- Course
- Natural and environmental sciences and technologies
- Study-unit Code
- GP004103
- Curriculum
- In all curricula
- Teacher
- Luisa Paolotti
- Teachers
- Luisa Paolotti
- Hours
- 42 ore - Luisa Paolotti
- 6
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2021
- Offered
- 2021/22
- Learning activities
- Caratterizzante
- Area
- Discipline agrarie, gestionali e comunicative
- Academic discipline
- AGR/01
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- Italian
- Contents
- The course analyzes the estimative aspects related to the conservation and enhancement of the environment. The student will learn the theoretical problems in the evaluation of environmental resources, the evaluation methodologies and the operational tools for environmental evaluation.
- Reference texts
- 1. BAZZANI G., GRILLENZONI M., MALAGOLI C., RAGAZZONI A. (1993), Valutazione delle Risorse Ambientali, Edagricole, Bologna.
2. POLELLI M. (1997), Trattato di Estimo, Maggioli, Rimini. - Educational objectives
- Expected learning outcomes:
Knowledge (to know):
1. In-depth knowledge of the characteristics and objectives of the environmental assessment
2. In-depth knowledge of the main environmental problems and the estimation aspects connected to them
3. Basic knowledge of the theory of the economic value of environmental assets
4. In-depth knowledge of the methods of evaluation of environmental assets
5. Basic knowledge of the regulations governing the processes of environmental impact assessment (EIA) and strategic environmental assessment (SEA)
6. In-depth knowledge of the phases and technical tools of the EIA and SEA processes
7. Basic knowledge of the legislation governing the assessment of environmental damage
8. In-depth knowledge of the estimation issues related to the assessment of environmental damage
9. In-depth knowledge of the Environmental Impact Assessment procedure
10. In-depth knowledge of the particular problems linked to environmental assessment in the context of the agri-food production sector
Skills (know-how):
1. Ability to interpret the evaluation needs related to an environmental problem and translate them into a significant result from an estimation point of view
2. Ability to organize and coordinate an environmental impact study as part of an EIA process
3. Ability to organize and coordinate an environmental report as part of a SEA process
4. Ability to organize and coordinate an environmental impact assessment
5. Ability to quantify environmental damage from an economic point of view
6. Ability to use software to support environmental assessments
7. Ability to evaluate the sustainability of territorial policies in supporting public decisions
Behaviors (knowing how to be):
1. Sensitivity to environmental and economic problems relating to agricultural and agro-industrial activity
2. Sensitivity to the social responsibility of agricultural activities - Prerequisites
- In order to be able to take the course, the student must have knowledge of ecology.
- Teaching methods
- The course is organized in:
- classroom lectures on theoretical, methodological and applicative aspects;
- exercises in the classroom and / or in the computer room, with subdivision into working groups, which must solve concrete problems of environmental assessment, also through the use of computer systems and illustrate their technical report at the end;
- seminars by experts on specific topics, which require particular in-depth study.
Aids for teaching and learning
Video projections of the lessons YES
Didactic material distributed by the teacher YES
Video NO
Telematic platforms with limited access NO
Recommended texts for the study SI
Lecture notes delivered by the teacher NO
Learning methods (in addition to the frequency of teaching activities)
Reading and personal study on reference texts YES
Reading and personal study on material delivered by the teacher YES
Reading and personal study on online material made available by the teacher YES
Practice Laboratory Skills NO
Practice technical skills NO
Practice professional skills YES
Create and present reports of small working groups on specific topics and projects YES
Create and present reports deriving from individual work YES
Making and submitting relationships resulting from online work with other students YES - Other information
- Frequency:
Consult the website of the Department of Chemistry, Biology and Biotechnology - Learning verification modality
- Verification consists of an oral exam. The oral exam consists of a discussion lasting 20-30 minutes aimed at ascertaining the level of knowledge and understanding reached by the student and verifying the ability to communicate and the property of language.
For information on support services for students with disabilities and / or SLD, visit the page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa - Extended program
- The basic objective of the course is to analyze the main estimation aspects related to the conservation, protection and enhancement of the environment and the management of the territory. The student will be introduced to the most current problems of a theoretical nature in the evaluation of environmental resources, and to the most widespread methodological approaches to evaluation, in order to develop functional skills for the use of the most modern operational tools for analysis, management and evaluation. in the environmental and territorial field. The student will also have to know and know how to manage the main administrative procedures of environmental assessment, made mandatory by European regulations.
Frontal lessons:
1) Theoretical foundations
1.1) Relations between the environmental question and evaluation needs
1.2) Definitions and terms of reference
1.3) The role of environmental assessment in the rural development path
1.4) Public goods and environmental externalities
1.5) The economic value of environmental assets
1.6) The complex social value
1.7) Willingness to pay and accept
1.8) Monetary valuations and non-monetary valuations
1.9) Environmental indicators
2) Multi-criteria evaluations
2.1) Objectives and fields of application
2.2) Classification
2.3) Mathematical basis
2.4) Structure of the procedure
2.5) Methodologies
3) Assessment of environmental damage
3.1) Regulatory basis
3.2) Evaluation procedures
4) Environmental impact assessment
4.1) The economic significance of the environmental impact assessment
4.2) Environmental impact assessment within the decision-making process
4.3) Origins, history and spread in the world
4.4) The phases of the environmental impact assessment process
4.5) The legislation at European, national, regional level
4.6) The study of environmental impact
4.7) Analysis of the project
4.8) Environmental analysis
4.9) Methods for identifying and assessing impacts
4.10) Mitigation measures
4.11) Monitoring of impacts
5) Integrated Environmental Authorization
5.1) Meaning and role
5.2) Regulations
5.3) Operational phases
6) Environmental impact assessment
6.1) Natura 2000 network
6.2) Meaning and role of the VinCA
6.3) Regulations
6.4) Operational phases
7) Strategic environmental assessment
7.1) The meaning and role of strategic environmental assessment
7.2) The legislation
7.3) Comparison between environmental impact assessment and strategic environmental assessment
7.4) Contents and phases of the procedure
8) Analysis of environmental impacts
8.1) The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method for evaluating the life cycle of systems / products / processes.
8.2) The ecological footprint method
8.3) Water and carbon footprint
Possible seminars with external experts:
- The role of Geographic Information Systems in environmental assessments
- In-depth study of Natura 2000 sites
Classroom exercises:
Use of software for environmental impact assessment and multi-criteria assessments
Simulation of an environmental impact assessment procedure.