Chemical sciences
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Loredana Latterini
  • Loredana Latterini
  • 42 ore - Loredana Latterini
Course Regulation
Coorte 2019
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Basic concepts of microscopy: spatial resolution, magnification. Description of the principal optical, electronic and scanning probe microscopy techniques and instruments. Application of microscopy methods for the morphological and structural characterization of micro- and nanostructured samples in different scientific fields.
Reference texts
- Notes and slides from the teacher;
- Please contact the teacher for an updated list of recommended textbooks and scientific publications for the course.
Educational objectives
The course has the goal of introducing the student to the theoretical and practical principles of different microscopic techniques. This knowledge will allow the student to interpret critically the morphological and structural data of nano- and microstructured samples obtained through optical and electronic microscopy.
The main knowledge acquired by the student at the end of the course are:
- Knowledge of the definitions of resolution used in microscopy;
- Understanding of the basic principles of optical microscopy and of the individual elements constituting an optical microscope;
- Understanding of the basic principles of electronic microscopy and of the individual elements constituting an electronic microscope;
- Understanding of the types of probe used in scanning microscopy and of the individual elements constituting a probe scanning microscope;
- Knowledge of the procedures used for the acquisition and processing of microscopy data;
- Knowledge of the advanced methodologies to improve the resolution of microscopic techniques

The main skills (i.e. the ability to apply the acquired knowledge) that the student will develop at the end of the course are:
- Knowing how to recognize the advantages and limitations of the use of each of the microscopic techniques described during the course;
- Being able to choose the most suitable microscopic technique for the analysis of real nanostructured samples;
- Being able to obtain information on the chemical, optical, morphological and structural properties of a sample through microscopic analysis;
- Knowing how to correctly understand the data acquired through optical, electronic and scanning probe microscopes.
A good mastery of the basics of spectroscopy (light-matter interaction, light absorption and emission phenomena) and a basic knowledge of the chemical and physical properties of nanostructured materials are important requirements for understanding the topics of the course.
Teaching methods
Traditional lectures supported by projection of slides. A part of the lectures will be dedicated to the further in-depth analysis of the topics of the course and to the visit at the microscope facilities of the department.
Other information

Learning verification modality
The assessment of learning will take place through an oral exam aimed at ascertaining the level of understanding reached by the student on the contents of the course program. The oral test will verify that the student has acquired the theoretical and practical tools to acquire and analyze microscopy data of nanostructured samples. The test will also have the purpose of assessing the student on the acquisition of the field-specific language skills and the organization of the course topics.
Extended program
The program of the course is the following:
- Introduction to the chemical and molecular analysis through a microscope.
- Definition of lateral and axial spatial resolution.
- OPTICAL MICROSCOPY TECHNIQUES: Definition of magnification; optical elements used to magnify an image; creation of an image through transmitted, emitted, reflected or scattered light; methods for the detection of photons; techniques for improving the spatial resolution of the images; confocal fluorescence microscopy, multiphoton excitation, stimulated emission, time-resolved measurements. Single molecule detection.
- ELECTRON MICROSCOPY: interaction of an electron bema with nano- and microstructured materials; methods for the detection of electrons to create an image; scanning electron microscopy; transmission electron microscopy; elemental and structural analysis.
- SCANNING PROBE MICROSCOPY: operating principles based on the feedback loop and the digital magnification; types of probes and measure of the probe-sample interactions; scanning tunneling microscopy (STM); atomic force microscopy (AFM); scanning near-field optical micoscopy (SNOM); detection of the surface interaction forces; force spectroscopy.
- IMAGE ACQUISITION AND DATA ANALYSIS: conversion of the data in digital form; experimental conditions to optimize the signal-to-noise ratio; methods for the deconvolution of instrumental response.
- ANALYTICAL, STRUCTURAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS OF THE MICROSCOPY TECHNIQUES: advantages and limitations of each technique for the study of nano- and microstructured samples; examples from literature of the use of microscopy for the solution of real problems in material science, cultural heritage, biomedicine, etc...
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