Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Marco Dell'omo
Course Regulation
Coorte 2021
Type of study-unit
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code GP003712
Teacher Marco Dell'omo
  • Marco Dell'omo
  • 24 ore - Marco Dell'omo
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze della prevenzione dei servizi sanitari
Academic discipline MED/44
Type of study-unit
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Aims of occupational medicine.
Principles of occupational hygiene and occupational medical surveillance
Occupational risk factors
Main occupational diseases and poisonings
Tobacco smoking at workplaces
Reference texts Trattato di medicina del lavoro. A cura di: L. Alessio, G. Franco, F. Tomei. Piccin Ed., Padova, maggio 2015
Educational objectives The learning outcomes are compliant with the provisions of the Degree Programme Regulations as published on the website http://www.med.unipg.it/fisioterapia/index.html

The main knowledge that students will acquire include the:
- relevance of social and health effects of work-related accidents at work and occupational diseases;
- practice of prevention in the workplace;
- occupational diseases most frequently diagnosed in Italy;
- Epidemiology, health effects, interactions with occupational risks and treatment of tobacco smoking.

The main skills that students will acquire consist of:
- ability to identify and assess health risks in some working environments;
- ability to interpret the results of laboratory and instrumental tests for the study of diseases of the respiratory system and the peripheral nervous system, and of occupational and environmental poisonings;
- ability to suspect and diagnose the main occupational diseases;
- Ability to perform a brief counseling for tobacco smoking cessation.
Prerequisites The students should have knowledge regarding principles of physics, biology, anatomy.
Teaching methods The course will include:
- lectures on all topics of the program.
- theoretical / practical (role playing) activities regarding the treatment of tobacco smoking.
Other information //
Learning verification modality Written exam
Extended program Aims of occupational medicine. Work-related injuries and diseases in Italy. Occupational risk factors. Primary and secondary prevention.
Principles of occupational hygiene. Environmental monitoring and threshold limit value. Biological monitoring.
Legislation on prevention of occupational risks (D. L.gs 81/08).
Occupational risk factors in the health services.
Main occupational diseases and poisonings
Tobacco smoke in the workplaces: epidemiology, health effects and prevention


Code GP003711
Teacher Barbara Palumbo
  • Barbara Palumbo
  • 12 ore - Barbara Palumbo
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze della prevenzione dei servizi sanitari
Academic discipline MED/36
Type of study-unit
Language of instruction inglese
Contents interaction of radiation with matter, radiobiology. effects of ionizing radiation, radioactivity and radioactive decay, principles of radiation protection
Reference texts educational material provided by the teacher
Educational objectives After completing the course the student should know the interactions between ionizing radiations and matter and principles of radiation protection
Prerequisites Frequenza:

Teaching methods face-to-face
Other information
Learning verification modality Oral or written
Extended program interaction of radiation with matter.
effects of ionizing.
radioactivity and radioactive decay.
principles of radiation protection:classification of workers and work areas, stochastic and non-stochastic effects of ionizing radiation, dosimeters , radioactive waste disposal, risks associated with the type of working activities, current legislation


Code GP003713
Teacher Marco Petrini
  • Marco Petrini
  • 24 ore - Marco Petrini
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze della fisioterapia
Academic discipline MED/48
Type of study-unit
Language of instruction Italian
Contents History of Physical Therapy,Ethics and Code of practice, Physical Therapy: decision – making process,Manual handling of loads, Practical Training
Reference texts Slide del docente, Leggi, Documenti di approfondimento, Strumenti di valutazione – Slides, Laws, Additional materials,
– References:
- Carta Costituzione Italiana “Principi fondamentali” 1947
- Carta di Ottawa, “Conferenza internazionale per la promozione della salute” 1986
- Cosmacini G. “La religiosita` della medicina” 2007
- Da Re A. ”La saggezza possibile. Ragioni e limiti dell’etica” Ed. Gregoriana, 1994
- Ferrari M. “ Il codice deontologico dei fisioterapisti. La responsabilita` professionale nella relazione di cura” Ed. Libreria Cortina Verona 2014
- Ingrosso M. “Il Fisioterapista in italia. Un professionista della cura riabilitativa”, Ed. Aracne 2013
- Schomacher J. “Terapia manuale: imparare a muovere e percepire”, Ed. Edra Masson 2015
- Speranza L. “Il potere delle professioni” Ed. Rubettino, 1999;
- Tramontano M., Princi A.A., Piermaria J. "Mobilizzazione, Valutazione e Movimentazione del paziente" Ed. Edi- Ermes 2019
Educational objectives Learning basis of physical therapy professional practice: ethics, code of practice, professional qualification, health system, regulatory framwork and decision - making process. Learning principles of manual handling of loads with practical training.
Teaching methods Theoretical lessons and practical training
Other information
Learning verification modality Written and oral Exam
Extended program History of Physical Therapy
- Pre – professional period
- Professional period
- Physical Therapist: birth of physical therapy profession
- Physical Therapist: developments and potentiality

Ethics and Code of practice
Code of practice: history
Professional ethics
Physical Therapist: code of practice

Regulatory Framework:
Physical Therapist: qualifications profile
National Health System Regulations:
- Evolution of istitutional and legislative framework
- National and regional health - care plan
- Medical health – care: fundamental levels

Physical Therapy: decision – making process
Clinical Reasoning
ICF Model
EBM and EBP Models

Manual handling of loads:
National legislation
Biomechanics basis
Handling aids
Ergonomics basis

Practical Trainig
Mobilization, positioning, Moving : self – sufficient and not self – sufficient person
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
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