Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Massimo Moretti
Course Regulation
Coorte 2021
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code GP005102
Teacher Massimo Moretti
  • Massimo Moretti
  • 30 ore - Massimo Moretti
Learning activities Base
Area Scienze propedeutiche
Academic discipline MED/42
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian.
Contents Introduction to Hygiene and Public Health. Health and disease. Determinants of health. Natural history of disease.
Disease prevention: health promotion/protection. Levels of disease prevention: primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.
Health education: methods for health promotion (relationship between health and human behavior).
Epidemiology and prevention of infectious diseases. Etiologic agent: definition. Routes of transmission of infectious disease agents: sexually transmitted diseases; bloodborne, airborne, vehicle(water)borne and vectorborne transmission. Ectoparasites and endoparasites.
Prevention of infectious diseases; principles of immunology;. classification of vaccines; inactivated or engineered vaccines and toxoids; whole-cell and fractional vaccines; live attenuated vaccines; new vaccines.
Disinfection, sterilization and disinfestation.
Food hygiene; prevention of food-borne diseases; food safety legislation; control of food-borne diseases in pharmacy; HACCP method.
Epidemiology and prevention of principal chronic diseases.
Relationship between health and human behavior; the role of health education as a strategy in health promotion and disease prevention; health promotion.
Reference texts Auxilia F. & Pontello M.
Igiene e Sanità Pubblica
Piccin, Padova; 2011.

Comodo N. & Maciocco
Igiene e Sanità Pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie.
Carocci Editore, Roma; 2011
Educational objectives The learning experiences should help students in achieving attitudes and practices related to critical health issues: diseases prevention and health education and promotion.
Prerequisites None.
Teaching methods Face-to-face lessons.
Learning verification modality Written exam with open-ended and closed-ended questions.
Extended program Introduction to Hygiene and Public Health. Health and disease. Determinants of health. Natural history of disease.
Disease prevention: health promotion/protection. Levels of disease prevention: primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.
Health education: methods for health promotion (relationship between health and human behavior).
Epidemiology and prevention of infectious diseases. Etiologic agent: definition.
Routes of transmission of infectious disease agents: sexually transmitted diseases; bloodborne, airborne, vehicle(water)borne and vectorborne transmission.
Ectoparasites: Pulex spp. (flea), Pediculus spp. (louse), Pthirus spp. (crab louse), Sarcoptes spp. (dust mite). Arthropod-transmitted diseases.
Endoparasites: protozoans (Giardia spp.), flatworms (Taenia spp.) e nematodes (Dracunculus spp., Ascaris spp.). Vector-transmitted parasites: Plasmodium spp. (malaria), Leishmania spp.
Epidemiology and control of high priority sexually transmitted infections; epidemiology and control of selected vaccine-prevented diseases; epidemiology and control of air-borne infectious diseases; epidemiology and control of water-borne infectious diseases; epidemiology and control of food-borne infectious diseases; zoonotic diseases.
Prevention of infectious diseases; principles of immunology;. classification of vaccines; inactivated or engineered vaccines and toxoids; whole-cell and fractional vaccines; live attenuated vaccines; new vaccines.
Immunization schedule for children; immunization of adults and travellers; immunoglobulins.
Principles of disinfection; classification of disinfectants. Sterilization; classification of methods of sterilization; controls of sterilization. Disinfestation and pest control; methods of mosquito control; management and control of pediculosis; rodent prevention and control.
Food hygiene; prevention of food-borne diseases; food safety legislation; control of food-borne diseases in pharmacy; HACCP method.
Epidemiology and prevention of principal chronic diseases; epidemiology and prevention of cardiovascular diseases (CVD); principal risk factors; the Framingham cohort; prevention and control of infarction and ictus.
Epidemiology and prevention of cancer; the carcinogenesis and mutagenesis processes; principal cancer risk factors; tobacco smoking and health; prevention of smoking-related diseases; methods of giving up smoking and nicotine replacement therapy.
Relationship between health and human behavior; the role of health education as a strategy in health promotion and disease prevention; health promotion.


Code GP005104
Teacher Federica Sensidoni
  • Federica Sensidoni
  • 30 ore - Federica Sensidoni
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze infermieristiche
Academic discipline MED/45
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian Language
Contents Health, health promotion, public health, health determinants, risk factors, lifestyles, primary, secondary and tertiary prevention, vaccinations, screening tests, prevention of healthcare-related infections, andragogy, preventive nursing, district nursing , health education
Reference texts Material produced by the professor

Infermieristica Preventiva e di Comunita' - Mc Grow Hill- Sandra - Sandra Scalorbi
Educational objectives Develop critical analysis skills in relation to the basic contents of the course, in relation to the role of the nurse in health planning, prevention and education related to the various socio-cultural contexts
- Analyze your own concept of feeling good and your personal position with respect to the most important risk factors
- Recognize the key elements of educational planning on the individual and the community
- Describe the essential elements, tools and methods tested for health promotion and their conditions of use
- Reflect on enhancing the potential of the person and the community to promote healthy policies for the improvement of the quality of life
- Interpret health education as the tool that allows groups and individuals to understand what they can do, what is in their power to do, based on timely and usable knowledge
Prerequisites In order to be able to understand the course, the student must possess basic knowledge of nursing, the code of the Nursing Deontology, the job description for nurses, as well as notions about the relatioship help and adaptation related to the promotion of health and safety
Teaching methods Frontal classes and works in small groups
Other information At the end of the course the student must be able to plan a health education intervention
Learning verification modality Insights into specific themes to be done in a written form and developed in small groups

Final written test with essay questions
Extended program Health as a fundamental right of every citizen. Birth and description of the World Health Organization, Alma Ata Conference, Ottawa Charter, Adelaide Recommendations, Health for All in the 21st Century
- History of the development of preventive nursing. The role of the nurse in the promotion and prevention of diseases. Profile - Code of Conduct - WHO Documents
- Definition of public health, health determinants and related conceptual models, life styles, risk factors and protective factors, primary, secondary and tertiary prevention
- Primary prevention: vaccines
- Secondary prevention: screening test; sensitivity and specificity of screening tests
- Prevention of care-associated infections: what are care-associated infections, transmission routes (contact transmission, droplet, airborne) and related prevention measures
- Andragogy: when the adult learns. the pedagogical model vs the androgogic model
- District nursing: Primary care, the "network services" model, the services provided by the district (Rsa, Rp, Day Centers, Community Hospital, Hospice, ADI)
- Characteristics of Nursing Home Assistance: Integrated Home Care (ADI), Multidisciplinary Assessment Unit (UMV), Single Access Point (PUA), Individual Assistance Plan (PAI), Protected Hospital Discharge (DPO)
- Assisted person education: Patient education, health education, health education, therapeutic education
- How to program a health education intervention


Code GP005105
Teacher Massimiliano Paolucci
  • Massimiliano Paolucci
  • 15 ore - Massimiliano Paolucci
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Prevenzione servizi sanitari e radioprotezione
Academic discipline MED/36
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Short notions of ionizing radiation physics.Sources of ionizing radiation and mechanisms of interaction with matter.Biological effects of ionizing radiation.Radiation dosimetry elementsThe basic principles of radiation protectionRegulations - International and Italian legislationRadiation protection of workers and the populationRadioprotection of the patientSources of risk and radiation protection measures in the health sector: radiodiagnostics, nuclear medicine, radiotherapy
Reference texts The topics are described in the material provided by the teacher, where technical and regulatory references are reported.
Educational objectives Radiation protection of staff, population and patientManagement of clinical activities involving ionizing radiation, with particular reference to nursing activities.Staff Relational Management during the use of ionizing radiation in clinical field
Prerequisites Basic physics knoledge
Teaching methods Frontal lessons
Other information ///
Learning verification modality Multiple choice written test and oral exam.
Extended program Ionizing radiation properties: direct and indirect effect. Radiation and dosimetry risks.Biological effects of ionizing radiation.Risks / Benefits AnalysisAbsorbed dose, dose equivalent, effective dose and units of measurementRADIATION PROTECTIONRadiation protection legislationUse of personal protective equipmentPotential exposuresIncidents involving over-exposures to ionizing radiation.RADIOLOGICAL PRACTICES REQUIRING SPECIAL ATTENTIONPotential pregnancy and pregnancy in progress. Infants and childhoodPatient management and radioprotection, Radiodiagnostics, Radiotherapy, Nuclear medicine.


Code GP005103
Teacher Nicola Murgia
  • Nicola Murgia
  • 15 ore - Nicola Murgia
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Prevenzione servizi sanitari e radioprotezione
Academic discipline MED/44
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian.
Introduction to Hygiene and Public Health. Health and disease. Determinants of health. Natural history of disease.
Disease prevention: health promotion/protection. Levels of disease prevention: primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.
Health education: methods for health promotion (relationship between health and human behavior).
Epidemiology and prevention of infectious diseases. Etiologic agent: definition. Routes of transmission of infectious disease agents: sexually transmitted diseases; bloodborne, airborne, vehicle(water)borne and vectorborne transmission. Ectoparasites and endoparasites.
Prevention of infectious diseases; principles of immunology;. classification of vaccines; inactivated or engineered vaccines and toxoids; whole-cell and fractional vaccines; live attenuated vaccines; new vaccines.
Disinfection, sterilization and disinfestation.
Food hygiene; prevention of food-borne diseases; food safety legislation; control of food-borne diseases in pharmacy; HACCP method.
Epidemiology and prevention of principal chronic diseases.
Relationship between health and human behavior; the role of health education as a strategy in health promotion and disease prevention; health promotion.

Health, health promotion, public health, health determinants, risk factors, lifestyles, primary, secondary and tertiary prevention, vaccinations, screening tests, prevention of healthcare-related infections, andragogy, preventive nursing, district nursing, health education

Short notions of ionizing radiation physics. Sources of ionizing radiation and mechanisms of interaction with matter. Biological effects of ionizing radiation. Radiation dosimetry elements. The basic principles of radiation protection. Regulations - International and Italian legislation. Radiation protection of workers and the population. Radioprotection of the patient. Sources of risk and radiation protection measures in the health sector: radiodiagnostics, nuclear medicine, radiotherapy.
Auxilia F. & Pontello M. “Igiene e Sanità Pubblica”; Piccin, Padova, 2011.
Comodo N. & Maciocco G. “Igiene e Sanità Pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie”; Carocci Editore, Roma, 2011.

Scalorbi S. “Infermieristica Preventiva e di Comunità”; Mc Grow Hill, Milano, 2012.
The learning experiences should help students in achieving attitudes and practices related to critical health issues: diseases prevention and health education and promotion.

Develop critical analysis skills in relation to the basic contents of the course, in relation to the role of the nurse in health planning, prevention and education related to the various socio-cultural contexts
Analyze your own concept of feeling good and your personal position with respect to the most important risk factors
Recognize the key elements of educational planning on the individual and the community
Describe the essential elements, tools and methods tested for health promotion and their conditions of use
Reflect on enhancing the potential of the person and the community to promote healthy policies for the improvement of the quality of life
Interpret health education as the tool that allows groups and individuals to understand what they can do, what is in their power to do, based on timely and usable knowledge

Radiation protection of staff, population and patient. Management of clinical activities involving ionizing radiation, with particular reference to nursing activities. Staff Relational Management during the use of ionizing radiation in clinical field.
In order to be able to understand the course, the student must possess basic knowledge of nursing, the code of the Nursing Deontology, the job description for nurses, as well as notions about the relationship help and adaptation related to the promotion of health and safety.

Basic physics knowledge.
Face-to-face lessons.

Written exam with open-ended and closed-ended questions.
Introduction to Hygiene and Public Health. Health and disease. Determinants of health. Natural history of disease.
Disease prevention: health promotion/protection. Levels of disease prevention: primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.
Health education: methods for health promotion (relationship between health and human behavior).
Epidemiology and prevention of infectious diseases. Etiologic agent: definition.
Routes of transmission of infectious disease agents: sexually transmitted diseases; bloodborne, airborne, vehicle(water)borne and vectorborne transmission.
Ectoparasites: Pulex spp. (flea), Pediculus spp. (louse), Pthirus spp. (crab louse), Sarcoptes spp. (dust mite). Arthropod-transmitted diseases.
Endoparasites: protozoans (Giardia spp.), flatworms (Taenia spp.) e nematodes (Dracunculus spp., Ascaris spp.). Vector-transmitted parasites: Plasmodium spp. (malaria), Leishmania spp.
Epidemiology and control of high priority sexually transmitted infections; epidemiology and control of selected vaccine-prevented diseases; epidemiology and control of air-borne infectious diseases; epidemiology and control of water-borne infectious diseases; epidemiology and control of food-borne infectious diseases; zoonotic diseases.
Prevention of infectious diseases; principles of immunology; classification of vaccines; inactivated or engineered vaccines and toxoids; whole-cell and fractional vaccines; live attenuated vaccines; new vaccines.
Immunization schedule for children; immunization of adults and travellers; immunoglobulins.
Principles of disinfection; classification of disinfectants. Sterilization; classification of methods of sterilization; controls of sterilization. Disinfestation and pest control; methods of mosquito control; management and control of pediculosis; rodent prevention and control.
Food hygiene; prevention of food-borne diseases; food safety legislation; control of food-borne diseases in pharmacy; HACCP method.
Epidemiology and prevention of principal chronic diseases; epidemiology and prevention of cardiovascular diseases (CVD); principal risk factors; the Framingham cohort; prevention and control of infarction and ictus.
Epidemiology and prevention of cancer; the carcinogenesis and mutagenesis processes; principal cancer risk factors; tobacco smoking and health; prevention of smoking-related diseases; methods of giving up smoking and nicotine replacement therapy.
Relationship between health and human behavior; the role of health education as a strategy in health promotion and disease prevention; health promotion.

Health as a fundamental right of every citizen. Birth and description of the World Health Organization, Alma Ata Conference, Ottawa Charter, Adelaide Recommendations, Health for All in the 21st Century
- History of the development of preventive nursing. The role of the nurse in the promotion and prevention of diseases. Profile - Code of Conduct - WHO Documents
- Definition of public health, health determinants and related conceptual models, life styles, risk factors and protective factors, primary, secondary and tertiary prevention
- Primary prevention: vaccines
- Secondary prevention: screening test; sensitivity and specificity of screening tests
- Prevention of care-associated infections: what are care-associated infections, transmission routes (contact transmission, droplet, airborne) and related prevention measures
- Andragogy: when the adult learns. the pedagogical model vs the androgogic model
- District nursing: Primary care, the "network services" model, the services provided by the district (Rsa, Rp, Day Centers, Community Hospital, Hospice, ADI)
- Characteristics of Nursing Home Assistance: Integrated Home Care (ADI), Multidisciplinary Assessment Unit (UMV), Single Access Point (PUA), Individual Assistance Plan (PAI), Protected Hospital Discharge (DPO)
- Assisted person education: Patient education, health education, health education, therapeutic education
- How to program a health education intervention.

Ionizing radiation properties: direct and indirect effect. Radiation and dosimetry risks. Biological effects of ionizing radiation. Risks / Benefits Analysis. Absorbed dose, dose equivalent, effective dose and units of measurement.
Radiation protection legislation. Use of personal protective equipment. Potential exposures. Incidents involving over-exposures to ionizing radiation.
Radiological practices requiring special attention: potential pregnancy and pregnancy in progress. Infants and childhood. Patient management and radioprotection, Radiodiagnostics, Radiotherapy, Nuclear medicine.
Conoscere i fattori negativi e positivi di salute/malattia a livello di gruppi di popolazione.
Conoscere, saper progettare, organizzare, implementare e valutare interventi di sanità pubblica nell'ambito della collettività.

Sviluppare capacità di analisi critica in ordine ai contenuti basilari del corso, in relazione al ruolo dell'infermiere nella programmazione, prevenzione ed educazione alla salute relativamente ai vari contesti socio-culturali
Analizzare la propria concezione di star bene e la propria personale posizione rispetto ai fattori d rischio di maggiore importanza
Riconoscere gli elementi chiave della progettazione educativa sul singolo e sulla comunità
Descrivere gli elementi essenziali, gli strumenti ed i metodi sperimentati per la promozione della salute e le loro condizioni di utilizzo
Riflettere sulla valorizzazione delle potenzialità della persona e della comunità per promuovere politiche sane per il miglioramento della qualità della vita
Interpretare l'educazione alla salute come lo strumento che consente ai gruppi ed ai singoli di comprendere quanto possono fare, che cosa è in loro potere di fare, sulla base di conoscenze puntuali e utilizzabili.

Conoscitivi: Radioprotezione degli operatori, della popolazione e del paziente.
Organizzativi: Gestione delle attività comportanti l’impiego di radiazioni ionizzanti in ambito clinico, con particolare riferimento alle attività di specifica competenza infermieristica.
Relazionali gestionali tra le varie figure professionali durante l’uso di radiazioni ionizzanti in ambito clinico.
Al fine di poter comprendere il corso, lo studente deve possedere conoscenze di base dell'assistenza infermieristica, il codice deontologico ed il profilo professionale dell'infermiere, nonché nozioni relative alla relazione d'aiuto e adattamento correlate alla promozione della salute e sicurezza.

Conoscenze di fisica di base.
Teaching methods Lezioni frontali.
Learning verification modality Esame scritto: domande a risposta multipla e/o domande a risposta aperta.

Per informazioni sui servizi di supporto agli studenti con disabilità e/o DSA visita la pagina http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Introduzione alla disciplina. Definizione di Igiene; concetti di salute e malattia. Determinanti di salute/malattia; triade epidemiologica.
Storia naturale delle malattie. Prevenzione delle malattie: promozione/protezione della salute. Livelli di prevenzione: primaria, secondaria e terziaria.
Relazione ospite-parassita: contagio, infezione, malattia. Modalità di trasmissione delle malattie infettive: sessuale/parenterale, aerea, fecale-orale; zoonosi.
Endoparassiti: platelminti (Taenia spp.) e nematodi (Dracunculus spp., Ascaris spp.).
Profilassi generale delle malattie infettive e parassitarie: interruzione delle catene di trasmissione: disinfezione, sterilizzazione, disinfestazione.
Metodi di disinfezione/sterilizzazione. Controllo delle infestazioni da zanzare; controllo della pediculosi; derattizzazione.
Profilassi immunitaria delle malattie infettive: sieri e vaccini. Strategie vaccinali: controllo, eliminazione, eradicazione delle malattie infettive. Piano Nazionale Prevenzione Vaccinale.
Profilassi immunitaria delle principali malattie infettive batteriche e virali. La vaccinazione degli adulti. Profilassi internazionale delle malattie infettive.
Igiene degli alimenti: infezioni, tossinfezioni, intossicazioni alimentari. Sicurezza degli alimenti: norme di autocontrollo (HACCP).
Patogeni emergenti (Legionella pneumophila; Escherichia coli O157:H7) e ri-emergenti. Infezioni opportunistiche. Infezioni ospedaliere.
Epidemiologia e prevenzione delle principali patologie cronico-degenerative: malattie cardio-vascolari, tumori, diabete, bronco-pneumopatie cronico-ostruttive. Prevenzione secondaria (diagnosi precoce) dei tumori: test di screening. Valutazione della performance dei programmi di screening.
Educazione sanitaria: metodologie per la realizzazione di programmi di promozione della salute (relazione tra comportamenti individuali e salute); carta di Ottawa.
Codice Europeo contro il cancro. Fumo di tabacco: effetti sulla salute. Abitudini alimentari e attività fisica: fattori di rischio e protettivi.

- La salute come diritto fondamentale di ogni cittadino. Nascita e descrizione dell'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità, Conferenza di Alma Ata, Carta di Ottawa, Raccomandazioni di Adelaide, Salute per tutti nel XXI secolo
- Storia dello sviluppo dell'infermieristica preventiva. Il ruolo dell'infermiere nella promozione e nella prevenzione delle malattie. Profilo - Codice deontologico- Documenti Oms
- Definizione di Sanita' pubblica, i determinanti di salute ed i relativi modelli concettuali, gli stili d vita,i fattori di rischio e fattori protettivi, prevenzione primaria, secondaria e terziaria
- Prevenzione primaria: i vaccini
- Prevenzione secondaria: test di screening; sensibilità e specificità dei test di screening
- Prevenzione delle infezioni correlate all'assistenza: cosa sono le infezioni correlate all'assistenza, vie di trasmissione(trasmissione per contatto, per droplet, per via aerea) e relative misure di prevenzione
- Andragogia: quando l'adulto impara. il modello pedagogico vs il modello androgogico
- Infermieristica di Distretto: La primary care, il modello dei "servizi in rete", i servizi assicurati dal distretto (Rsa, Rp, Centri diurni, Ospedale di comunità, Hospice, ADI)
- Caratteristiche dell'Assistenza Domiciliare infermieristica: Assistenza Domiciliare Integrata (ADI), Unita' di Valutazione Multidisciplinare (UMV), Punto Unico di Accesso (PUA), Piano di Assistenza Individuale (PAI), Dimissione Ospedaliera Protetta (DPO)
- Educazione alla persona assistita: Educazione del Paziente, Educazione Sanitaria, Educazione alla Salute, Educazione Terapeutica
- Come si programma un intervento di Educazione alla Salute,

Proprietà delle radiazioni ionizzanti. Interazioni delle radiazioni direttamente ed indirettamente ionizzanti. Rischi da radiazione e dosimetria. Effetti biologici delle radiazioni. Analisi Rischi/Benefici. Dose assorbita, equivalente di dose, dose efficace e loro unità di misura.
Normativa di radioprotezione. Uso dei dispositivi di protezione individuale. Esposizioni potenziali. Incidenti che implicano sovra esposizioni alle radiazioni ionizzanti.
Pratiche radiologiche che richiedono speciale attenzione: Gravidanza potenziale e gravidanza in atto; neonati e infanzia. Gestione del paziente e sua radioprotezione. Radiodiagnostica, radioterapia, medicina nucleare.
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