International economics and management
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Andrea Runfola
  • Andrea Runfola
  • 63 ore - Andrea Runfola
Course Regulation
Coorte 2019
Learning activities
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The course includes the analysis of the main functions of strategic marketing, the recent trends both in btc and btb context. Specific attention should be given to the issue of marketing research to support strategic marketing decisions. The course is divided into five parts. The first analyzes the analytical dimension related to the dynamics of consumption, with particular reference to the theories that allow to definte effective marketing strategies. In the second part, the main marketing strategies highlighting specifically the relationship between strategic branding and consumption and between the processes of innovation and strategic marketing are presented. In the third part, the course analyzes the dynamics of strategic marketing in business to business environments. It deals with the main characteristics of these markets and describes the main marketing strategies adopted by firms in btb markets. Particular attention is given to the buyer-supplier interface and to the processes of interaction and negotiation. The fourth part deals with the main marketing research methods (both quantitative and qualitative), within the marketing information systems. The last part considers with particular attention new research approaches to the development of effective marketing strategies in the current competitive scenario.
Reference texts
East R., Wright M., Vanhuele M. (2009), Comportamento del consumatore. Applicazioni per il marketing, Milano, Apogeo Education - Maggioli Editore: Cap. 1,2,3,4,5
Luceri B., (2013), Prospettive della ricerca di marketing Cap. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13, Milano, EGEA
Tunisini A. (2017), Marketing BTB. Capire e gestire le relazioni tra imprese, Milano, Hoepli Cap. 1,2,3,5,6,8,9,10

SLIDE – DISPENSA «MARKETING STRATEGICO E RICERCHE DI MERCATO 2020-2021» scaricabile dal sito del corso

Mahlotra N.K., Nunan K., Birks D.F. (2017), Marketing research: an applied approach, fifth edition, Pearson
(chapters: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,17,18, 29,30)
Educational objectives
This course is an advanced Marketing course. It examines the issues of strategic marketing with an emphasis on the new dimensions related to the concept of Marketing. The main objective of the course is to provide students with knowledge and skills related to the main functions of strategic marketing and to the marketing research tecniques.
The main knowledge will be:

- Knowledge about the most important dynamics of change in consumption
- Advanced knowledge about the relationship between brand and consumer
- Knowledge in terms of alternative marketing strategies
- Knowledge about the setting of marketing strategies in btb contexts
- Main methods of qualitative research and new approaches to marketing research
- Main methods of quantitative research and their use for strategic marketing

The main skills (the ability to apply knowledge) will be:

- To analyze consumer behavior
- To identify alternative marketing strategy in btc contexts
- To identify alternative marketing strategy in btb contexts
- To develop a strategic marketing plan
- To develop a plan of marketing research
In order to understand the topics covered in the course students are required to know basic marketing and basic management.
Teaching methods
The course is organized as follows:
- Lectures on all subjects of the course
- Seminars
- Project work
Other information
Please refer to the web page of the Department of Economics at the following address: www.econ.unipg.it.
Learning verification modality
The exam is a written exam with open answer questions. The written test consists of five open questions. The test (1 hour and 15 minutes) is designed to verify the knowledge and skills covered in the course. For the purposes of the final evaluation, it is also considered the result of the discussion of a project work related to the topics covered in the course and that students may have made on a voluntarily basis.
Extended program
The course includes the analysis of the main functions of strategic marketing, the recent trends, both in btc and btb context. Specific attention should be given to the issue of marketing research to support strategic marketing decisions. The course is divided into five parts. The first analyzes the analytical dimension related to the dynamics of consumption, with particular reference to the theories that allow to definte effective marketing strategies. In the second part, the main marketing strategies highlighting specifically the relationship between strategic branding and consumption and between the processes of innovation and strategic marketing are presented. In the third part, the course analyzes the dynamics of strategic marketing in business to business environments. It deals with the main characteristics of these markets and describes the main marketing strategies adopted by firms in btb markets. Particular attention is given to the buyer-supplier interface and to the processes of interaction and negotiation. The fourth part deals with the main marketing research methods (both quantitative and qualitative), within the marketing information systems. The last part considers with particular attention new research approaches to the development of effective marketing strategies in the current competitive scenario.
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