Unit Food security and climate change

International relations
Study-unit Code
Migration, globalisation and world governance
Luca Pieroni
  • Luca Pieroni
  • 32 ore - Luca Pieroni
Course Regulation
Coorte 2021
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
This course offers conceptual frameworks to understand the importance of climate change, vulnerability and adaptation and mitigation options for improved food security. Topics covered include the effect of green revolution, the right to food and the impact of climate, immigration consequences as well as risk reductions by mainstreaming national risk management policy frameworks in policies and programmes for sustainable development implemented from the EU. The course also includes some case-study and explores food and climate topics that directly affect developing countries. Students will also be fully equipped with the tools needed to understand and contribute to policy debates on this suggestive topic.
Reference texts
Robert Paarlberg (2013) Food Politics- What everyone needs to know, Oxford University Press.
Educational objectives
It is expected that students of "Food Security and Climate Change" know how to interpret the underlying mechanisms concerning political, social and economic effects generated by climate change and food insecurity. In particular, he/she should be fully equipped with the tools needed to understand and contribute to policy debates.
There are no specific prerequisites to attend "Food Security and Climate Change".
Teaching methods
The course is taught with a multidisciplinary approach involving teachers from different disciplines.
If pandemic emergency will continue, teaching will take place also online.
Learning verification modality
The examination includes multiple choice questions along with a final presentation on a topic chosen by the student.
If pandemic emergency will continue, examination will take place also online.
Extended program
Timing of the course and teachers:
1. Luca Pieroni, Food Politics: an Overview (09/03/2020)
2. Lorella Tosone, What is Food Security? The many dimensions of a concept (12/03/2020)
3. Lorella Tosone, Global Food Governance from the International Institute of Agriculture to the World Food Programme (16/03/2020)
4. Donatella Lanari, Feeding the World: can we feed 9 billion people? (19/03/2020)
5. Andrea Marchini, The agricultural business enterprise between food and health? (23/03/2020)
6. Melcior Rosselló Roig, The Green Revolution Controversy (26/03/2020)
7. Melcior Rosselló Roig, Farming, the environment, climate change and water (30/03/2020)
8. Amina Maneggia, The Paris Agreement on Climate Change and sustainable food systems (13/04/2020)
9. Roberto Cippitani, Is there a right to food? The case of Hunger-Free Latin America and the Caribbean Initiative (16/04/2020)
10. Amina Maneggia, The right to food and the impact of climate change on its realization (20/04/2020)
11. Andrea Marchini, Agricultural commodities and futures markets: interactions with food security (23/04/2020)
12. Luca Pieroni, The Politics of Obesity (27/04/2020)
13. Anna Baldinetti, The 2007-2008 World Food Crisis and the Arab springs (30/04/2020)
14. Donatella Lanari, Food insecurity and climate change as determinants of international migration flows (04/05/2020)
15. John Dunne, The consequences of the World Food Crisis in Europe: migration flows and instability in the MENA region (07/05/2020)
16. John Dunne, In search of a strategic vision: is there a EU model of food security governance? (11/05/2020)

Il corso è aperto alla partecipazione degli studenti interessati ad acquisire i crediti formativi relativi ai seminari e laboratori. A questo fine è diviso in due moduli, ciascuno corrispondente a 3 CFU (Modulo A: lezioni 1-8; Modulo B: lezioni 9-16). Al fine dell’acquisizione dei relativi crediti, agli studenti sarà richiesta la presentazione di una relazione su un tema a scelta fra quelli trattati a lezione.
Gli studenti che hanno inserito il corso nel loro piano di studi troveranno tutte le informazioni necessarie nel sito del Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche ( http://www.scipol.unipg.it/corsi-di-studio)
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