Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Nicola Murgia
Course Regulation
Coorte 2019
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code 50009701
Location FOLIGNO
Teacher Stefano Cairoli
  • Stefano Cairoli
  • 15 ore - Stefano Cairoli
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Management sanitario
Academic discipline IUS/07
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The first part of the module deals with the general notions of labor law and the classification within the employment law framework of the figure of the nurse; the second part the study of the institutions of actuality of labor law, with particular attention to the sources of labor law. to the distinction between self-employment and subordination; to the rights and obligations of the employee. the termination of the employment relationship, special and flexible relationships, the protection of the worker's rights and the liability system.
Reference texts G. Santoro Passarelli, Diritto dei lavori e dell'occupazione, Giappichelli, ult. ed.
any other materials available at www.unistudium.unipg.it
Educational objectives The module aims to offer students an in-depth analysis of the essential issues and issues of current labor law. The aim of the course is to develop in the nurse student a juridical method of approach to the problems presented in the professional reality, which allows to correctly apply the concepts learned. The wealth of knowledge and experience accumulated in the course of lessons will allow the student to have basic knowledge about the controversial issues and to realize the legal consequences that derive from supporting a thesis rather than another. The teacher can allow exercises and / or upload additional materials on the site: www.unistudium.unipg.it
Prerequisites No educational prerequisites. General culture, attention to current affairs and logical skills.
Teaching methods Lectures and/or flipped lessons. The lessons involve the active participation of the collaborators of the chair and of the students, so as to encourage a contradictory aiming to accustom the student to clearly expose his theses in front of the fellow students. The most willing students can be assigned term papers and summaries of jurisprudence useful to deepen the topics covered in class. The course of lessons will be accompanied by a series of exercises on practical cases. Some topics can be addressed or analyzed in seminars held by the teacher, collaborators or guest teachers.
Other information Class attendance: optional but strongly recommended
Learning verification modality In case of face-to-face examination, the final test will consist of a written test of 30 multiple choice questions (one correct answer) and compulsory (not answering is equivalent to choosing the question wrong). In the event of a remote course due to the Covid-19 emergency, the exam will be held in oral form. For information on support services for students with disabilities and / or DSA visit the page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa.
Extended program Legal fonts of labour law. Self-employment and subordination. The nurse as a professionist. Notion, boundaries and typology of employment. The establishment of the employment relationship. The rights of employees. The obligations of the employee. The termination of the employment relationship. Special and flexible working relationships. The protection of the worker's rights. The contractual and extra-contractual liability of the private and public worker.


Code 50145101
Location FOLIGNO
Teacher Nicola Murgia
  • Nicola Murgia
  • 15 ore - Nicola Murgia
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Prevenzione servizi sanitari e radioprotezione
Academic discipline MED/44
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)


Code 50145102
Location FOLIGNO
Teacher Massimo Lancia
  • Massimo Lancia
  • 30 ore - Massimo Lancia
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Prevenzione servizi sanitari e radioprotezione
Academic discipline MED/43
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Legal Medicine in the Criminal and Civil fields. Bioethics. Main laws governing the profession. The relationship with the patient.
Reference texts Cicognani A, Fallani M, Pelotti S. Medicina Legale. Società editrice Esculapio, Bologna 2019.
Educational objectives Awareness of the ethical and legal framework in which the healthcare professional operates
Prerequisites Not provided
Teaching methods Frontal lessons
Other information
Learning verification modality Oral examination
Extended program Normative framework of the profession.
The code of ethics.
The Forensic criminal law: the essential elements of the offense, the material causality, the psychological elements of the crime, crimes against life, crimes against personal safety.
Informed consent.
Euthanasia and aggressive therapy.
The civil Legal Medicine: liability, personal damage, professional liability.
INAIL and Civil Protection Inability.


Code 50155101
Location FOLIGNO
Teacher Roberta Amodeo
  • Roberta Amodeo
  • 15 ore - Roberta Amodeo
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze infermieristiche
Academic discipline MED/45
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Evolutionary path of the nursing profession from a strictly technical and subordinate role to the figure of the doctor, to the role of protagonist in the global assistance to the patient.
The organization of social health services
Evolution of care needs, health policies and
response strategies and system sustainability
Nursing profession:
specific areas of competence and responsibility
The hospital and its organization
Nursing management
Reference texts
Nursing Management: Manual for Nurse Training with Managerial Functions - AA. C. Calamandrei - C. Orlandi - Ed. McGraw-Hill
Nursing Documentation - AA. M. Casati - Ed. McGraw-Hill
Professional legal manual for the exercise of Nursing - AA. Luca Benci - Ed. McGraw-Hill
Educational objectives
The course allows students to acquire knowledge related to:
development of the nursing profession both from a legislative, training and competence point of view;
organization and structure of the department of health professions with classification of the different roles;
functions and skills of support staff
importance of the college / order of the nursing profession
Prerequisites The student must possess knowledge with respect to the General Nursing organization and deontology, organization and health planning
Teaching methods
Interactive frontal lessons
Other information
Reception hours are on Mondays and Thursdays after 15.00 at the headquarters of the CdS
Learning verification modality
Written test consisting of a multiple choice test
Extended program
¿ functions of the nurse manager
¿ functions of the nurse coordinator
¿ role and functions of the nurse
¿ specialist skills of the nurse
¿ Human resources management:
¿ Personnel requirements
¿ Support staff in assistance


Code 50155201
Location FOLIGNO
Teacher Mirella Giontella
  • Mirella Giontella
  • 15 ore - Mirella Giontella
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Management sanitario
Academic discipline MED/45
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Implementation of new organizational models in hospital and territorial care settings:

Model for small team
Primary Nursing: in the surgical medical area, day hospital, outpatient primary nursing, outpatient clinic
Birth of new nursing roles: c
Case Management: global care of the assisted person and cpmpertanze of the cas manager nurse

The importance of nursing documentation
Reference texts
Instructional material provided by the teacher
- G. Magon, T. Suardi, Primary Nursing - Knowing and using the model, Maggioli Editore, 2013
- D. Antonelli, Family Nurse and Primary Care, PICCIN, 2017
- P. Chiari, A. Santullo Nurse Case Manager, McGraw Hill
Educational objectives
Development of professional self-worth to new skills and new nursing roles
Knowledge of general nursing and ptrofessional deontology - Health organization
Teaching methods
Lectures and discussion cases
Other information Office hours: at the end of the lessons on site
Learning verification modality
Oral verification
Extended program
Being a nurse: profession or occupation?
Professional contexts and areas
Organizational Assistance Models:
Functional model
Model for small team
Primary Nursing: the figure of primary nursing, management aspects and clinical skills
The Role of the Family Nurse and primary care: from the hospital-centered model to the revaluation of the territory.
Case Management
The Chronic Care Model - the Care Manager
Nursing Documentation


Code 50107501
Location FOLIGNO
Teacher Orietta Rossi
  • Orietta Rossi
  • 15 ore - Orietta Rossi
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Prevenzione servizi sanitari e radioprotezione
Academic discipline MED/42
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Knowledge on NHS centrale and peripheral organization and of the laws that regular himself, on technical scientific organisms of support, on quality system and budget, health promotion
Reference texts Organization and planing healhcare's manual. II edition Idelson Gnocchi
Educational objectives Knowledge on NHS and competence of orientation of the patient's needs to improve the health assistance and optimise the use of the resources and budget
Prerequisites To have a general knowledge on the national health service with interest in the organizational aspects
Teaching methods theoretical lessons
Other information
Learning verification modality in itinere test and final oral exam In DAD or in person
Extended program The national Health nsystem (NHS): its origin and evolution and the related legislation;
Structure, central and regional organizzazion of the NHS;
Operative regional structures Of the national health system: local Health centre and Hospital centre, their articulation, their organisms and their functions.
Department's organization of hospital structures according to Dlgvo 502/92;
Quality national helth System;
Managing and gestational control: health organization's budget system;
Health promotion in health organizations: HPH, health promoting school, and working place health promotion; clinical risk management
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