Sciences of education
Study-unit Code
Educatore dei servizi educativi per l'lnfanzia
Marco Moschini
  • Marco Moschini
  • 72 ore - Marco Moschini
Course Regulation
Coorte 2021
Learning activities
Discipline filosofiche, psicologiche, sociologiche e antropologiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
In this course two reflections will take place:
1. on the essence of philosophy and its nature.
2. The course will deal with the theme of ”soul and uniqueness“ in two voices of contemporary thought.
Reference texts
E. Mirri, L'essenza della Filosofia, Nuova Edizione, Morlacchi Editore, 2020.

Maria Zambrano, Verso un sapere dell'anima, Raffaello Cortina Editoriale, Milano, 1996.

Maurizio Malaguti, Parva Forma. Ipostesi sull'anima, Edizione Biblioteca Francescana, Milano, 2021

Eligible but not required

M. Moschini, La domanda Filosofica, Carabba, Lanciano, 2015
Educational objectives
1. The Students must prove their comprehension and capacity of understanding the classical philosophical texts, along with a apprehension of the philosophical issues and problems of the history of philosophy.
2. The students must be able to apply the study argument to support and develop a critical awareness, useful to solve the problems in the field of the human sciences and studies education.
3. There must shown the ability to reach the critical judgments on the issues related to this specific discipline.
4. The students have to develop the ability of learning and communication.
5. Interdisciplinary teaching methodology: relationships between philosophy and other forms of knowledge; Philosophy and human sciences and education, philosophy and sciences, philosophy and art, philosophy and history
-the appropriate comprehension of the Western thought and culture

-notions acquired from human sciences in the first semester (general didactics, methodology of the study and history).

-thematic introduction in the speculative concepts "truth” and “person" and the presentation of the theoretical philosophy domain (what is philosophy in its essence).
Teaching methods
face-to-face, seminars
Other information
compulsory workshop lab for the studnets. Pratical training: support seminars; Recommended meetings with researchers and experts
Learning verification modality
The final exam will be a range of the questions on the texts of the course in which the students will have to develop an interconnective capacity of the comprehension of the topics, argumentations and thesis. The acquisition of competences will be evaluated in base of the philosophical texts, reading ability, autonomy in the assessment of the arguments and the ability of the proposed topics of discussion. The examination will be conducted in form of the oral examination and will last about an hour. The vote will be based on a five phases' judgement: 20% of the vote is the first test, 20% is acquired knowledge and the remaining percentage is reading, independent judgment and the ability to debate.
Extended program
During the class will be analyzed the nature of philosophy.

the course will discuss the topic of the "soul and uniqueness" about two of contemporary thought; in particular, the issue of the crisis will be read as an opportunity to find a way of outlining an thinking and a culture of dialogue with the present time.
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