Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Beatrice Messini
Course Regulation
Coorte 2019
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code 50544501
Location FOLIGNO
Teacher Beatrice Messini
  • (Codocenza)
  • 15 ore (Codocenza) -
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze infermieristiche
Academic discipline MED/47
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)


Code 50503002
Location FOLIGNO
Teacher Mirella Giontella
  • Mirella Giontella
  • 30 ore - Mirella Giontella
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze infermieristiche
Academic discipline MED/45
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction

The care needs of the newborn in the delivery room.
Monitoring of vital functions in children and infants
Food hygiene
Artificial breastfeeding
The administration of drugs in the child and infant
Basic nursing care in the pediatric and neonatal emergency / emergency
Basic nursing care in pediatric and neonatal surgery
The care process in Pediatrics.
The child with dysmetabolic alteration.
The child with an altered respiratory system.
Nursing Procedures in Pediatrics
Pain assessment and management in pediatric care
Unconventional medicines and practices in pediatric care
Exercises with laboratory activities

Reference texts

Bibliographical references
P. Badon, S. Cesaro “Nursing care in pediatrics” 2nd Edition - Ambrosiana Publishing House

Educational objectives

At the end of the course the student must be able to identify, in order of priority, the main care needs, and the relative interventions in the infant / child. Developing care plans for some of the major pathologies represented. Know the peculiarities of the pediatric care process.



Teaching methods

Frontal lessons - video projection

Other information

Student reception hours: at the end of the lesson on the scheduled days.
E - mail: mirella.giontella@unipg.it

Learning verification modality

Oral examination

Extended program

The care needs of the newborn in the delivery room.
- Material and equipment for the neonatal island.

Monitoring of vital functions in children and infants
- Vital parameters
State of consciousness; breathing; cardiocirculatory function. Relief of heart and peripheral pulsations; blood pressure; body temperature.
- Operative techniques in the newborn
- Blood sampling from the heel; Guthrie Test Procedure; treatment of the umbilical stump

Food hygiene.
- pros cons.
- The first breastfeed (times and duration of the feedings).
- Protocol for breastfeeding.
- Sinus hygiene and fissure prevention, technique.
- Prevention of breast engorgement.
- What to observe during breastfeeding.
- Difficulty in breastfeeding.

Artificial breastfeeding
- The preparation of the bottle.
- Feeding times
- Cleaning the bottle
- The sterilization of the bottle

The administration of drugs in the child and infant
- general assistance issues:
adherence to treatments; playful techniques for adhering to treatments; immobilization techniques.
- Dosage and dilution: general principles
calculation procedure.
- Natural and artificial routes of introduction.
- Insulin therapy
Basic nursing care in the emergency / pediatric and neonatal emergency:
- General care issues: approach to the child and the family.
- Prevention and immediate assistance of injuries and other critical events in pediatrics:
The main risks compared to age groups.
- First Aid care interventions:
Cardio-respiratory arrest; Head trauma; Convulsions; Hyperpyrexia.
- Assistance to the newborn in Neonatal Intensive Care (T.I.N.)

Basic nursing care in pediatric and neonatal surgery
- General care issues: approach to the child and the family;
- Protocols of nursing care in the preoperative planned and emergency
Preparation for surgery
- Protocols of nursing care in the planned postoperative and emergency
Peri-operative period; Immediate post-operative; Post-operative; Discharge.

The care process in Pediatrics:
- the Nursing process
- Types of care plans.

The child with dysmetabolic alteration:
assistance to the child with diabetes mellitus.

The child with altered respiratory system:
- Lower respiratory diseases:
care plan for child with bronchopneumonia.

Nursing Procedures in Pediatrics

Pain assessment and management in pediatric care

Unconventional medicines and practices in pediatric care

Exercises with laboratory activities


Code 50502902
Location FOLIGNO
Teacher Stefania Bori
  • Stefania Bori
  • 30 ore - Stefania Bori
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Interdisciplinari e cliniche
Academic discipline MED/40
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)


Code 50565902
Location FOLIGNO
Teacher Beatrice Messini
  • Beatrice Messini
  • 30 ore - Beatrice Messini
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Interdisciplinari e cliniche
Academic discipline MED/38
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Understanding of physiological and pathological processes related to health and disease of children from birth to adolescence and proper management of nursing
Reference texts The complete treatise of nursing
Brunner Suddarth medical –surgical nursing
Educational objectives Pediatric nurse is the professional figure that operates in the healthcare and who is responsible for the pediatric nursing problems of a technical nature, educational, relational, pointing to the developmental age, for preventive, curative aspects, palliative and rehabilitation. Its main functions are: the prevention of illness, care of the sick and the disabled in developmental age and health education.
In particular:
• participate in the identification of needs of physical and mental health of the newborn, child, adolescent, family;
• identify the needs of pediatric nursing and formulates its objectives;
• plans, conducts and evaluates the nursing care intervention in children;
• participate in health education interventions within the family and the community; the care of healthy individuals in età evolutiva in the context of programs of health promotion and prevention of diseases and accidents, the outpatient care, home care and infant hospital and of those under the age of 18 years suffering from acute and chronic diseases; to the care of individuals in adolescence in prevention programmes and health and social support; • ensures the proper application of diagnostic-therapeutic requirements;
• acts both individually or in collaboration with health and social workers and, where appropriate, of the work of support staff.
Prerequisites It must knowledge than basic nursing Form General nursing and general nursing 1, Form nursing methodology and Methodology infermieristica1.Notions of Internal Medicine, Infectious Diseases and Pharmacology
Teaching methods Theoretical lessons
Other information See web site http://www.med.unipg.it/ccl/
Mandatory al last 75%of lessons
Learning verification modality Oral test
Extended program Aspects of care in Pediatrics
Development and feeding
The baby healthy and pathological
Main diseases of respiratory system
Main diseases of digestive system
Major urinary tract pathology
Infectious diseases and pediatric esantematiche
Major diseases
Major hematologic tumor and neoplastic diseases
Major neurological diseases in Pediatrics
Emergencies in Pediatrics
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