- Course
- Physics
- Study-unit Code
- GP005445
- Curriculum
- In all curricula
- Teacher
- Giuseppina Anzivino
- 16
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2021
- Offered
- 2021/22
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa integrata
Code | GP005466 |
CFU | 8 |
Teacher | Giuseppina Anzivino |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Base |
Area | Discipline fisiche |
Academic discipline | FIS/01 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | Measurement and units. Kinematics: motion in two and three dimensions. Force and motion. Kinetic energy and work. Potential energy and conservation of energy. Systems of particles. Center of mass and linear mumentum. Collisions. Gravitation. Rotation. Rolling. Torque. Angular momentum and conservation. Equilibrium. Oscillations. |
Reference texts | Mencuccini, Silvestrini - Fisica I - Liguori Editore Mazzoldi, Nigro, Voci - Fisica - Volume I - EdiSes Feynman, Leighton, Sands - The Feynman lectures on Physics |
Educational objectives | At the end of the course, it is expected that the students will acquire the basic knowledge of the principles of classic physics. In particular the student will know: - kinematics of the material point; - dynamics of the material point and of systems of material points, including the rigid body; - conservation laws of energy, quantity of motion (linear momentum) and angular momentum. In addition, the student will acquire familiarity with the scientific method and with the techniques for solving problems. The main abilities will be: - to know how to read and to understand the texts of problems and exercises; - to know how to find solutions and to apply the most adequate; - to suggest alternative solutions. |
Prerequisites | No prerequisite is required. However, in order to be able to effectively follow the lectures, it is useful to be familiar with the basic concepts of Mathematical Analisys. In the first part of the course, if necessary, short reminders to basics necessary to fully understand the specific topic treated, will be given. |
Teaching methods | Lectures and exercises. |
Other information | During the course, additional lectures on "how to solve problems" will be given by a tutor. This activity is strongly recommended. |
Learning verification modality | The exam consists of a written and an oral proof. The written proof is finalized to ascertain the acquired knowledges and the ability to apply them to problem solving; it comprises 4 problems and exercises, on different parts of the program. The student has up to 4 hours at disposal for solving the problems. The admission to the oral proof is subject to a positive judgement of the written proof, namely a score of al least 18/30. The oral proof, of the duration of about 1 hour, aims to ascertain the acquired competence and the understanding capabilities, also from a critical point of view. The final score takes into account the scores of the written and oral proofs. During the course, there will be three written partial tests; in case of positive results, the student can do directly the oral proof. The oral exam can also be taken at a later session. |
Extended program | INTRODUCTION The scientific method. The Intenational System of Units (SI). Dimensinal analysis. Scalars and vectors; adding and multiplying vectors. KINEMATICS Reference systems. Lenght, time and mass unit. Average and instantaneous velocity and speed. Average and instantaneous acceleration. Motion along a straight line. Motion with constant acceleration. Simple armonic motion. Motion in two and three dimensions. Free fall motion. Projectile motion. Uniform circular motion. Motion in polar coordinates. Relative motion. FORCE AND MOTION Nwton's first law. Force and mass. Newton's second law. Some particular forces. Newton's third law. Forces and fundamental interactions. Linear momentum and its law of conservation. Impulse. Applications of Newton's law: weight, spring force, tension. Friction and viscosity. Simple harmonic motion, pendulum. Fictitious forces and non-inertial sysstems. Centrifugal force and Coriolis force. WORK AND ENERGY Work, power and energy. Kinetic energy, work and kinetic energy. Conservative forces. Weight and spring force. Potential energy. Conservation of mechanical energy. Non conservative forces. Conservation of energy. GRAVITATION Newton's law of gravitation. Keplero's laws:planets and satellites. The G constant, local variations of g. Accelarating systems and gravity. Tides. MECHANICS FOR A SYSTEM OF PARTICLES First cardinal equation. Center ofmass. linear momentum of a system of particles and center of mass motion. Angular momentum of a system. Torque. Second cardinal equation. Motion in the center of mass reference system. Work and energy for a system of particles. Conservation of linear momentum. Systems with varying mass: a rocket. Collisions and the center of mass system. Inelastic and elestic collisions. Conservation of angular momentum. Moment of inertia. Kinetic energy of rotation. Rolling motion as a combination of taslation and rotation. Precession of a gyroscope. Statics of rigid bodies. OSCILLATIONS Periodic motions: sinusoidal vibrations, simple harmonic motion. Dumped simple harmonic motion. Forced oscillations and resonance. Coupled oscillators and normal modes. Normal modes of continuous systems. |
Code | GP005467 |
CFU | 8 |
Teacher | Giuseppina Anzivino |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Base |
Area | Discipline fisiche |
Academic discipline | FIS/01 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | Hydrostatics and hydrodynamics. Perfect and real fluids. Periodic motion, simple harmonic motion, dumped and forced oscillations, resonance. Transversal and longitudinal waves. Interference. Thermodynamics: temperature and heat. The first law, thermodynamic processes. Heat transmission. The second law. Entropy and Entalpy. Kinetic theory of gases. |
Reference texts | Mencuccini, Silvestrini - Fisica I - Liguori Editore Mazzoldi, Nigro, Voci - Fisica - Volume I - EdiSes Feynman, Leighton, Sands - The Feynman lectures on Physics |
Educational objectives | At the end of the course, it is expected that the students will acquire the basic knowledge of the principles of classic physics. In particular the student will know: - basics of hydrostatics and hydrodynamics; - wave motion and propagation in elastic means; - thermodynamics of equilibrium states. In addition, the student will acquire familiarity with the scientific method and with the techniques for solving problems. The main abilities will be: - to know how to read and to understand the texts of problems and exercises; - to know how to find solutions and to apply the most adequate; - to suggest alternative solutions. |
Prerequisites | No prerequisite is required. However, in order to be able to effectively follow the lectures, it is useful to be familiar with the basic concepts of Mathematical Analisys. In the first part of the course, if necessary, short reminders to basics necessary to fully understand the specific topic treated, will be given. |
Teaching methods | Lectures and exercises. |
Other information | During the course, additional lectures on "how to solve problems" will be given by a tutor. This activity is strongly recommended. |
Learning verification modality | The exam consists of a written and an oral proof. The written proof is finalized to ascertain the acquired knowledges and the ability to apply them to problem solving; it comprises 4 problems and exercises, on different parts of the program. The student has up to 4 hours at disposal for solving the problems. The admission to the oral proof is subject to a positive judgement of the written proof, namely a score of al least 18/30. The oral proof, of the duration of about 1 hour, aims to ascertain the acquired competence and the understanding capabilities, also from a critical point of view. The final score takes into account the scores of the written and oral proofs. During the course, there will be three written partial tests; in case of positive results, the student can do directly the oral proof. The oral exam can also be taken at a later session. |
Extended program | FLUIDS Pressure and density. Hydrostatics, Stevin's and Pascal's law. Archimede's principle. Hydrodinamics. Equation od continuity. Bernoulli's equation and applications. Viscosity. Surface tension and capillarity. Turbulence. OSCILLATIONS AND WAVES Periodic motion: sinusoidal vibration. Simple harmonic motion. Superposition of periodic motions. Dumped simple harmonic motion. Forced oscillations and resonance. Waves: tansversal and longitudinal waves. Waves in gases. Interference of waves. Standing waves. The Doppler effect. THERMODYNAMICS Thermodynamic systems and states. Thermodynamic equilibrium. Temperature and heat. Measuring the temperature.The first law of thermodynamics. Internal energy. Calorimetry. Specific heats. Ideal and real gases. Equation of state and internal energy of ideal gases. Adiabatic, isothermal, isochoric, isobaric processes. Processes and cycles. The second law of thermodynamics. The Carnot cycle. Entropy, Entalpy and Available energy. The kinetic theory of gases. |