Unit Modern History

Political sciences and international relations
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Regina Lupi
  • Regina Lupi
  • 70 ore - Regina Lupi
Course Regulation
Coorte 2021
Learning activities
Discipline storico-politiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The course concerns political models and systems of the Early Modern Age, so it will provide a survey of history from 1453 to 1848, with a special focus on political and social aspects.
Reference texts
The required readings will be indicated at the start of the course.
Educational objectives
After completing the course the student will have basic knowledge about:
Social and political models of the Modern Age and their evolution;
The origins of the modern state and the international system;
Historiographical perspectives.
Students will acquire the following skills:
identify the remote origins of political phenomena;
find useful tools in the past to understand the present time;
practice a critical approach using various and appropriate interpretation criteria.
In order to attend usefully the course, the student needs a good knowledge of Italian and basic notions of history and geography.
Teaching methods
70 hours of lectures
Learning verification modality
The modality of assessment will be defined depending on the evolution of the health emergency.
Extended program
The course concerns political models and systems realized of the early Modern Age, so it will analyze the main phenomena from 1453 to 1848, with a special focus on political and social aspects. Lectures will be focused on the following topics: the idea of ‘modernity’, the society of the ancien régime: social and political aspects; geographical discoveries and colonialism; Reformation and Counter-reformation; the age of Elisabeth I and Philip II; the Thirty Years’ war; the English Revolutions; the age of absolutism: Luis XIV; Mercantilism, the scientific revolution; the wars of the XVIII century; the slave trade; Enlightenment and reforms; the American Revolution, the French Revolution; the Napoleonic age; the Congress of Vienna; Restoration; the industrial revolution.
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