Socioanthropological studies for integration and social security
Study-unit Code
Migrazione e integrazione
Silvia Fornari
  • Silvia Fornari
  • 54 ore - Silvia Fornari
Course Regulation
Coorte 2019
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The Welfare State Italiani s not very different from the European standards, but he distinguishes regarding the voice “social spends”, absorbed to a large extent from the Pension system, to answer to the functions of “old age and survivors”. In this picture they appear instead, strongly the tied up functions to the voices: “family”, “unemployment”, “young people”, “housing situation” and “social exclusion”. In this context, the course aims to analyze the concept of "capabilities" and how to develop them in terms of individual and collective also with a view to identifying ways and means to promote the growth of "Italy System".
Reference texts
Texts for examen:
1) Saraceno C., Welfare State. Modelli e dilemmi della cittadinanza sociale, Il Mulino, Bologna 2013;
2) Paci M., Pugliese E. (a cura di), Welfare e promozione delle capacità, il Mulino, Bologna 2011.
Text for Erasmus Students:
1) Nussbaum M.C., Creating Capabilities. The Human Development Approach, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge (Mass.) – London 2011.
Educational objectives
The course is divided into three parts:
First part (12 h): introduction to the course and a brief excursus on the birth of the concept of social welfare in Western countries;
Second part (12 h): the distribution of social goods;
Third part (12 h): the concept of capabilities introduced by Amartya Sen and Martha C. Nussbaum and the promotion of social skills in contemporary societies.
The main acquisitions will be:
Knowledge of social welfare systems and the crisis of the same;
Fundamental features of the function and development of social capabilities.
The main skills (ie the ability to apply acquired knowledge) will be:
Able to analyze the socio-economic context;
Identify the critical elements of social-political welfare systems.
In order to be able to deepen and develop a critical analysis of the issues that will be addressed in the course, you must know the basics of general sociology. In specific knowledge concerning: the social roles, the concept of social status and the reasons for the transition from traditional society to modern society.
Teaching methods
The course is organized in:
- frontal classroom lessons on all subjects of the course;
- supplementary seminars that will be organized by the lecturer or his / her co-ordinators on issues of in-depth study.
CdS - UniStudium website for further information.
Other information
Supplementary seminars that will be organized by the teacher or by colleagues of the Security Council on issues of deepening.
Lessons are highly recommended, but not mandatory.
Learning verification modality
The course is organized as follows :
- Lectures on all the topics of the course ;
- Supplementary seminars that will be organized by the teacher or by colleagues of the Security Council on issues of deepening.
Extended program
The Italian welfare state is not very different from European standards, but it is distinct from the "social expenditure", absorbed largely by the pension system, to respond to the "old age and survivors" functions. In this context, the functions related to the headings: "family", "unemployment", "young people", "housing situation" and social exclusion "are heavily underdeveloped. This is a functional distortion that can not be found in any other European country. Italy suffers in terms of distribution, highlighting a clear gap in protection between different occupational categories. There are several groups: the guaranteed (employees of public administrations and large enterprises); Semi-guaranteed (employees, self-employed and atypical workers); Unsecured (non-regular workers).
In this regard, the course proposes to analyze the concept of "capacity" and how to develop them in individual and collective terms, also in the perspective of identifying intervention modes to favor the growth of "Italy Sistem". I
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