Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Igor Neri
  • Igor Neri
  • Emanuele Fiandrini (Codocenza)
  • 67 ore - Igor Neri
  • 7 ore (Codocenza) - Emanuele Fiandrini
Course Regulation
Coorte 2019
Learning activities
Sperimentale e applicativo
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Basics of signals theory; Introduction to digital systems and data acquisition; Basic analog and digital electronics.
Reference texts
Slides provided by the teacher; For details: Microelectronics (J. Millman); Teoria dei segnali (M. Luise, G. M. Vitetta)
Educational objectives
The main objective of the course is to provide students the techniques to deal with the study of complex analog and digital systems with particular focus on: their performance in terms of cost, speed, power consumption, efficiency, resistance to noise and external disturbances; their design according to the solution of simple physical problems. Students will also be able to program simple logic systems or finite state machines in HDL language.
The contents of the course "Laboratorio di elettromagnetismo ed ottica" are considered highly preparatory for the purpose of understanding and assimilating the topics covered in this course. In addition to this a basic preparation in the following topics is recommended: Discrete calculation (numerical series); Infinitesimal calculus (limits, derivation, integration); Classic electromagnetism; Basic electronics; Basic programming elements; Basic elements of statistics and data analysis techniques.
Teaching methods
Front lessons for a theoretical introducion to the module and for preparation to the single experiments. Practical experiments in laboratory. Students will be organized in 2-4 people groups. Every group will design and implement some experiments, lasting one or more sessions. For each experiment the working group will prepare a technical paper describing the choices made. Technical paper will be evaluated and discussed during the final examination.
Other information
Attendance of laboratory activities is mandatory for at least 70% of the total activities
Learning verification modality
The exam includes an oral test aimed at ascertaining the level of knowledge and understanding reached by the student on the contents indicated in the program. At the beginning of the exam, students are expected to exhibit a technical paper produced independently or in a group by one of the practical experiences carried out in the laboratory. The skills of synthesis and autonomous organization of the exposure of the problem and of the applied methodologies will be evaluated, as well as the ability to contextualize the study of the proposed problem within the theoretical contents introduced in the lessons with appropriate language properties.
Extended program
Signal and noise concepts. Introduction to simple data acquisition systems. Trigger. Analog / digital conversion. Notes on semiconductors, p-n junctions, transistors. Operational amplifiers, simple assemblies and circuits. Logic gates, Boolean algebra, binary arithmetic. Logical families. Digital systems; Field Programmable Gate Arrays; introduction to HDL programming. Periodic and aperiodic signals. Fourier series development. Analysis and synthesis equations. Amplitude and phase spectrum of a signal. Power spectrum of a signal. Parseval's theorem. Band and duration of a signal. Frequency filters. Discrete-time signals. Nyquist theorem. Aliasing. Introduction to devices used in laboratory experiences. Introduction to microcontroller programming.
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