Agricultural and environmental sciences
Study-unit Code
Verde ornamentale
David Grohmann
  • David Grohmann
  • 81 ore - David Grohmann
Course Regulation
Coorte 2019
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Italian and English (if necessary)
The course addresses the issues of parks, green spaces and landscape design, from the various types of green to recovery plans, with particular reference to the elements of design of public green areas. The course also addresses the issues related to the science of the drawing from the perceptual process to the forms of digital representation and in particular hand drawing and the techniques of 3D representation.
Reference texts
Zimmermann A., Planning Landscape, Birkhauser 2015.

-Alexander R., The essential Garden Design Workbook, Timber Press, 2009.

- Brookes J, Garden Design Course, Mitchell Beazley, 2007.
D.Tal, Google
- SketchUP for Site Design: a guide to modelling site plans, terrain and architecture, Wiley, Hoboken, 2009;
Educational objectives
The course is the first approach that the students have with the issues of design. The course general aim is to enable the students to control the elements of design and representation related to a project of urban green.

The main knowledge gained will be:
- Basic elements of the theory of complex systems and modeling;
- Functions and types of urban green;
- Knowledge of the design criteria for the main elements of a public open area (earthmoving, roads, furniture, lighting)
- Knowledge of the general guidelines that should guide the design of a green public
- Knowledge of the principles of perception and two-dimensional and three-dimensional representation
- Basic knowledge of SketchUp Make r software

The main skills (ie the ability to apply their knowledge) will be:
- Analyze the problems and the potential of a green area
- Produce a technical Illustrative report of a design project
- Draft a three-dimensional environment in SketchUp
- Ability to find solutions to a complex problem and to know how to put them into practice
In order to understand and be able to apply the techniques explained during the lessons it is desirable to have successfully taken the exams of Irrigation and Drainage, Botany and cultural heritage, general arboriculture and nursery techniques
Teaching methods
The course is organized as follows:
- Lectures on all the subjects listed in the program;
- Lectures and exercises in a computer room for the learning of SketchUp Make Designer software environments;
- Visits to various green areas of the city of Perugia for the critical evaluation exercises and detections of possible solutions;
- Exercises at the facilities managed by S. Pietro Green Team for the construction of outdoor furniture to be used in the green areas of the Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences
Other information
Attendance is not mandatory but strongly recommended.
SketchUp software is available free of charge at http://www.sketchup.com/
Learning verification modality
The exam consists in the presentation a final project, to be delivered at least 4 days before the oral test, produced autonomously or in group, consisting in a technical report, accompanied by a three-dimensional model, concerning the a design project agreed with the teacher and then in an oral exam.
The oral exam consists in a discussion of about 60 minutes aimed to determine the contribution of each student to the design project mentioned above and to establish the levels of knowledge and processing capabilities achieved by the student on the theoretical and methodological implications listed in the program. The oral exam also allows to evaluate the communication skills of the student, an essential tool for any future designer.
Extended program
Green area design:
- Learn how to deal with a complex problem: introduction to the theory of complex systems;
- Green as a complex system;
- Types and functions of urban and functional green areas;
- Evolution of the concept of parkland and public green;
- The relationship between planning and design;
- Design Criteria;
- Guidelines for the design of open spaces;
- Principles of visual design;
- The problem of accessibility;
- Preliminary operations;
- Lighting of the green areas;
- Brownfield Recovery principles;

Design Elements:
- The basics of the process of perception;
- The perception of space and its laws according to the school of Gestalt;
- The preparatory sketch: the creative phase of the design process;
- The representation of space: the foundations of projective geometry;
- Orthogonal projections and perspective basic principles;
- Forms of digital representation;
- Digital representation in three dimensions
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