Social service
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Mariella Ursini
  • Mariella Ursini
  • 42 ore - Mariella Ursini
Course Regulation
Coorte 2018
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The course is basically structured in two parts. The first one starts from the concepts of welfare, wellbeing and social risk using the three ideal-typical modalities for social protection (social assistance, social insurance and social security), the different models and the three welfare state regimes typologies. Moreover, the course includes the analysis of the main concepts of welfare mix and their main characteristics. A specific focus regards the new phase of welfare: the new social risks are developed in according to current economics and social crisis, exploring some possible solutions provided by subsidiary welfare, according with the welfare state. The principal strengths and critical points are examined in order to understand the welfare system and its possible evolutions. In the second part, the topic of the course is focused on the relationship between welfare and citizenship, trying to focalize the essential role and the importance that representatives of civil society can play in social protection system and in the evaluation of public policies.
Reference texts
Ranci C., Pavolini E., (2015), Le politiche di welfare, Il Mulino, Bologna
Ferrera M., (2015), Le politiche di sociali, Il Mulino, Bologna
Bezzi C., (2015), che cos’è la valutazione, Franco Angeli, Milano
Materials provided by the teacher: slides shown during lessons and other material of in-depth
Educational objectives
The aim of the course is to provide basic knowledges concerning welfare state and welfare mix, describing the main feature of social welfare models. Furthermore, by analyzing the principal concepts, the course shows some connections among welfare, citizen participation and policy evaluation, focusing the role of citizenship on strategic direction for public policymaking
No one in particular
Teaching methods
Most of the course is made of frontal teaching. To these are added:
Workshops to apply information in a real-life situation (case analysis, simulator games, team work) ; staging posts and evaluation of learning process (plenary debate)
Learning verification modality
Oral examination
Extended program
Nascita e sviluppo del welfare secondo i principali approcci: Approccio della condivisione dei rischi sociali, Approccio strutturale (welfare e capitalismo), Approccio delle coalizioni di classe, Approccio istituzionale
Cenni storici: da Bismark alla crisi e riforma del welfare state;
Welfare mix e regimi di welfare;
Politiche pubbliche e politiche sociali;
Nuovi rischi sociali e processi di adattamento;
Le nuove forme di solidarietà sociale
Secondo welfare: breve descrizione di un fenomeno in evoluzione;
La valutazione: elementi, fasi, criteri e attori nel processo valutativo:
La valutazione della qualità – la valutazione della qualità di un servizio: cenni metodologici
La partecipazione dei cittadini: concetti generali
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