Languages, comparative literatures and intercultural translation
Study-unit Code
Lingue e studi sulla traduzione
Claudio Vinti
  • Claudio Vinti
  • 54 ore - Claudio Vinti
Course Regulation
Coorte 2020
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Modulo 1 : Le figement.

Modulo 2 Le français non conventionnel.

Modulo 3 : Francophone translation.
Reference texts

ANSCOMBRE (J.-C.), DARBORD (B.) et ODDO (A.), La parole exemplaire, Introduction à une étude linguistique des proverbes, Coll. Recherches, Ed. Armand Colin, Paris, 2012.

CELOTTI (N.), Mots et culture dans tous les sens, Initiation à la lexiculture pour italophones, Utet Università,Torino, 2015.

CHELLI (A.), Expressions et locutions italiennes : exemples, emplois, traductions, Ed. Bordas, Paris, 1995.

GAUGEY (V.) – SHEEREN (H.), Le franç@is dans le mouv'. Le lexique du français contemporain sous toutes ses coutures, Le Lettere, Firenze, 2015.

GONZALEZ REY (I.), Les expressions figées en didactique des langues étrangères, EME (coll. Proximité didactique), Fernelmont, 2007.

GROSS (G.), Les expressions figées en français. Noms composés et autres locutions, Paris, Ophrys, 2000.

LAMAISON (D. et S.), L’étymologie en jeux, De la culture des racines aux racines de la culture, Ed. Ellipses, Paris, 2006..

LAMBERT (J.), La cerise sur le gâteau. 400 expressions, dictons et proverbes en jeux, Ed. Ellipses, Paris, 2008.


BERMAN (A.), La traduction et la lettre ou l'auberge du lointain, Paris, Seuil, 1999.
BOLLETTIERI BOSINELLI (R.), DI GIOVANNI (E.) (a cura di), Oltre l'Occidente: traduzione e alterità culturale, Milano, Bompiani, 2009.
ELEFANTE (Ch.), Traduzione e paratesto, Bologna, BUP, 2012.
LADMIRAL (J.-R.), 2015 (4e édit.), La communication interculturelle, Paris, Les Belles Lettres.


ANGLARD Véronique, Le résumé de texte, Paris, ed. Seuil, 1998.

COLIGNON-BERTHIER, La pratique du style : simplicité, précision, harmonie, Coll. Entre guillemets, Ed. Duculot, Louvain-La-Neuve, 1996.

DALCQ / ENGLEBERT / UYTTEBROUCK / VAN RAEMDONCK, Mettre de l’ordre dans ses idées, De Boeck & Larcier, Paris-Bruxelles, 1999.

LE LAY Yann, Savoir rédiger, Ed. Larousse, Paris, 1997.

MORFAUX Louis-Marie et PREVOST Roger, Résumé et Synthèse de textes : Méthode et Exercices corrigés, Ed. Armand Colin, 2004.

RAMADE Anne, La synthèse de documents. Epreuve de Culture générale et expression BTS. 60 fiches de méthode et exercices corrigés, Ed. Ellipses, 2010

TROUVÉ Alain, Réussir le résumé et la synthèse de textes aux concours, PUF, 2012
Educational objectives
The student will be able to easily understand everything she/he listens to or reads.
She/He will be able to produce a precise and detailed text on a various array of topics.
She/He will be able to express herself/himself in a very precise way, even with particular nuances.
The students must have passed the exam of Lingua francese I (Laurea Magistrale) and have obtained the level C1.
Teaching methods
Academic lessons, oral and written exercises, exposés. All lessons will be given in French. Student collaboration will be appreciated and stimulated by the professor.
Other information
The lessons held by the professor will be in the second semester.
The lessons at Centro Linguistico d'Ateneo will be in the first and second semesters as well.
Learning verification modality
Written and oral exam.
The written exam, which lasts two hours, consists of a synthèse. Only a monolingual dictionary is allowed.
The oral exam lasts 30 minutes and consists of an explanation of the student's research (Francophone translation).
Extended program
The course focuses on the variety of French in time and space, with particular attention to Francophonie. Beginning with different "français de France" the course will arrive at "français d'ailleurs".
The students are invited to use all types of aid in gathering information, from books to online sources in order to familiarize themselves with the problems of multilingual and multimedial communication.
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