Medicine and surgery
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Fabrizio Stracci
Course Regulation
Coorte 2020
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code GP005612
Location PERUGIA
Teacher Fabrizio Stracci
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline ING-INF/06
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Cognomi A-L

Paolo Valigi
  • Paolo Valigi
  • 25 ore - Paolo Valigi
Language of instruction
Introduction to health informatics and bioengineering, with discussion on classic and innovative applications.
Reference texts
Selected pages from “Health Informatics: Practical Guide For Healthcare And Information Technology Professionals (Seventh Edition)” Robert E Hoyt
Additional material from the instructor.
Educational objectives
To understand basic concept of computer science and bioengineering, their limits and areas of application.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons and discussions.
Other information
During the classes also detailed discussions on selected topics will be given.
Learning verification modality
Multiple choice question tests, with an additional open question.
Extended program
Course introduction and motivation.
Classical and innovative applications.
Basic on Artificial Intelligence applications to Medicine, and ethical implications.
Information, binary code, and disease classification. Algorithms and medical applications.
Data bases and health information systems.
Signals, frequency analysis.
Systems and responses. Medical examples.
Systems biology.

Cognomi M-Z

Elisabetta Zanetti
  • Elisabetta Zanetti
  • 25 ore - Elisabetta Zanetti
Language of instruction
Health informatics and main concepts concerning medical instrumentation
Reference texts
- Slides and notes available on Unistudium
- Webster JG "Medical Instrumentation: Application and Design, 4th Edition"
- Bemmel, J.van “Handbook of Medical Informatics”
- Robert E Hoyt “Health Informatics: Practical Guide For Healthcare And Information Technology Professionals (Fifth Edition)”
Educational objectives
The student will achieve the following results:
• Ability to understand the performance of different sensors and data acquisition systems to make a reasoned choice.
• Awareness of the main techniques of signal analysis in the time domain and frequency.
• Capacity for critical analysis of the images.
• Awareness of electrical hazards and precautions to minimize them.
• being able to interact with the technology of ICT in the medical field,
• knowledge of coding tools in general and in the medical field in particular,
• Knowledge of main components of computers
• Internet and its protocols
• knowledge of databases and how to interact with these
• Main health information systems and their peculiarities
• Telemedicine
Maths and Physics from secondary school
Teaching methods
Lectures with the use of slides (this material is uploaded on UNISTUDIUM for all registered students.
Practical lessons to the computer.
"Flipped classroom" approach for pratical applications.
Other information
The students can require further infromation by emails
Learning verification modality
Written 1h30'-hour test, made of two parts: Bioengineering and Medical Informatics
Extended program
• Sensors (4h)
o Sensor specifications: accuracy, precision, bias, repeatability, linearity, range, sensitivity, hysteresis, temperature drift.
o Calibrating a sensor
o Meaning of the impedance in the input and output of a sensor
o Transduction principles: piezoresistive, potentiometric, inductive, capacitive, piezoelectric sensors
o Temperature sensors: thermocouples, RTDs, thermistors, pyrometers;
o Fiber optic sensors
• Signals and their treatment (4h)
o Frequency analysis: utility, possible errors
o Dynamic systems response
o Analog / digital converters
o Sampling a signal, Nyquist theorem, antialiasing filters
o Amplifiers
o Filters
o Disturbances in the transmission of signals
o Images and Bioimaging: resolution and depth, encryption, compression techniques
o Specifications of a display
o Editing an image: value processing of color or luminance; morphological operations
o CT: operating principle
• Risk factors in hospital (2h)
o Classification of medical equipment according to risk classes
o Electrical Hazard: Zone 'Patient', Effects of electricity (microshock, macroshock)
o Classification of medical locations rooms.
o Usefulness of 'grounded', earth contact, isolation transformer.
o Equipment type B, BF, CF

Medical Informatics
• Information and Medical Coding (2 h)
o Alphabet and semantics
o Numerical, textual, Boolean information and respective coding
o Algorithms (reference structures: sequence, iteration, selection )
o Data structures (vectors, records, trees, graphs)
• Classification in medicine (2 h)
o Classification of diseases (ICD)
o DRG: meaning, assessment, indices of Performance and case-mix
o Electronic health record: SNOMED
• Computer architecture and how it works (2 h)
o Main components: bus, memoria (RAM, cache, mass storage), CPU, I/O devices and respective classifications
o Operative systems
o File System
• Data base (6h)
o Introduction
o ER models
o Relational models
o Data base query (SQL language)
o Examples: Pubmed and others
• Computer networks: (2 h)
o Server, Host, web link
o Protocols (http, IMAP, POP3, SMTP)
o IP address: static or dynamic
o State of the art in health informatics: RIS, PACS, DICOM standard and electronic health record (FSE)
o Telemedicine


Code GP005614
Location PERUGIA
Teacher Mirella Giontella
  • Mirella Giontella
  • 12 ore - Mirella Giontella
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline MED/45
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Hygiene aspects and prevention of infections related to welfare practices Personal protective equipment and behavioral standards in a care setting
Assessment of vital parameters
Reference texts
- WHO "" Global Patient Safety Challenge 2005 - 2006 Clean Care is Safer Care ".
- D. Lgs.vo 09 April 2008 n. 81
- R. Crafen, C. J. Hirnle "Fundamental Principles of Nursing Care" 4th Edition - Ambrosiana Publishing House - Milan 2011
Educational objectives
know the use and management of PPE-
Know the prevention measures for care-related infections-
Acquire skills for detecting the patient's vital parameters
no reqiurement
Teaching methods
Lectures - Small group tutorials
Other information
Office hours: at the end of the lessons on site
Learning verification modality
oral examination
Extended program
Infections in health organizations.
Presentation "Global Patient Safety Challenge 2005 - 2006 Clean Care is Safer Care" WHO
Nosocomial transmission through the hands of health personnel
- the five key moments for hand hygiene
- handwashing: social, antiseptic, surgical • Legislative Decree 09 April 2008 n. 81
Professions that expose to biological risk - definition of "risk" and "biological risk"
Choice of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): sterile and non-sterile gloves, respiratory protection, gowns, footwear, eye protection, head protection.
Recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control (C.D.C.) of Atlanta;
Relationship between the operator, the assisted person and the care giver.
Body temperature
- regulation of body temperature;
- heat production, heat loss;
- factors that influence body temperature;
- factors that influence the measurement of body temperature.
Arterial pulse
- features;
- factors that influence the pulse rate;
- wrist assessment.
- factors that influence the breath;
- assessment of the breath;
- methods.
Blood pressure
- physiological factors that determine arterial pressure;
- factors influencing blood pressure;
- detection of arterial pressure


Code GP005613
Location PERUGIA
Teacher Fabrizio Stracci
  • Fabrizio Stracci
  • 37.5 ore - Fabrizio Stracci
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Inglese scientifico e abilità linguistiche, informatiche e relazionali, pedagogia medica, tecnologie avanzate e a distanza di informazione e comunicazione
Academic discipline MED/01
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The basis of scientific investigation
The role of statistic methods in biomedical research
Descriptive statistics
Inferential statistics
Regression models to analyze relationships between variables
Reference texts Primer of biostatistics by Stanton A. Glantz


Principles of Biostatistics by Marcello Pagano, Kimberlee Gauvreau


Statistical Methods in Medical Research di Peter Armitage, Geoffrey Berry, J. N. S. Matthews
Educational objectives Basic data analysis
Understanding of the role of statistics in medicine
Critical reading of methods and results in published biomedical research
Prerequisites none
Teaching methods Lesson
Practical exercises
Other information -
Learning verification modality Oral test
Extended program 1. Introduction
1.1 Statistics definitions and scope
1.2 Statistical methods in medical research

2. Data
2.1 Types of variables
2.2 Tabulation and processing of data
2.3 Diagrams
2.4 Descriptive statistics
2.5 Measures of central tendency
2.6 Measures of variability

3. Probability
3.1 Frequentist definition of probability
3.2 Probability distributions
3.3 The normal or Gaussian distribution
3.4 Probability distributions and applications

4. Populations and samples
4.1 Parameters and their estimation
4.2 Sampling

5. Statistical inference
5.1 Point and interval estimation
5.2 Confidence interval for the sample mean
5.3 Significance testing
5.4 Parametric Hypothesis Tests: Student’s t test and Analysis of Variance
5.5 Confidence interval for the difference between two means
5.6 Non-Parametric Hypothesis Tests: chi-squared test
5.7 rank test
6. Regression and correlation
6.1 Regression models
6.2 Linear regression
6.2.1 Linear regression equation: parameters estimation using the ordinary least squares method
6.2.2 Tests of significance in regression
6.2.3 Confidence interval for the linear regression coefficient b
6.3 Correlation
6.4 Critical reading of results from multivariable regression models
6.5 Multivariable modeling, an introduction (regrression models, goodness of fit, model selection, missing data)


Code GP005615
Location PERUGIA
Teacher Fabrizio Stracci
Learning activities Altro
Area Tirocini formativi e di orientamento
Academic discipline MED/45
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Cognomi A-L

Mirella Giontella
  • Mirella Giontella
  • 25 ore - Mirella Giontella

Cognomi M-Z

Mirella Giontella
  • Mirella Giontella
  • 25 ore - Mirella Giontella
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