Foreign languages and cultures
Study-unit Code
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Jelena Ulrike Reinhardt
  • Jelena Ulrike Reinhardt
  • 54 ore - Jelena Ulrike Reinhardt
Course Regulation
Coorte 2021
Learning activities
Letterature straniere
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Twentieth Century German Literature.
Reference texts
Mandatory readings (we also recommend the study of the introductions and notes included in the individual editions):

Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Lettera di Lord Chandos e altri scritti, a cura di Marco Rispoli, con testo a fronte, Marsilio, Venezia 2017.

Franz Kafka, I racconti, a cura di Giulio Schiavoni, Milano 1998 (Erzählungen, Reclam, Stuttgart).

Thomas Mann, Morte a Venezia, a cura di E. Galvan, con testo a fronte, Marsilio, Venezia 2009.

Elias Canetti, Auto da fè, trad. di L. Zagari, B. Zagari, Adelphi, Milano 2001 (Die Blendung, Fischer, Frankfurt am Main).

Friedrich Dürrenmatt, La visita della vecchia signora, traduzione di Aloisio Rendi, nota introduttiva di Luigi forte, Einaudi, Torino 1989 (Der Besuch der alten Dame, Reclam, Stuttgart).

Ingeborg Bachmann, Tre sentieri per il lago e altri racconti, trad. di A. Pandolfi, Adelphi, Milano 1994. (Simultan: neue Erzählungen, Piper Verlag, München)

A handout with poetry by R.M. Rilke, G. Benn, B. Brecht, P. Celan, H.M. Enzensberger and other authors will be provided during the course.

Secondary Literature:

Marino Freschi, La letteratura tedesca, il Mulino, Bologna 2008.

Other suggested readings:

Aldo Venturelli, La letteratura tedesca del primo Novecento (1900-1933), Carocci, Roma 2009.

S. Costagli, A. Fambrini, M. Galli, S. Sbarra, Guida alla letteratura tedesca. Percorsi e protagonisti 1945-2017, Odoya, Bologna 2018.
Educational objectives
Knowledge of the German literary history; ability to interpret literary texts in their historical, cultural, philosophical and literary context.
Basic knowledge of history and cultural history.
Teaching methods
Blended teaching with synchronous and / or asynchronous mode.
Other information
For the timetable of the lessons and the exam dates see the official Department calendar.
Learning verification modality
Final oral exam.
Extended program
Twentieth-century German literature allows us to know, through the perspective of numerous authors, the German-speaking world of today in its complex and fascinating development, through periods of splendor and great vitality, moments of crisis and tragic involution. Hofmannsthal, Kafka, Th. Mann, Canetti, Dürrenmatt, Bachmann and many other authors will be read in their historical and cultural context, in search of their particular contribution to the universal literature of our time.

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