicated provided that it is in its entirety and in French. It is advisable to consult the teacher.
Educational objectives
The second year of French literature provides for the in-depth and critical study of French literature of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, of the main authors as well as of the artistic and philosophical culture of this historical period. The course also aims to provide students with the theoretical and methodological tools necessary for the literary and linguistic analysis of the texts examined. The main knowledge acquired therefore concerns:
knowledge of the main authors, their works and the historical context;
knowledge of the distinctive traits of different literary genres, of poetic forms;
knowledge of the role of ancient literature and Italian culture in the formation of French culture of the period under consideration;
knowledge of the subjects of literary communication (author, publisher, translator) and the history of the text studied over time (translations and luck).
The main skills that provide the ability to apply the knowledge acquired will be:
knowing how to locate an author and his work over time;
knowing how to read, translate, analyze and comment on the texts studied;
know how to use the critical readings proposed by the program and advance personal critical reflections.
In order to understand and be able to independently use the knowledge and tools of historical and literary analysis required by the teaching, the student must have a good linguistic-literary knowledge and a good level of French that allows to understand the texts of the program. The 16th century French language presents lexical and syntactic difficulties that will be addressed during the lessons. Non-attending students will have to resort to the studies on moyen français (grammars and vocabularies) indicated in the critical bibliography.
Teaching methods
The course is organized as follows:
frontal lectures in the classroom, supported, if necessary, by multimedia tools.
In-depth seminars are planned with specialist scholars of the authors studied.
Other information
Students who must achieve 6 CFU (Italian studies students) will follow Module A and, optionally, B or C.
Students will regularly find, on unistudium, the didactic material used during the lessons. This material becomes a full part of the course program.

Disabled and / or DSA students are asked to get in touch with the teacher at the beginning of the course in order to identify all the tools necessary to follow successfully.

Students find the reception hours on the teacher's web page.
Learning verification modality
The exam includes a single final oral exam which consists of an interview relating to the topics covered during the course and detailed on the texts recommended in the bibliography.
To face the test, the student must have read all the texts indicated in the program and the test is used to ascertain the level of knowledge, the ability to understand, the critical analysis achieved by the student.
The interview will also evaluate the student's ability to communicate what has been acquired, the critical ability and the ownership of language.
The duration of the interview varies according to the progress of the test itself.
In general, the student is asked to begin, for each module included in the program, with an analysis of the work he deems closest to his interests. The other texts of the program can however be discussed.
The exam, unless otherwise requested by the student, takes place in Italian.
Compensatory forms are provided for disabled students and / or with DSA, when requested at the beginning of the course.
The single verbalization is carried out with digital signature.
Extended program
The authors' texts are also available online, in editions other than those indicated in the program, also on wikisource or on gallica (BnF)
The presence of the texts in the Library of the University of Perugia is indicated with the abbreviation BUM.

Modulo A:
Louise de Labé and Lyonese poetry
Recommended edition:
Œuvres Complètes, par François Rigolot, Paris, GF.
The student can also use one of the following editions. Critical introductions are considered integrated parts of the text:
Œuvres Complètes, édition critique par Enzo Giudici, Genève, Droz, 1981 (BUM);
Œuvres poétiques précédé de Rymes, de Pernette du Guillet et suivi de Blasons du corps féminin (choix), édition par Françoise Charpentier, Paris, Gallimard, 2006 ;

Critical bibliography:
Budini Paolo, Louise Labé poétesse lyonnaise ; essais, épreuves de lecture, Firenze, Olschki, 2017 (BUM) ;
Mireille Huchon, Louise Labé, une créature de papier, Genève, Droz, 2006 (BUM) ;
Mireille HUchon, Labyrinthe, Genève, Droz, 2019.
For those wishing to learn more:
Enzo Giudici, Gli influssi italiani nel Debat di Louise Labé, Foma, Porfiri, 1953 (BUM);
Enzo Giudici, La sintassi poetica di Louise Labé, s.l. s.d., 1954 (BUM).

Modulo B: Montaigne, Des coches, III, 6.
Students can read the chapter of the Essais in any edition, provided that it is complete and in French. There are numerous translations also in Italian, for example that of Fausta Garavini published by Adelphi, but also the edition with opposite text (translation by Fautsa Garavini) with notes by André Tournon, Milan, Bompiani, 2012 (BUM).
Critical Bibliography:
Introduzione di F. Garavini all’edizione in italiano;
Dictionnaire de Michel de Montagne, publié sous la direction de Ph. DEsan, Paris, Champion, 2007 (BUM). The student will choose one or more dictionary entries related to the topics covered in the studied chapter.

Modulo C :The Corneille theater.
Corneille, L’Illusion comique,
any edition as long as integral.
Critical Bibliography:J. Scherer, La dramaturgie classique en France, Paris, Nizet, 1959 ; P. Larthomas, Le langage dramatique. Sa nature, ses procédés, Paris, PUF, 1972 ; G. Forestier, Le théâtre dans le théâtre, Genève, Droz, 1981 ; «RHLF», sept.-oct. 1985 dedicato a Corneille ; F. Orlando, Rotrou, dalla tragicommedia alla tragedia, Torino, Einaudi, 1963 ; R. Guichemerre, La Comédie avant Molière, 1972.

Other bibliographical indications addressed, above all, to non-attending students.
Literary stories and anthologies:XVI secolo :
LESTRINGANT, J. RIEU, A. TARRÊTE, Littérature française du XVIe siècle, Paris, PUF, 2000.
CRESCENZO, Histoire de la littérature française du XVIe siècle, “Unichamp”, Paris, Champion, 2001.
LESTRINGANT - M. ZINKr. , Histoire de la France Littéraire, Naissances, Renaissances, Moyen Age -XVIe siècle, Paris, PUF, 2006, capp. 3 e 4
(the part concerning the Renaissance).
Sozzi Lionello, Storia europea della letteratura francese. I. Dalle origini al Seicento, Torino, Einaudi, 2013
(recommended for students of the Italian course)
XVI secolo
Il Cinquecento, a cura di Anna Bettoni e Bruna Conconi, Milano, LED, 1996;
Lagarde et L. Michard, XVIe siècle. Antologie et histoire littéraire, Paris, Bordas.
XVII secolo
ll Seicento, a cura di Giorgetti Giorgi, Milano, LED, 1996;
Lagarde et L. Michard, XVIIe siècle. Anthologie et histoire littéraire, Paris, Bordas.
Mireilli Huchon, Histoire de la langue française.
Dictionnaire du Moyen Français. La Renaissance, Larousse.
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