Biological sciences
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Oriana Piermatti
  • Oriana Piermatti
  • 56 ore - Oriana Piermatti
Course Regulation
Coorte 2019
Learning activities
Discipline chimiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Structure and bonding. Acids and bases. Alkanes and cycloalkanes. An overview of organic reactions. Alkenes and alkynes. Stereochemistry. Aromatic compounds. Alkyl halides, alcohols, phenols, thiols, ethers, sulfides, aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acids and carboxylic acid derivatives, amines , amino acids, and carbohydrates
Reference texts
1. John McMurry- “Chimica Organica-Un approccio biologico”- Zanichelli;
2. J. G. Smith – Fondamenti di Chimica organica”- Mc Graw Hill Educational;
3. K. Peter, C.Vollhardt, N. E. Schore- “Chimica Organica” – Zanichelli;
4. D. Klein- “Fondamenti di Chimica Organica” – Person;
5. Teacher lectures.
Educational objectives
A student, at the end of the course should be able to approach the other courses, with a sound knowledge of modern basic organic chemistry and the connections with the biological processes.
Particularly, the student should be able to: apply the knowledge of the hybridization of C to the different classes of organic compounds; define and apply the concept of isomerism; understand the significance of electron delocalization in benzene and describe some characteristics of the aromatic ring; know the aliphatic and aromatic compounds, and give them a IUPAC name; recognize the characteristic functional groups of individual classes of compounds and assign a name to each compound; know the main chemical and physical properties of the major classes of organic cpmpounds, the preparation methods , reactions-mechanisms and some characteristic reactions.
In order to understand the topics you need to have good knowledge of the basic concepts of general chemistry about the atomic structure, chemical bonding, acidity and alkalinity, equilibrium constants. These concepts will be repeated again in the first lessons of the course for those who have not taken the exam in General Chemistry.
Teaching methods
The course is organized as follows:
- Lectures on all subjectsof the course
- Practical training with conducting exercises in preparation for the written test.
Other information
Learning verification modality
The exam includes two tests

1. Written test for admission to the oral - 10 questions with stimulus closed and open answer - test duration 2 hours.

2. Oral exam: oral examination consists of a discussion of about 40 minutes aimed at ascertaining the level of knowledge attained by the student through closed questions with open answer.
Extended program
Structure and Bonding. Polar Covalent Bonds; Acids and Bases. Alkanes and Cycloalkanes and Their Stereochemistry. An Overview of Organic Reactions. Alkenes and Alkynes: Naming, Preparation, Reactions, Electrophilic Addition Reactions. Conjugated Dienes. Stereochemistry: Enantiomers and the Tetrahedral Carbon, Chirality, Optical Activity, Sequence Rules for Specifying Configuration , Diastereomers , Meso Compounds , Racemates and the Resolution of Enantiomers, Stereochemistry of Reactions. Alkyl Halides: naming, Preparation, Nucleophilic Substitutions and Eliminations. Aromatic Compounds: Naming, Structure and Stability of Benzene, Aromaticity and the Hückel 4n + 2 Rule, Aromatic Heterocycles, Reactions of Electrophilic Substitution. Alcohols, Phenols, and Thiols; Ethers and Sulfides: Naming, Properties, Preparation, Reactions. Aldehydes and Ketones: Naming, Preparation, Oxidation, Nucleophilic Additions Reactions. Carboxylic Acids and Nitriles: Naming, Structure and Properties, Preparation, Reactions. Carboxylic Acid Derivatives: Naming,Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution Reactions. Carbonyl Alpha-Substitution and Condensation Reactions: Keto-Enol Tautomerism. Amines and Heterocycles: naming,properties and reactions. Biomolecules: Carbohydrates, Amino Acids.
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