Languages, comparative literatures and intercultural translation
Study-unit Code
Lingue e letterature
Stefano Giovannuzzi
  • Stefano Giovannuzzi
  • 36 ore - Stefano Giovannuzzi
Course Regulation
Coorte 2019
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Postmodern fiction in Italy. The course deals with Italian fiction starting from the eighties and investigates the reasons and forms of the so-called postmodern.
Reference texts
The course will deal with narrative works by Eco, Celati, Bufalino, Consolo and more.
More precise indications will be offered at the beginning and during the course.
Educational objectives
The topics covered in the course are aimed at acquiring more in-depth knowledge and skills in relation to an aspect of the history of twentieth-century literature: postmodernism in fiction. The course aims to a) develop a general reflection on postmodernism as one of the significant phenomena of the 20th century; b) to develop a concrete ability to analyze and understand narrative works related to postmodernism. The course aims to provide tools that students are able to use independently, applying them also to texts other than those dealt with in class.
It is important a basic information on the main issues of Italian culture and literature in the Nineteenth and Twentieth century (at least until the Sixties); fundamental a very good knowledge of contemporary Italian language. Basic knowledge of contemporary history (post-World War II) is required.
Knowledge of at least one other European language is appropriate.
Teaching methods
1. Lectures on all the course topics (according to the modalities which will be indicated).
2. Moments of seminar discussion on the texts. Students are encouraged to collaborate actively, even with planned presentation.

In addition, useful materials for the course will be available on unistudium: it is always recommended to check the platform.
Other information
As all the work will be close reading of texts, attendance is strongly recommended.

For not-attending students the definitive program will be available on unistudium by the end of the course.
Learning verification modality
The assessment consists of an oral examination (open questions), which aims to value the skills acquired and the ability to apply them independently at the end of the course. The oral examination lasts about half an hour. The final evaluation will be based on: a) the skills acquired; b) the ability to reprocess the contents of the course; c) the ability to re-use the skills acquired independently. Points b) and c) are critical to a positive evaluation. A paper on one of the topics of the course can be arranged, as part of the oral examination.
Extended program
A first part of the course will be devoted to frame the theoretical and historiographic question of postmodernism in Italy. Then see they will examine the main aspects through significant samples.
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