Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Anne Laure Benvenuti
Course Regulation
Coorte 2021
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code GP005090
Teacher Maurizio Banconi
  • Maurizio Banconi
  • 45 ore - Maurizio Banconi
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze infermieristiche
Academic discipline MED/45
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction ITALIAN
Contents The nursing profession: a journey between history and society.
Legal aspects of the nursing profession.
The needs that underlie nursing care.
definition of ethics, morals, law, bioethics, ethics: communality and specificity
Historical development of nursing ethics: - internationally (FEPI, ICN) - Italian: ethical code of 1960, ethical code of 1977, ethical code of 1999, ethical code of 2009, ethical code of 2009.
Comparative analysis with particular reference to the declared values, professional secrecy and conscience, informed consent and privacy clause
Today's nursing ethics: definition, characteristics, implications
Declination of the ethical norms in the various nursing settings: emblematic cases
Reference texts Nursing ethics and ethics Patrizia Capelli McGraw_Hill Education
Year 2015 edition
Benci L., Legal aspects of the nursing profession, Milan, Mc Graw-Hill, 2019
• Silvestro A. (edited by), Professional ethics codes Commentary on the Nurse Ethics Code, Milan, Mc Graw-Hill, 2009
• Lattarulo P., Bioethics and ethics for the nurse. Milan, Mc Graw- Hill
• Calamandrei C., D’Addio L., Commentary on the new code of ethics for the nurse, Milan, Mc Graw-Hill, 1999,
• http://www.fnopi.it/norme-e-codici/deontologia/il-codice- deontologico.htm
• http://www.quotidianosanita.it/lavoro-e- professioni / articolo.php? Articolo_id = 73076a
Responsibilities of the nurse and her skills
Stefano Bugnoli Publisher: Maggioli Social and Health Series edition 2 year edition 2014

Carocci Faber necklace Health professions year 2015 edition

Sandro Spinsanti BIOETHICS in the nursing profession EdiSES, Naples 1995
material provided by the teacher
Educational objectives TRAINING OBJECTIVES
At the end of the course the student must:
- Describe the evolution of the nursing profession.
- Identify the roles and responsibilities of the nursing profession in the healthcare system.
- Know the rules on professional practice and nursing training.
- Understand the relevance of the code of ethics in the different levels of articulation of the profession
At the end of the educational path, the student must be able to argue the values ¿¿at the origin of the nursing action and the declinations of the deontological norm in daily clinical practice
Prerequisites No Prerequisite
Teaching methods frontal lessons
Teaching methodology:
- Lessons - Group work
- Exam: - written test: test or oral interview
Other information The teacher is available to learners to clarify any problem or doubt about the topics covered.
Learning verification modality Oral and / or QuestionnairesThe assessment of the achievement of the training objectives provides for an oral test, alternatively a written test consisting of a multiple choice test. The test as a whole allows you to evaluate knowledge in the theoretical and legal sphere of the Nursing Profession.
The expected time for the written test is 60 minutes.In alternative 20 minutes in Oral.
Extended program Extended program

Presentation of the program, general objectives
Areas of professional activity
Nursing as a profession and ethical problems
General Nursing: Nursing Care Theory:
legislative norms and sociological contexts - Europe - Italy;
- Nightingale Florence;
- The twentieth century: nursing care in Italy - Celli Anna;
- The Nurse: definition of profession and professionalism;
- Legislative provisions governing the exercise of the nursing profession; Nursing care theory: legislative rules and sociological contexts
Nursing Education: historical summary - didactic organization, complementary training, Master and Master's Degree
Nursing functions according to current legislation
compare with:
- DPR. 225/74
- DPR. 821/84
The National, regional and local Health System, Legislative Decree: 502/92 - 517/93
- Nursing functions according to current legislation;
- The D.P.R Mansionario n. 225 March 14, 1974;
- The Professional Profile 14.09.1994 DM 739/1994;
- The Code of Conduct;
Regulation of Nursing activities, Law 42 of 09.26.1999
Code of ethics
Definition of ethics, bioethics and deontology
The most significant ethical models in the health sector
The principle of autonomy and the principle of equity in healthcare
Conscientious objection
The responsibility of the nurse: historical, regulatory and ethical aspects and in clinical studies
Professional governmental and non-governmental organizations
National and international professional nursing associations
International organizations dealing with health problems
(WHO ,.)
- Areas of professional activity;
Professional tools: nursing documentation
- Organizational models and operational mechanisms
- Support staff: employment at the service of the person
- The Nursing Service: organizational structure and management
- The Nursing Service: functions of the nurse manager, coordinator, nurse, specialist skills. A.O. model illustration Terni
- Human resource management: systemic analysis of the workplace, staff needs
- Quality in healthcare:
Quality management systems. The dimensions of quality. M.C.Q., V.R.Q.- Institutional and professional accreditation.
- Evidence based medicine and Evidence Based Nursing (EBM - EBN - EBP)
- Nursing research. Overview Need for hygiene;
- Need for movement;
- Need for a safe environment; ’Nurse
Definition of profession and professionalism

¿ Ensure the need for hygiene
- Teach the principles with which to carry out hygiene and body care
- Indicate the products and aids with which to carry out hygiene and body care
- Help the person to bathe and shower
- Help the person to wash their hair
- Help the person to perform the foot bath
- Help the person to wash their face and hands
- Help the person to perform perineal hygiene
- Help the person in oral hygiene
- Carry out social - antiseptic - surgical hand washing
- Knowing how to use the various types of gloves
¿ The need for movement
- Teach how to maintain correct posture
- Teach how to perform exercises that promote muscle trophism and joint function
- Teach how to use aids and prostheses to promote movement and posture
- Have the necessary aids for walking and mobilization used
- Have the necessary aids used to maintain the position of some parts of the body
- Position and / or help the person to assume and / or maintain a supine position
- Position and / or help the person to assume and / or maintain the lateral decubitus position
- Position and / or help the person to assume and / or maintain the prone position
- Position and / or help the person to assume and / or maintain the semi-sitting position
- Position and / or help the person to assume and / or maintain the sitting position
Ensure the need for a safe environment (Prevention of falling risks in the elderly)


Code GP005091
Teacher Anne Laure Benvenuti
  • Anne Laure Benvenuti
  • 45 ore - Anne Laure Benvenuti
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze infermieristiche
Academic discipline MED/45
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
The course enables students to acquire knowledge related to:
- The evolution of cultural, historical and theoretical of Nursing .
- Determine the Needs of Nursing through methods and tools for the Assessment
- Use the Process of Nursing in the care of the Person
Reference texts
Reference texts TESTI_RIF Yes Reference texts:
Taylor-Lillis-Lynn, Fundamental Principles of Nursing – Piccin 2018
R. Daniels - R.N. Grendell, Nursing Bases _ Piccin 2014
Renzo Zanotti, Philosophy and Theory in the Modern Conceptuality of Professional Nursing Masson 2010
Giovanna Amoducci – Cinzia Gradellini, The Nursing Between Science and Person Theory and Method of Professional Action - Athena 2009
Martha Raile Alligood Carlo Calamandrei, The Theory of Nursing Use and Application McGraw Hill 2007
Majory Gordon, Nursing Diagnosis Process and Application – Ambrosiana Publishing House 2009
Patricia M. Dillon – Roaria Alvaro, The State of Person Health Nursing Assessment - Piccin 2010
Educational objectives
After completing the course the student will be able to:
- Define the scope of the Theories of Nursing
- Describe the process Nursing
- Data collection and identification of a nursing diagnosis
No prerequisite
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Small group work
Other information
No information
Learning verification modality
The exam consists of a written test (multiple choice test and short composition).The test evaluates knowledge in theoretical and Methodological Discipline of Nursing. The expected time for the performance of the test is 60 minutes.
Extended program
ntroduction to the Process of Nursing
- The theory and philosophy of Nursing
- The metaparadigma of Nursing: Man, Health, Environment, Nursing.
- The need and problem Dealership
- The Process of Nursing: an expression of the Nursing profession
- The Critical Thinking in decision making nursing.
2. Nursing Assessment
- Types and characteristics of the Assesment
- The Technical Assessment
- The types of data to interest Nursing
- The method of data collection
- The validation and data organization
- The scales of measurement and evaluation use in the field of Nursing
3 Nursing Diagnosis
- The scientific technical language and classification systems of nursing
- The Nursing Diagnoses according to NANDA
- Differences between medical diagnoses and Nursing
- The Diagnostic Reasoning.
4. Nursing Record
- General rules for the data recording
- Legal and ethical considerations related to professional liability in Nursing documentation..
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