- Course
- Investigation and security sciences
- Study-unit Code
- 40527409
- Curriculum
- In all curricula
- Teacher
- Daniela Falcinelli
- Teachers
- Daniela Falcinelli
- Hours
- 54 ore - Daniela Falcinelli
- 9
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2020
- Offered
- 2021/22
- Learning activities
- Caratterizzante
- Area
- Discipline giuridico-politologiche
- Academic discipline
- IUS/17
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- Italian
- Contents
- The themes of general part which are examined are specified in: 1. The principles The punishment and its functions; the responsibility of the collective bodies. The principle of harm; the principle of the typical fact. The principle of legality; the sub-principles of reserve of law, of determination, of prohibition of analogy, of the not-retroactivity of criminal law. 2. The structure of the crime The typical fact; objective and subjective element; the wrongfulness; the culpability. 3. The forms of manifestation of the crime The attempt. The complicity of people in the crime. The circumstances. Unity and plurality of crimes (notes). 4. The punishability and the consequences of the crime.
- Reference texts
- C.F. Grosso - M. Pelissero - D. Petrini - P. Pisa, Manuale di diritto penale. Parte generale, Giuffrè editore, Milano, 2020 [excluding Part Six - Chapters XXV and XXVI] D. Falcinelli, Dal diritto penale “emozionale” al diritto penale “etico”. Il garantismo costituzionale contro l’illusione di giustizia del populismo penale, in S. Anastasia- M. Anselmi – D. Falcinelli, Populismo penale: una prospettiva italiana, Second edition, Cedam Scienze giuridiche, Wolters Kluwer, Milano, 2020. Codice penale (updated edition)
- Educational objectives
- The course is aimed to make to acquire the tools for critical analysis of the special part of criminal law in its relationship with the constitutional principles and institutions of the General. When the process of learning these basic knowledge, the main skills that the student will be equipped, in terms of the ability to apply their knowledge, will therefore be: - Analyze the crime (general and special part of criminal law) according
rieducativa ed espiativa. Il principio di umanità della pena. La sanzione punitiva amministrativa. La responsabilità degli enti collettivi. Il principio di offensività, la dannosità sociale, i beni costituzionalmente rilevanti. Le forme dell’offesa penale (reati di offesa e reati di scopo; reati di lesione e reati di pericolo). Il principio di tipicità e la nozione di fattispecie. Il principio di legalità; i sottoprincipi della riserva, della determinatezza, del divieto di analogia, dell'irretroattività della legge penale. I limiti spaziali della legge penale. La giustizia penale internazionale. 2. La struttura del reato Il fatto tipico: la condotta; il soggetto attivo; l'evento; il rapporto di causalità; l’elemento soggettivo (il dolo, la colpa, la preterintenzione). L'antigiuridicità e le cause di giustificazione: fondamento, struttura e disciplina; le singole cause di giustificazione; le c.d. cause di giustificazione non codificate. La colpevolezza: la nozione; l'imputabilità; ignorantia legis; le scusanti e i motivi a delinquere; la misura soggettiva della colpa. 3. Le forme di manifestazione del reato Il delitto tentato. Il concorso di persone nel reato. Le circostanze. Unità e pluralità di reati (cenni). 4. La punibilità e le conseguenze del reato Struttura e funzioni delle cause incidenti sulla punibilità (condizioni obiettive di punibilità; cause personali di non punibilità; cause sopravvenute di non punibilità; cause di estinzione della punibilità). La tipologia sanzionatoria (le pene principali e accessorie; le misure di sicurezza: presupposti e funzione; gli effetti penali della condanna; le conseguenze civili del reato).
to an interpretation near to constitutional principles; - Critically check the applicability of an incriminating (general and abstract) to a specific and concrete human story. - Prerequisites
- The study of matter requires knowledge of the basic lines of systematic public law and the ability to apply a logical-deductive method.
- Teaching methods
- The course develops through frontal lectures, in the classroom, on the topics of the course, which will be studied in depth also through the examination and critical discussion of the most significant jurisprudential cases on the penal institutions of reference.
- Other information
- activities of students receiving as calendar published on line
- Learning verification modality
- The exam includes a final oral test, consisting of a discussion lasting about 20-30 minutes depending on the progress of the test itself, divided into questions on different topics. The test is aimed at verifying and assessing the level of knowledge and understanding achieved by the student with respect to the theoretical and methodological contents indicated in the program. In particular, the oral exam, based on the answers provided by the student, will allow to verify and evaluate the acquisition of the exact technical-juridical terminology, of the ability to expose the studied contents, of the ability to argue in order to the current problems concerning the applicability of specific criminal laws. For students with disabilities and / or with DSA, the most appropriate teaching methods and verification of the understanding of the subject will be shared according to the personal needs of the student.
- Extended program
- The didactic project in the teaching of criminal law sets out for the comprehension of the legal institutes and of the criminal concepts which determine the in force code, as applied by the exegesis of doctrine and jurisprudence. The themes of general part which are examined are specified in: 1. The principles The punishment and its functions; the responsibility of the collective bodies. The principle of harm; the principle of the typical fact. The principle of legality; the sub-principles of reserve of law, of determination, of prohibition of analogy, of the not-retroactivity of criminal law. 2. The structure of the crime The typical fact; objective and subjective element; the wrongfulness; the culpability. 3. The forms of manifestation of the crime The attempt. The complicity of people in the crime. The circumstances. Unity and plurality of crimes (notes). 4. The punishability and the consequences of the crime.